
The Laughing "sun"

In the world of absolute equality, a boy "Sun" was born as an absolute game changer. Believe me, he is worthy of an award as a "Sake of Uniquity Nominee". Good luck following this tale. And now we shall shhhhhh...

BushyMan · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3. The laughter of power.

Sun sat alone in the dimly lit room, munching on a protein bar and lost in thought. He had been on the run for 3 years now, ever since he discovered his abilities and his life was turned upside down. His parents, who had also possessed powers, which he did know nothing about, had mysteriously disappeared, leaving him alone to navigate this dangerous world where everyone wanted a piece of him.

Sun was only 15 years old, but he had already seen and experienced more than most people did in a lifetime. He had travelled to different countries, always staying one step ahead of his followers, who wanted to capture him and use him for their own good. But Sun didn't want that, he didn't want to be a weapon for anyone's cause. He just wanted to find out what happened to his parents and why he was cursed with these powers.

As he looked around the dusty room, Sun couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness and desperation. He was tired of constantly running and hiding, and he yearned for some sense of normalcy in his life. But that seemed like an impossible dream, considering his current situation.

Sun's thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash outside the door. His heart raced as he quickly got up and hid behind a nearby wooden crate. He peered through a small crack and saw a group of people, armed with weapons and wearing masks, entering the room. These were the same people who had been chasing him for years, hoping to capture him and use his powers for their own gain.

Sun clenched his fists, ready for a fight. But before he could make a move, the leader of the group stepped forward and removed his mask, revealing a familiar face. It was one of his childhood friends, Jack, who had also been born with powers.

'Hey 'Laughing Sun', it's been a while,' Jack said with a smirk.

'What do you want, Jack?' Sun asked, his voice full of anger and betrayal. Jack was a friend of Sun's dad, who, like many others, turned evil during the "Grear Instability" incident.

Jack laughed and replied, 'Isn't it obvious? We want your powers, Sun. With them, we can become the most powerful people in the world. Now be a good boy and give yourself up now.'

Sun's blood boiled at the thought of his dad's friend betraying him for his own selfish desires. But he couldn't let them get a hold of him. He had to protect himself and his powers at all costs.

As the two sides engaged in a tense standoff, another group of people burst into the room. These were the so-called villains, who had also been after Sun's powers. Chaos ensued as the two groups began fighting each other, trying to get to Sun.

In the midst of all the chaos, Sun's mind flashed back to his childhood. He remembered his parents telling him that with great power comes great responsibility. And he realized that even though his powers may have caused chaos and destruction, they also brought balance to the universe.

Sun knew what he had to do. He couldn't let either side have his powers. With a determined look on his face, he unleashed his full power, causing a burst of energy that knocked everyone off their feet. As they lay on the ground, Sun disappeared into the darkness, ready to continue his journey and find answers about his past and his powers.

From that day on, Sun became known as the protector of the universe, using his abilities for the greater good and ensuring that no one could use them for evil purposes. And even though he was still on the run, he had a newfound purpose and a sense of peace knowing that he was making a difference in the world.

Jack is a real motherfucker. You'll find out a little bit later :)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

BushyMancreators' thoughts