
The Lawless Quintet

Tdsoa_987 · Teen
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46 Chs

Chapter 22

Enzo and Vinter sat in a blue bench that was next to the tree, looking so serious their eyes couldn't even be seen...

Alastor was walking when he saw the two of them.

"I was looking for both of you, what are you two even doing here?"

Alastor asked, his hands in his school pants pocket.

"We have a problem..."

Enzo said, in a very serious tone.

"Must be Bibi, she's always the problem."

"No... that's not it today..."

Vinter said as he slowly turned to Alastor.

"Come sit down... I'll tell you"

Alastor did a head tilt before sitting next to Enzo, and asking again.

"What's the problem"

"The chair is freshly painted, we're stuck."

Enzo said, turning to Alastor... who was just staring back at the two of them, and he too became serious...

Minutes passed, and so did a hour, they couldn't get up... until...

'one... two... three...!'

The three of the stood up in the count of three, but the bench was stuck to their pants as they needed to bend down... and walk back...

"Reminds me of the past"

Vivi says with a smile...





Bibi laughed, as Topaz was laughing too, kneeling down, grabbing her shirt.

Alastor said glaring at Bibi but that didn't stop her from laughing.

There was blue paint on Alastor, Enzo and Vinter's school shirt and pants.




Bibi was running around because she 'accidentally' slapped Topaz's ass...

"Haha...! she can't- ugh!"

Bibi's face hit the tape on the door as Topaz suddenly appeared, coming from the right, looking like a animal that hasn't been fed for thirdy days...

"Surprise motherfather."

Topaz punched Bibi and suddenly, Bibi was gone, there was a hole in the wall, passing through the girls and boys washroom...

Bibi was sent to the antartica by Topaz...


Bibi shouted as she shivered, standing in the middle of Antarctica... But anyways!

"Hey Topaz, what are you doing here and why is there a hole in the wall."

Enzo asked as he pointed at it, Topaz smiled, saying that someone went flying before she left.

"Hey bro, the food will get cold "

Alastor said as he called Enzo to the cafeteria table.

Many students ran around, there was some drama too... two girls pulling eachother's hair... the typical girl fight in school.


The girl screeched as she tried kicking the other girl! the other girl did a magical block! and she bit the girls hand.

"Sophia!! I sAw yOu TalKinG tO MY bbbhoyiefriend!"

"Shut up Ava!! I wasn't talking to your BOI-FRIEND!!"

"your boyfriend was talking to ME!!"

"*le gasp?!?!*"

"Why would he be TALKING to YoU?! You look LIKE A MESS!"

"And you Look like you're Balding With the Missing HAIRline!"

"The only thing missing, is YOUR DAD! That's why you're such a HOMEWRECKER!"

"*Le Gasp!!*"



(take reference to the original video. just look up 'have you been talking to my boyfriend' that's all I know)

"Sophia really have to say that"

Topaz said, drinking her apple juice along with Vinter.

"Who knows, they always fight for no reason, they're only grade seven are they not"

Vinter shrugged as he leaned back on the table.

Bibi walked back to her school from the Antarctic and now she's sitting on top of the table, face red as it can be, trying not laugh because if she did, it will sound like a bomb that just exploded...

Enzo and Alastor enjoyed the drama happen, and SUDDENLY the boyfriend walks in!


The boyfriend said, Sophia ran to her boyfriend to hug him but she fell to the ground as the boyfriend avoided her and walked towards Ava!?!

"Timmie~! ahh!"

Ava said as she clinged to Timmie, he had ginger hair and cyan eyes! Ed she ran

"Babie gwrol...! Did Sophia hurt you?"

*Le gasp!*

Sophia got up crying as she glared at Ava and Timmie!

"Honey Babes...! H-how... how can you do this to me...?!"

Sophia cried hardly.

"The crying reminds me of Bibi crying when she slipped and fell."

Alastor said and Bibi kicked his head.

"shut the banana up parentless boy"

Alastor then turned to Bibi and glared at her.

"Talking as if you haveone"

"Yea dwag I have, you're just jealous that YOU DON'T HAVE ANY"

Bibi smirked as she took glared at Alastor...

"Bibi! Alastor!"

Enzo said as he turned to them... only to see them already fighting... throwing hands, kicking, pulling hair, slapping, spitting, with eachother...

"Aren't you wearing a skirt Bibi..."

Topaz said as she sighed. Bibi's skirt is below her knee!

"Fork you and your dead ah parents!"

Bibi said as she pulled Alastor cheeks with one hand while the other pulled his hair.

"Same GOES for your fucking dad and dead mom"


"Today is just full of fighting, I wanna join."

Vinter said, watching Bibi and Alastor fight because what will he do getting between them, he's just gonna get beat up instead of helping them.

"I'm out."

Enzo said as he left the cafeteria as his headache became worse and worse everytime...

"So, who's stopping them now."

Topaz asked since Enzo is already gone as he gave up...

"Dunno, let's wait for the student council to come."

"Sure they can stop them, Bibi and Alastor fighting is like two starving bears."


"Nah, I don't think they're actually scared of Rover, you know that time when Alastor knocked him out with a sign board, and Bibi who kicked his eggplant and punched his face?"


Vinter said as he rememberd those memories

"she didn't knock Rover out tho, just man! that kick must've hurt."

"Bloodline ended, anyways, let's bet on who will win

"Alright bet, and I'm betting on the gorilla"

"Than I'll bet on Alastor."

Topaz said as she and Vinter turned back to watch the fight between the two.

After some time, Topaz thought, why did Vinter bet on Bibi, and that's when she remembered that Bibi beat Vinter up once... She didn't mean to tho, Vinter forgave her too... But the other's only knew they fought because Vinter was beaten up, no one actually saw the fight.

Before the fight can even end, the student council came in, rushing.

Vinter waved at the student council as he smiled.

"Rover, Hyeon, hold the two of them back."

Aulia said as she commanded.

Rover held Alastor back, and Hyeon held Bibi back... he was struggling a little holding Bibi back and even if they were being held back, they argued.

Hana turned to Topaz and Vinter before she walked towards them and asked them how the fight started.

"A girl was crying over there—"

Topaz pointed at the area where the girl (Sophia) was crying.

"Than Alastor said that it reminds him of Bibi crying when she fell, Bibi called Alastor orphan—"

Vinter continued the sentence.

"Alastor replied by saying 'Its not like you have parents either, and the fight started."

"So it was Alastor who started it? Alright."

Hana said and than told Topaz and Vinter to go back, the other students left too but some stayed back to see what happens next.