
The Last Shinobi

Naruto and Ichigo go threw the struggles of life in the bleach world . Naruto tries to regain himself after the 4th shinobi war and live up to the mantle of 6th Hokage. Ichigo tries to find his place in the world while protecting those he holds dear

Nomad_Playz · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 8: Death (Soul Society Part 5)

On an empty battlefield stood one figure with his blade resting in the palm of his hand. Heaving a sigh, the orange-haired man told the red-head with a stoic expression. "You should have never taken Rukia away cuz' then you wouldn't have been defeated this easily." He spoke whilst turning away from his fallen foe.

"Wait dammit!" the red-head shouted causing Ichigo to halt in his tracks. The ginger turned his head ready to give an ear to his defeated opponent.

"I want you to make sure nothing happens to Rukia." Renji told the ginger with a serious look before passing out from his injuries.

"As if I wasn't going to do that from the start." Ichigo says before resuming his walk until he completely disappeared into the shadows.


"What a useless Vice-captain you are." Spoke a stoic voice as he glanced at the downed 2nd in command of the 6th division.


"Nemo, stand down." Spoke a sadistic voice. Uryu turned to look at where the voice is coming from but saw no one.

"Behind you quincy." Spoke the man as Uryu quickly jumped away from the man.

"Who are you?" asked Ishida as the man slowly started pulling out his blade whilst a sadistic grin spread over his face.

"Me?" the man asked as he placed his hand over his heart. "Well, I am the captain of the 11th division." He spoke but the look on his face showed how little he cared about the title.

"Inoue-san, I want you to get out of here as fast as you can!" Uryu spoke with a face that left no room for any arguments. The young female quickly left the battle whilst wiping sweat from her forehead.

"You really think I would let the most interesting specimen leave." The captain spoke as his vice-captain quickly appeared before Orihime and launched a vicious quick towards her head.

Unfortunately, Orihime did not have the speed to match the vice-captain and was launched straight into a building resulting in her going through multiple walls leaving her passed out.

"Inoue-san!" Ishida shouted I fear as his friend lay still underneath the rubble.

"Why worry about the weak?" questioned the captain as he approached his vice-captain and started petting her which she seemed to like. Until he quickly placed both his hands on either side of her head and snapped it.

"Who gave you the right to damage a specimen so rare?" the enraged captain asked his lieutenant. The female didn't even bat an eye to her superiors' words and instead got on her knees and asked for forgiveness.

"Forgive me captain, my actions were rash and I saw the female as being the most dangerous threat to our plans, as I was expecting you to have your eyes to be set on the quincy." She spoke her voice monotone.

"Well, you are mistaken." The captain told her before removing his blade from its sheath and stabbing it through her heart. The scene sent a great shock through Uryu as he couldn't believe the captain would kill his own subordinate.

"Why did you kill her?" he asked in shock not for the well being of the lifeless women before him but because he couldn't understand what tactical advantage the enemy would get by killing an ally.

"Oh her, she is not dead. You see this is a creation of mine and if she doesn't work the way I want her to work then I get rid of the old version and make an upgrade." The captain spoke with a mad grin on his face as if he was finding pleasure in the fact that he can upgrade her.

"That doesn't give you the right to take lives away from others!" Uryu did not find this way of thinking as fair because the look in this captains' eyes is the same as the Shinigami who killed his grandfather.

"What gives me the right you ask, well since I put her in this world, I can naturally take her out." The grin only grew bigger with the more words he spoke. Uryu couldn't believe how insane the man before him really is.

"The world doesn't disserve a bastard like you protecting it." He spoke with snarl as he met the captain in his eyes.

"Well, bring it I'll even let you land one free blow." The confidence radiating from the captain irritated Uryu to no end.

A massive burst of reitsu burst from the quincy causing buildings in his vicinity to disintegrate and become pure energy which all flowed into Uryu.

"Fine. Then I will end this battle in one attack!" he announced to his opponent but the captain still wore his grin as if what ever was before him was nothing.


Inside of a cave were two figures one seemed to be unconscious whilst the other appeared to be walking around naked. The female who had beautiful brown complexion and an amazing figure as well sat down in front of the passed-out ginger who looked to be waking up.

"Where the hell am I?" he questioned as glanced around the bare cave that he found himself in. looking down at his body he noticed bandages wrapped around his torso which helped realize the reason for his current state. "Kenpachi." The battle he experienced replayed in his head until a voice broke him out of his stupor.

"You two sure did go at each other's throats." A soft feminine voice spoke. Turning to the direction of the voice Ichigo couldn't help but turning beet red and quickly facing another direction.

"Where are your clothes miss?" the teenager questioned whilst still not making eye contact with the rather busty women next to him.

"Must have forgotten to put them on a person forgets when you're a cat all the time." She spoke with a laugh at the end of her sentence as she went to put some clothing on so that they can have a normal conversation.

"Wait. Cat. That means you're Yorichi the cat." The young man's mind was completely blown away.

"Well, no cat can talk but I guess it must be because of the voice changing." She seemed to be pondering over why Ichigo wasn't able to recognize her. "Besides that, I hope you have realised how weak you are compared to a captain." She spoke in a matter-of-fact tone which greatly irked Ichigo.

"I know. I have never been so close to death before but I lived so there has to be some sort of way for me to become more powerful." He spoke his voice sounding almost pleading as he asked the women before him for a solution. She seemed to ponder once again but this time over the young man's words.

"Well, there is one way but its risky." She told him. Ichigo didn't waste a moment and replied to her.

"I'll do anything to become stronger."

Hey guys long time no see. I got a new chapter out finally but its rather on the shorted side of things. hope you enjoyed it.

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