
The legend of Alandir

​A lost stone has been longed for millennia, a forbidden stone that grants immortality, taking it from the gods. An ordinary young man finds the desired stone and sets out on an adventure to destroy it, but not before dealing with the temptation of possessing it.

Carl_Thomson_6335 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

The architecture of the station reminded Alfred of the Victorian era. On the wide roof, there was a large crystalline dome adorned with Gothic arches, from where the sunlight came in. The train station was a special place where elements of both worlds converge.

Upon getting off the train, Merydia took Alfred's hand and began to walk without apparent direction throughout the station, while Alfred just let himself be pulled and carried by her steps. They walked everywhere excited as they collided with the thick crowd that overwhelmed them and barely allowed them to move forward. Alfred was just trying to hold on tightly to Merydia's hand without her hand slipping due to the constant pulling.

Among the crowd were people with strange clothing, some looked like they were from the Victorian era, however others were wearing Celtic or medieval European style clothing, wearing red, green, blue hoodies, some with wide robes and pointed hats, like magicians' hats. Others with golden canes with shiny stones of different colors.

They left the train station and were greeted by a large colorful city with peculiar architecture. Pointed arches, overly ornate towers and buildings, stone paths and bridges predominated, it seemed that he had traveled through time to a remote era. Alfred stood admiring the city, marveling at everything he saw around him.

Meanwhile, Merydia proceeded to take out a flute from one of her pockets and played a soft melody.

"what are you doing?" - Alfred asked when he saw Merydia playing the flute.

"Look, up in the sky" - Merydia responded, pointing towards the clouds and suddenly, they saw a gigantic eagle descend from above and land in front of both of them.

"This is our means of transportation now." - said Merydia

"Where are we going?" - Alfred asked as he climbed on the back of the eagle and Merydia on the front, taking the reins.

"You'll see, don't worry, just follow me, trust me, now hold on tight Alfred because we will fly very fast." Merydia responded and immediately, she shook the reins of the eagle signaling the departure. The animal's wings rose and spread, then the eagle gave a small jump and flew into the skies. As he flew away, a strong gust of wind pushed Alfred's face and hair back, but he held on tightly to avoid falling.

The eagle rose so high that both could see the clouds spreading between their faces. When they looked down, they could see the green valleys and forests of Alandir, a great blue river that crossed in the middle of the earth, the virgin snow-capped mountains. like a Swiss postcard, and the different cities and towns that looked tiny in contrast to the natural wonders.

 However, something showed up in the distance, on the horizon, it was a dark and gloomy world, from which a yellow aura of a slightly reddish hue emanated. A purple haze monopolizes that place like a blanket that spreads across the sky covering that strange world, it was similar to smog pollution. That fog reminded Alfred of the thick fog that occurs on rainy mornings and that covers almost the entire vision of the natural panorama, like when one goes out to the forest or the mountains in the morning.

"What is that dark and foggy place?" - Alfred asked.

"That is the other half of Alandir, its name is Doriam, Alfred, there are many dangers in that place and it is better that we stay away from there no matter what lies ahead." - Merydia responded.

"There is a large mountain range called No Man's Land" - said Merydia - "That mountain range separates our kingdom Alandir from Doriam, we should never cross there since there are monsters of all kinds that will attack us if they see us crossing the mountain."

However, Alfred continued to be curious about that half of Alandir, so different from the rest and so full of death and destruction.

"It's here, we have arrived!" -Merydia said, shouting at the sky and pointing down with her index finger. They had arrived at a land whose buildings were established between two large green mountains, full of green trees and bushes. It was a large city built of stone and shiny white marble. They could see palaces and temples with pillars of all kinds, pointed in a Gothic style, but also other straighter pillars, others forming circular arches, all adorned with engravings on them. Cascades of crystalline water emanated from some pillars that flowed into a greenish-blue lake of almost impeccable appearance.

"We have arrived!" - Merydia shouted again. - "Look Alfred, this is the city of the gods, called Mildrair. Here lives the goddess Roa, whom I have to introduce to you."

As they got off the eagle, a group of guards approached, armed with spears, carrying circular shields, Spartan-looking helmets, and golden armor.

"Stop right there! You are not allowed to enter this sacred place." - said the guards as they pointed their spears directly at the faces of Merydia and Alfred.

"Guards, put down your weapons!" - A female voice was heard emanating from a hallway that led to a wide staircase of glowing white limestone. Alfred and Merydia began to look everywhere to be able to identify where that voice was coming from.

"At your command, Your Majesty." - the guards replied as they placed their spears on their shoulders and made a formation, showing formidable military discipline, then proceeded to withdraw orderly from the scene. They made way and from the limestone stairs, a young-looking blonde woman began to slowly descend, with crystal blue eyes, long hair that reached to her waist, wearing a golden tiara and a white dress decorated with light green.

"Greetings Merydia, it's nice to see you again, who's coming with you?"

"I am Alfred, his majesty I come from the other world." - He responded while making a subtle bow.

"Hmmm... I can see that, Alfred. And tell me how I can help you?"

"Well, I found the forbidden stone, the stone of immortality, at least that's what Merydia told me."

"By the gods! Are you talking about the stone of Elendor?" - She responded in surprise.

"Yes, that exactly."

"This is great news for us and for you too."

"Why for me?"

"Give me your hand."

Alfred proceeded to extend his arm. Rowa touched her hand and ran the finger on which she was wearing a ring.

"I'm feeling an energy emanating from you, Alfred. Something tells me that you are special, but you don't have to jump for joy just yet. We have to discuss this with the Royal Council."

"But what is happening? Could someone explain to me?" - Alfred said, turning around in confusion.

"You will know very soon, little one, don't be mortified, come with us, we will talk to the Royal Council and your doubts will be clarified right there."