
The Lawless Quintet

Tdsoa_987 · Teen
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46 Chs

Chapter 26

'Ran! Ran come down! wear warm clothes first!'

'Ok! I'm bringing Effe too!'

"haa.... this child, can't live without you that dog."

Her grandmother said as she held a shovel in her hands, wearing gloves and warm clothes, and so did Jun.

"It's alright grandm, you know what Ran was like... but see, she came."

Jun said as he turned to the door, Bibi came running out with Effe on a leash.

"Damn! look at all this snow! It's so cold isn't it Effe?!"

Bibi said as Effe ran around and rolled in the snow.

"Ran kid! come here and help us!"

The grandmother said as she extanded her hand, holding a shovel.

"Alright Alright...!"

Bibi sighed as she let go of Effe, walking towards her grandmother and taking the shovel. The three of them cleared the snow that was blocking their pathway, it could've been done with one the grandmother and Jun but the grandmother thought Bibi should come out and help them too.

"Grandma, I'm going out alright, I can't take Effe with me so Jun, take good care of him."

Bibi said before she ran out, wearing grey hoodie, thick socks with dark green dinosaur slippers.

"Haha, she must've wanted to meet her friends."

Jun smiled as he took his grandmother back inside the house, along with Effe.




Bibi was running down the road, it was steep but coverd his snow... and because she was running she had trouble slowly down... right when she was about to fall, she thought 'Think Bibiran think! A extremely hot guy catches you as you are about to fall!' and lo and behold, she saw Hyeon so she closed her eyes and smiled as she tripped...


Hyeon... he just stood there, watching Bibi who was in the ground...

Bibi didn't even move...

"Get up, your embarrassing."

Hyeon said as he helped Bibi get up... and yes Bibi was having a nosebleed, who wouldn't after falling on the ground hitting their face...

"waaa!! my face... !"

Bibi said as she than realised that she was having a nosebleed, looking on the snow that had a puddle of blood...

Those two were sitting in the park, with Bibi holding a cotton to her nose, and also drinking a juice.

"I really think that you should say thank you when I got you juice."

Hyeon sighed as he turned to Bibi, he had his eyes open not to mention.

"But still, you should've catched me"

"...You really are annoying..."

He said as he turned away, rubbing his temples...

"What nice slippers."

Bibi looked down at her shoes, her green dinosaur slippers.

"I know right."

"But what were you even doing with your eyes closed and smiling while you knew you are literally falling."

"I was hoping for a extremely hot guy to catch me and say 'hey babygirl, are you alright~?' "

"Don't daydream, but it's not like I care."

"Damn... why are you so rude."

"So what, saying as if you're not"


"Fuck you."

Bibi said as he threw the cotton away because her nosebleed ended, Hyeon bought a bottle of water and gave it to her so that she could clean the blood in her face (nose)

Behind the tree, was Topaz and Alastor, watching Bibi and Hyeon secretly.

"Young love."

Topaz sniffed proudly before turning to Alastor.

"What are you doing here anyways. And since when did you come here"

"Came here just few minutes ago, and I'm here because I saw you here, decided to see what you were watching."

Alastor replied, saying that he saw Topaz, behind the tree watching something so he decided to join her.

"What are they anyways?"

"Shut up, they are interacting."

Topaz said, and weirdly enough, her face was suddenly handsome...


"I wonder if Hyeon likes Bibi."

Topaz whispered to Alastor, and he replied saying probably not.

"Yea for real, oh and did I ever mention, we look like stalkers."

Topaz said as she turned to Alastor before leaving because she didn't want to look like a stalker...





Bibi shouted as she stood up, Hyeon was just confused on why she shouted...

"Something wrong..?"

Bibi shook her head as she bend down, picking up some snow and than throwing it at Hyeon.

"Why the hell did you do that..."

Hyeon asked as he wipped his face.

"Can't I do it? it's my wish afterall."

Bibi said as she threw a chunk of snow at Hyeon before she started running away because Hyeon was chasing her to throw the snowball at her face...


Bibi turned to Hyeon and catched a can of soda and raised her eyebrows.

"Well damn. Anyways your welcome"


"Shouldn't it be thank you? how rude."

Hyeon said before he left, after dropping Bibi to her house... She didn't understand why but all she cared about was seeing Effe again.

"Ran, I'm heading back home alright? It seems Lili has a fever that's why, oh and Grandma also went to the pharmacy to buy medicine and won't be back until midnight so take care of yourself alright?"

Jun said as he put in his shoe.

"Where's Effe."

"...He's in the backyard-"

"...and she's gone..."

Jun sighed as he got up.

"She's still the same when it comes to Effe."

Jun looked behind him, at Bibi before he left the house. Bibi and Effe alone in the house.


Bibi kneeled down and caressed Effe's head. Smiling, she asked Effe.

"Effe, you'll never leave me will you"

"Not like that fucking old bastard right?"

Effe barked and licked Bibi's hand happily.

"Mhm, I knew it, you're not like that fucking bastard. You're the only one, the one and only in the whole world who will actually love me for who I am"

Bibi sat on the ground and pulled out her phone before scoffing.

"Look Effe, a kid fell in the pond and her parents didn't even try saving her that's why she drowned and died. I wish that the little girl haunts her careless and heartless parents, traumatizing them until they go insane than take their own life, they won't end up in heaven but in hell. But the kid will remain here, as a spirit trapped because she only reason she could haunt her parents were because she was trapped in the first the place."

Effe tilted his head, staring at Bibi.

"Oh right, you won't feel the same. You're just so much kind hearted and pure. Say Effe, you hate that old bastard and that whore too right? you're on my side right."

Bibi smiled at Effe before keeping her phone away, taking Effe back inside the house and the two of them went upstairs to Bibi's room.

Effe fell asleep and Bibi was sitting in her desk writing something, while listening to Mitski. If you're wondering how it because late so fast is because time passed.

"ugh, I'm sleepy."

Bibi thought as she turned to the picture of her and Effe, alongside another women.

"Effe's so cute!"

Bibi said out before she checked the time, it was already 11 o'clock, she wasn't sleepy so she decided to play Honkai Star Rail, but fell asleep soon after.