
The Lawless Zhao Couple

'Never above you, never below you, always beside you.' ................ "Get out!" " Yes, sir."Long Xia said as she headed for the door. "Not you, Xia. It's them am telling to leave, not you."Zhao Haoran said as he looked at everyone else in the room gesturing for them with his eyes to get the hell out of there. Zhuo Li and Yang Liu followed the rest out but not before giving Long Xia a wink. Once the two were left alone, Long Xia felt as if the room became smaller as she remained standing in front of this powerful male god. "Have a seat."Zhao Haoran offered. Long Xia sat down and fisted her hands on her laps, under the table due to anxiousness. The silence dragged on and this made her more anxious and she finally decided to break the silence. "Is there something you want from me, sir?" "Yes. I want you to be my wife."He answered straight fowardly surprising her to the core. ........ What will happen when two powerful people are bonded in sudden matrimonial union? Cities will be destroyed, their rivals will beg for their lives and they will conquer their world with love, trust and ruthlessness. Long Xia, later Zhao Xia, daughter of a very distinguished family in Japan and wife of the most powerful man in China, is suddenly targeted by a mafia lord, for revenge. However, the man only knows her as Katana, the woman known in the underworld for her prowess in wielding a katana. Here is a twist; this mafia lord is married to Zhao Xia's bestfriend, Yang Liu. What will happen to to their relationship,when chaos thrives? In the end, who will Yang Liu choose? Her husband or her best friend? Another twist is that, there's an even greater enemy waiting quietly in the shadows. After his laid out plans are executed to perfection, he will strike when they all least expect it. *****Book cover does not belong to me. Credit goes to the owner .******

jenna_j · Urban
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A week trickled by and the day for Zhao Haoran's business trip to Japan arrived. His flight was scheduled for 4:00 pm, so he did some office work before leaving for the airport. He had already arranged with Zhao Xia that they would meet at the airport at exactly 3:30 pm.

In the afternoon, dressed in a casual outfit,Zhao Xia sat on one of the VIP lounge chairs, and placed her suitcase next to her. A handsome young man came up to her and sat on the seat nearby. Feeling his gaze upon her, Zhao Xia turned to look at him.

"Is there anything you need, sir?" She asked politely.

"Yes, you." He bluntly declared.

Zhao Xia was quite taken aback by his brave declaration.

She chuckled before responding. "And what's that supposed to mean, sir?"

"Please, call me Lee."

"Okay, Lee. You haven't answered my previous question."

"Can you be my woman?"

Okay, this man was far from insane. He was bizarre.

"Sorry, I have to kindly reject you, Lee."

He frowned a bit. "And why is that?"

"Because she is already married." Zhao Haoran spoke as he approached the duo and sat between them.

"Oh....My bad. It's just that she is too beautiful."


Lee stood up from his seat and walked away leaving the couple alone.

"What was he saying to you?"

"That he wanted me to be his woman."

"You shouldn't speak to boys like him." Zhao Haoran said, emphasizing on the word, boys.

Zhao Xia chuckled. "Why? Are you jealous?"

He turned his head away. "Of course not."

"Sure, you aren't ."

A flight attendant approached them and in a respectful tone, told them that their flight was ready. She led them to Zhao Haoran's private jet and took their suitcases, placing it in the luggage compartments

Zhao Xia marvelled at the interior design of the plane. Everything screamed posh. Zhao Haoran led her to a window seat and sat next to her. Another flight attendant approached them with drinks and served them.


After a five hour flight, they landed in Japan.The two alighted the plane and made their way to the airport lobby. Luo Qing, Zhao Haoran's secretary,led them to an awaiting Mercedes Benz and drove them to a luxurious hotel where the two would be staying.He had arrived a day before to make preparations for the meeting his boss would have later.

Zhao Xia had not informed her family of her whereabouts in Japan, because she wanted to surprise them.

Zhao Haoran had earlier booked the penthouse of the hotel and when they arrived, the hotel staff guided them there.

Because they were both jetlagged, they collapsed on the bed and not even a minute had passed before they were completely knocked out.

Zhao Xia was the first to wake up at about 11:00 pm. She made her way to the bath tub and soaked in the warm water which helped calm her nerves and relax her body. After the bath, she headed back to the bedroom and found Zhao Haoran seated on the bed whilst rubbing his tired eyes. She pressed a kiss on his lips and asked him to take a shower as she prepared a light dinner for them.

When in the kitchen, she found that there were some groceries and other food items, the staff had put in the fridge, in case they needed them.

In less than thirty minutes, Zhao Xia had prepared dinner and set it on the kitchen counter. Zhao Haoran entered the kitchen in time with her placing some vegetable salad in a bowl. He walked to her and gave her a hug from behind.

"I will be busy for this one week and it will be hard for us to see one another, so allow me to become too clingy for tonight." He murmured before holding her hand and tugging her to the counter stools to have dinner. After dinner, Zhao Xia washed the dishes as a suddenly clingy someone hugged her from the side whilst peppering soft kisses on her head.

"Stop that, it's ticklish." She said when he started to trail kisses on her nape.

"But I want to." He protested, revealing a small pout.

Zhao Xia looked at him and chuckled before murmuring. " Cute."

"Cute? Did you just call me cute? People say that I am a heartless and cold man and you call me cute. Sweetheart, you are ruining my proper image."

"Okay, Mr. Heartless and cold. Does that satisfy you?" She scoffed as she removed the washing gloves and apron.

"No. But something else will satisfy me."


"How about we go to bed and I will show you." He teased.

"Okay." Zhao Haoran was taken aback. He had noticed that lately she had been easily agreeing to anything he requested from her. Was she trying to give him a signal or something?

Pushing back those thoughts to the back of his head, he suddenly picked her up and carried her, bridal style, to the bedroom. He laid her on the bed and observed if there was even an ounce of reluctance in her eyes. Observing none, he swooped in and kissed her luscious lips. What was supposed to be a soft, heartfelt kiss suddenly turned to a ferocious, hungry kiss.

When he pulled away, he earned a mumble of disapproval from Zhao Xia.

"Patience, sweetheart." He chuckled as he removed his shirt. Zhao Xia marvelled at those sexy abs and biceps, practically drooling over them. He then leaned in again capturing her lips. She locked her arms behind his neck, keeping him in place. He then proceeded to remove her shirt, revealing her bare chest since she hadn't wore a bra after her shower earlier. He immediately fell in love with her full twin peaks.

Zhao Haoran took one of them in his mouth, while his one hand flicked and moulded the other, earning a moan from Zhao Xia. That sexy sound excited him quite further and his friend down there began twitching.

After that sweet torture, Zhao Haoran proceeded to remove her pajama shorts and inner cloth displaying a perfect 'sculpture' of the woman he called his wife. Damn, he had perhaps saved a whole country in his previous life to be gifted this perfect woman.

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