
The Lawless Zhao Couple

'Never above you, never below you, always beside you.' ................ "Get out!" " Yes, sir."Long Xia said as she headed for the door. "Not you, Xia. It's them am telling to leave, not you."Zhao Haoran said as he looked at everyone else in the room gesturing for them with his eyes to get the hell out of there. Zhuo Li and Yang Liu followed the rest out but not before giving Long Xia a wink. Once the two were left alone, Long Xia felt as if the room became smaller as she remained standing in front of this powerful male god. "Have a seat."Zhao Haoran offered. Long Xia sat down and fisted her hands on her laps, under the table due to anxiousness. The silence dragged on and this made her more anxious and she finally decided to break the silence. "Is there something you want from me, sir?" "Yes. I want you to be my wife."He answered straight fowardly surprising her to the core. ........ What will happen when two powerful people are bonded in sudden matrimonial union? Cities will be destroyed, their rivals will beg for their lives and they will conquer their world with love, trust and ruthlessness. Long Xia, later Zhao Xia, daughter of a very distinguished family in Japan and wife of the most powerful man in China, is suddenly targeted by a mafia lord, for revenge. However, the man only knows her as Katana, the woman known in the underworld for her prowess in wielding a katana. Here is a twist; this mafia lord is married to Zhao Xia's bestfriend, Yang Liu. What will happen to to their relationship,when chaos thrives? In the end, who will Yang Liu choose? Her husband or her best friend? Another twist is that, there's an even greater enemy waiting quietly in the shadows. After his laid out plans are executed to perfection, he will strike when they all least expect it. *****Book cover does not belong to me. Credit goes to the owner .******

jenna_j · Urban
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


"That's what we were paid to do."

"Oh okay...so you are fine with me telling my people to go kill the members of your family with no reason, huh?"

"We are a gang. We don't have family members."

" Are you sure about that?" Zhao Haoran asked the man who had answered his question.

Seeing their silence, he gestured for the two men who stood near the door. "Bring them in."

The gang members looked at each other in confusion.

A while later, four women, six children and two elderly women, who seemed confused as to what was going on, were brought in. Zhao Haoran gestured for them to take seats on the couches.

"Do you still have no family members?"

Silence ensued. " Cat got your tongue?"

"Sir, whoever you are please let go of them. It is us you want to punish. Don't involve them, they are innocent." Baldie, one of the gang members said as he fell onto his knees and bowed.

"So you recognize that they are innocent?What about all the people you killed before that night at the Redcan Alley?" Zhao Haoran questioned as he looked at Zhao Xia who had beckoned one of the kids to come to her. He watched as she made the seemingly four year old boy sit on her lap and patted his hair whilst whispering something in his ear which made the boy smile.

"What do you want from us?" One of them asked.

"I want you to join my Underworld base." Zhao Haoran's attention returned to the gang members.


"No?" Zhao Haoran asked as a sly smirk appeared on his face. "Okay, I won't force you, however, I hate to break this to you but this will be the last time you see the light of the day ever again."


"I wanted to give you a leeway by offering you an opportunity to join the base but it seems that you don't want to hence you will be punished for what you have done by avenging the lives of those you killed."

"But you have also killed!" One of them shouted.

"I have never killed someone in my entire life. I just leave that work to my subordinates. Besides, they kill those who deserve death." Zhao Haoran shrugged his shoulders.

"So am giving you the last chance, join my base or lose your lives. Choose."

After a moment of silence, they all stood up and bowed their heads. "We acknowledge you as our new boss."

"Good. My people will show you your new rooms. As for your families, you will get to see them twice per six months.And don't worry about them, I will ensure their safety."

Two guards escorted the women and children out while four guards escorted the gang members, in another direction.

Zhao Haoran, Zhao Xia and Zhao Tai were the only ones left in the white room. "Umm...bro, there are some things you need to check on first before you go. I will wait for you in the office." Zhao Tai said as he left the room.

Zhao Haoran tugged Zhao Xia closer to him and draped his arm on her shoulder. "Did I look cool when dealing with those guys?"

Zhao Xia chuckled before answering. "Yes you did. I felt like devouring you at that time."

"We can go for a quickie if you want." He suddenly said as he winked at her.

"Why not?" She answered as she winked back and proceeded to bite her lip and then released it ever so slowly causing Zhao Haoran to gulp. Truly, he expected a shy response from her but she...she even went as far as biting those pink, sexy lips of hers causing someone down there to become quite excited.

"Don't ...do that." He said as he looked away holding back from devouring her.

Zhao Xia chuckled as she turned his head towards her and kissed him surprising him quite again.He didn't have time to ponder what was going on as he held her and sat her on his lap in a way that she was straddling him. Her hands automatically rested on his shoulders as they proceeded their little make out session. When they separated, Zhao Haoran slightly bumped their foreheads together as he whispered in a hoarse voice. " I wish we were in bed right now."

Zhao Xia laughed before suddenly looking down. Whatever she saw, she was not ready for it. Why was it so...so big? She quickly averted her eyes earning a low chuckle from him.


"Quite...quite surprised."

"So are you gonna help me deal with it?"

"Deal with it yourself. I am going to see my friends." She said as she pecked his lips before quickly leaving his lap.

She left the room leaving Zhao Haoran hot and bothered on the sofa. "You little temptress." He muttered as he leaned his head on the sofa and put his arm on his eyes attempting to calm himself down. He will conquer her one of these days.He swore as he stood up and headed towards the door.

Zhao Xia walked down the hall leading to the sniper unit.Along the way, whoever saw her would greet her in respect and admiration before proceeding to do what they were doing. She also observed that not many things had changed since the last time she was here, expect some upgrades here and there.

When she reached the sniper unit, she saw about twenty women and men practicing their shots. She spotted three people, two men and a woman seated on a bench and smiled. Old days.These three had shared a special bond with her and were the people she had trained with, in the sniper unit before she left for the J.U. Now the three had been promoted to being drillmasters of the sniper unit but look at them, they were seated comfortably, drinking from juice boxes in stead of instructing the trainees. Old habits never change. She chuckled before heading towards the bench.

"You never change, do you?" She questioned as she sat down next to them. They turned their heads in unison to look at the intruder. When they recognized her, the juice boxes in their hands fell to the ground. Surprise was etched on their faces.

"Xia?" The woman, Song Meng, asked in disbelief.

Zhao Xia smiled in response.

"How? When? What?" Song Jung, Song Meng's twin brother asked.

"I decided to accompany my husband today so I took the opportunity to come visit you."

"Your husband? ...Wait, Boss is your husband? You are the woman he introduced as our other boss a few hours ago?" Lin Hui, the other man, asked.


Dramatically, they put their hand over their mouth in shock.