
The Lawless Quintet

Tdsoa_987 · Teen
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46 Chs

Chapter 27

Everywhere you look, it's coverd in snow, even the trees, there's no point moving the snow out of the drive way because it's snowing and it will cover the drive way again and again..

It was very calming with birds chirping... That was until someone screamed 'Aventurine'

"Waaaahh!!! Come back AVENTURINE!!! If you DIE I'm going to KILL MYSELF!!!"

Bibi shouted on her pillow as she threw a tantrum. She was playing honkai star rail, doing the main quest which she was delaying it... but when Aventurine, the man she wanted to SMASH 'died' she started crying...

"Waaaaah! Come the hell back!!! First FIREFLY than YOU!?! Waaaaaaaaahhh!!"

The door suddenly slammed open, it was her grandfather holding a frying pan, pointing it at Bibi.

"If you're not going to help go out!"

Bibi immediately got up and left her grandmother's house, she was staying in her grandmother's house because she had breakfast there.

After being kicked out her grandmother's house, she was walking around... let's not say that, she was going somewhere. She brought Effe with her because she wanted to let him stay with her uncle and his family

Now standing infornt a house, she sighed walking to the door and ringing the bell. The door open and Lili stood there wavipng at Bibi.

"hello- hm? Is uncle and aunty not here?"

"mommy and brother went to the market and daddy is sleeping."

Lili said as she turned to Effe before smiling.

"It's alright Sister! You can let Effe stay here again"

"Haha... thank you Lili, oh Lili the rules are same as usual alright?"

Lili nodded at Bibi, Bibi asked her what the rules are so Lili started saying the rules.

"don't feed Effe Beef, don't let lock him in a room, don't leave him alone if he isn't sleeping because he'll feel lonely"

Bibi nodded at Lili as she handed Effe to her.

"Take good care of him ok? I'll come the day after tomorrow and pick him up ok?"

Lili nodded, taking Effe inside the house as Bibi left, going back home.

"Enzo and Vinter won't be there because they have music practice... Alastor isn't there too... Topaz said she's sick, what to do now."

Bibi thought as she took out a cigarette and lit it.

"I wonder..."

She stopped walking, and looked down at the snow before kneeling down. She threw her ciggerate away in the dustbin as she made a snowball and tried eating it... but thankfully she was stopped...

"Bibi... what are you going trying to eat snow?"

Vinter asked as Enzo was running towards them.

"Uh- I mean, the snow looks all tasty..."

Bibi sighed as she got up turning to Vinter before asking how the two of them are here.

"The snow is full of dirt alright, don't eat it"

Enzo said and Vinter spoke in between—

"Our rehearsal finished, just few minutes ago to we saw you trying to eat snow."

"Oh right right... but anyways-"

Bibi said before she picked up snow and threw it at Vinter and Enzo and ran away as Vinter chased him while Enzo was just standing because the snow went inside his mouth...

"HAHAHHAHAHA, Why're you running!?!"

Vinter asked smiling as he soon caught up to Bibi and picked her up. Like how you pick up cats.

"ugh... Let me goo!"

Bibi tried to wiggle out but it was no use... Vinter picked some snow and put it inside Bibi's shirt, letting her go and she fell to the ground. Vinter decided to cover Bibi in the snow, another hand came to help Vinter cover Bibi in the snow, after successfully covering Bibi is snow, Vinter looked at the person the hands belonged to thinking it was Enzo... but it was Alastor instead...

Vinter flinched slightly, didn't expecting it to be Alastor.

"What're you doing here?"

"No, what are you doing"

Alastor asked as he sat on the snow, Vinter said that he was burying Bibi in the snow and Alastor nodded...

"Vinter- oh Alastor too, hello. Did you guys see Bibi? I thought you caught her... did she escape?"

Enzo asked as he tilted his head slightly.

Suddenly! the snow in a particular area started to shake! and someone raised from the snow... IT WAS A MONSTER!?! haha... no, It's Bibi, covered in snow...

"I came back from the death!"

Bibi said as she started shivering, she sat down on the snow with Alastor, Enzo and Vinter.

"Anyone one of you want to be kind enough and give me a coat or something"

The three boys went quiet and turned away, they didn't want to take their coats or jackets off either so they just let Bibi freeze.

"You're all shit..."

Bibi mumbled before putting her hands in her pocket to take her phone out but realised it wasn't there... and her soul left her body...



"Don't come back again."

Alastor said to Bibi's soul which was already leaving earth.

well anyways... later on-

"Found it yet?"

Bibi asked she looked through the snow for her phone.


Vinter replied back, the four of them were looking for Bibi's phone which suddenly vanished in the snow...

"You sure you bought it?"

Enzo asked to which Bibi nodded and said she was just holding it before she bend down to eat snow.

"Why am I being dragged into this..."

Alastor scoffed as he gave up and crossed his arms.


Bibi turned stopped looking through the snow as she stood up straight and turned to Alastor.

"Isn't it your phone? why are we getting dragged into this, it's your fault for being careless and dropping your phone."

Alastor made a annoyed look at Bibi, and she made the same expression...

Vinter and Enzo in the background chose not to interfere and they continued looking for the phone.

"Well, it's not like I'm the only one that's careless, and it's also not like I'm the first person in the world to lose my phone."

"That's not the point shithead."

"Yea? so what is huh? is the point that you couldn't even stand up for yourself in front of your father?"

Bibi said, she didn't mean it but it just came out of her mouth... Before she knew it, she was already laying on the snow, her left cheek was stinging as Alastor... his expression couldn't be explained, just know that he wasn't happy... and he was grabbing Bibi's collar too.


Enzo's voice could be heard, it looked like he was running towards the two of them. Bibi just closed her eyes, and when she opened her eyes again she was greeted with a room's ceiling. Bibi moved her eyes around the room, it was her room. Jun there, talking with someone and that someone was Enzo and Vinter.