
The Laughing "sun"

In the world of absolute equality, a boy "Sun" was born as an absolute game changer. Believe me, he is worthy of an award as a "Sake of Uniquity Nominee". Good luck following this tale. And now we shall shhhhhh...

BushyMan · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2.The laughter of joy

His parents' sudden disappearance was never explained and Sun was left on his own in a world that did not understand him. But he never stopped striving to be a better person. As he grew up, Sun discovered his true potential and the extent of his powers.

He could move objects with his mind and even manipulate the sun's energy to his advantage. Despite his unique abilities, he remained humble and used his powers to help others. This made him even more special to the people around him, as no one had ever seen such selflessness in a person.

However, there were some-called "ill" or villians who saw his powers as a threat and tried to capture him for their own gain. This led Sun to constantly be on the run, using his powers to protect himself and those he cared about.

But amidst all the chaos and danger, Sun always found a way to laugh and make light of the situation. He had learned from his parents to always find the good in every situation and to never let fear control him.

And so, Sun became known as the 'Laughing Sun' in the distant world, a symbol of hope and positivity. His journey may have begun with uncertainty and confusion, but he had found his purpose in bringing balance and happiness to a world that desperately needed it.

So, the next time you see the sun shining down on you, remember the story of the 'Laughing Sun' and the power of finding joy in the midst of darkness. This is just the beginning of Sun's journey, and who knows what adventures await him in the future. But one thing is for sure, he will always continue to bring light and laughter wherever he goes.

This is the story of the Laughing Born, the boy who harnessed the power of the sun and used it for good.

Sounds like a great story about a boy who overcame all hardships and stayed a good person. It is like that FOR NOW.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

BushyMancreators' thoughts