
The Last Rising Sun

Alek Gusev is a high-level scientific researcher who created one of mankind's greatest inventions. However, as fate would have it, this very creation destroyed everything he knew, killing him in the process. Now he has been reincarnated in Shinobi World without his memories. What will happen in the new life of our protagonist? Vol. 1-3 : The whole story of Naruto. Vol. 4 : Fate/Zero Vol. 5 : Lord El-Melloi II Case Files (Coming Soon) Vol. 6 : Fate Stay Night (Coming Soon)

NotPolarArtic · Anime & Comics
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234 Chs

Chapter 59: Humanity's Helper

Rising in the sky, illuminating all the darkness of that place, a gigantic bright blue sun showed itself. Allowing Toru to see his surroundings.

With lost eyes, Toru thought this was a dream, as this didn't seem real. Still, his body ached and some tears of blood came out when his eyes could see the huge blue star rising in the sky.

And then...


The symphony of time has begun.

The sky was completely dark, being illuminated only by the plasma sphere in the sky. Blood was spreading all over the ground, as if it were a vast ocean of crimson red. At the same time, silence took over the place, listening only to his own breathing.


The chiming of a clock that began with an explosion.

In front of him there was a white wall, which had a wall clock that caused that strange sound, besides, everything seemed to be strangely clean, even if everything was in the middle of a sea of blood, but even if it was strange, the strangest thing there was not that wall, but a man in glasses and lab coat who was looking at the sun with an expressionless face.

His hair was brown and his eyes were gray, exactly the same as Toru's. He had strange straight glasses. He had strange rectangular glasses and two large dark circles under his eyes. In addition, his clothes looked a bit disheveled, even though his shoes shined shiny. Her lab coat was long, reaching her ankles.

It seemed to be that the man had not seen Toru, but... it was strange to him, that guy in front of him, somehow he knew him, he felt he knew everything about him.

"Who are you...?"

With an emotionless voice, Toru looked the man in the eyes, but the man didn't answer, indeed, he didn't seem to have heard him.

(Hm... my head hurts...)

Shaking his head, Toru felt a little pain.

It was then that a voice other than Toru's was heard.

"Your brain is still not processing all the information completely, every neuron has been overloaded, but there doesn't seem to be any damage."

Closing his eyes, the man folded his arms and sighed. It seemed to be that he knew everything that was going on.

"My brain... I don't know what's going on..."

Squinting his eyes as he looked at the man, Toru still felt confused. Appearing in this place suddenly, his battle against Gaara wasn't over yet, so he had to find a way out of this place, but his eyes snapped open as he remembered what happened before he was hit by Gaara.

In response to Toru's thoughts, the man sighed, after all he knew what this boy was thinking, he knew it clearly, every memory, sensation and feeling.

"Toru... Do you want to hear a story?"

Looking at Toru with an expressionless face, the man shoved his hands into his robe pockets.

In response to this, Toru bowed his head in confusion. Suddenly, this man had asked a strange question, anyone would be suspicious, but... still the boy agreed, answering with a slight nod of his head.

The man then, reached out his hand and everything lit up, turning this vast sea of blood into an empty space, completely white without any impurities. This made Toru look around, it was strange, he had never seen anything like that, but everything felt strangely familiar.

"A long time ago, somewhere unknown in this immense branch of alternate realities, universes and multiverses that link and unlink over and over again, where no one can hear the cries of angels."

Closing his eyes, the man began to tell his story. Instantly, the atmosphere changed as if everything was covered in a strange fog.

Now, the two of them were in the room of a house. It was perfectly decorated with such elegant and colorful furniture, green curtains that filled the room with life, in which a woman and her newborn child were.

-The man's voice began to narrate.

Alek, so was his name, whose hidden meaning was 'Helper of Mankind'. An innocent little boy with gray eyes, so bright and full of life, with a great future ahead of him.

The woman looked at the child and gave him a tender kiss on the forehead. She loved him, she was proud of him, even if Alek had been born a few days ago. Likewise, the father came into the room, kissed the woman on the lips and looked at his little son, the two were exactly alike, there was no difference but the color of their eyes.

For the man, his little son was the future of the Goosev family, he was so proud to have a male child, the man who would one day become his greatest pride, or so he should be.

Only two years passed after Alek's birth, and this family was already going to shit. The man began to be unfaithful to his wife with many other women, prostitutes, co-workers, even his own wife's sister.

This was obviously hell for the woman, all those rumors going around. Her husband being unfaithful to her with anything that breathed, all this was driving her crazy. Anger and resentment began to build up in her heart, until she decided to pay the bastard back in kind.

Still, this fight between husband and wife was hurting her son. The boy, only two years old, who showed incredible mental ability, was growing up in a hostile environment, where the wife brought a different man home every day. Bottles of alcohol began to pile up around the place, after all this was the only thing the woman had to calm her anger, as the days went by, alcohol addiction kicked in, making the woman unable to live without drinking alcohol.

Right now, Alek is four years old. This child who grew up with strange ideas in his head proved to be a genius at memorizing things, he learned to walk when he was only eight months old, learned to read in his first year of life and was now able to memorize simple formulas in his head, executing them splendidly, solving mathematical equations that for a child of his age would be impossible.

Undoubtedly this child was a genius among geniuses, someone who was destined to shine like a star, but...

That day, the woman came home with a bottle of alcohol in her hand. She looked at the boy with hate-filled eyes as she shouted 'Damn bastard'.

After that, using the cord of a nearby iron, the woman hit the boy.

No matter how much the child screamed, the woman did not stop. The screams and the child's body being whipped by the cable echoed throughout the room. Suddenly, drops of blood began to fall, the woman broke the boy's back, but this did not stop her, she continued to beat him until the boy passed out from the pain.

After the woman left the room, the maid came in, seeing the horrible scene.

Blood was strewn all over the floor, the child was barely breathing. The maid clenched her fists with anger in her eyes, she didn't understand how a gentle woman could become the shitty person she is now.

Still, the maid took the child in her arms and laid him on the bed. She quickly fetched the first aid kit and treated the boy's wounds.

"Do you know what happened after that, Toru?"


"They fired the maid."

From then on, the woman would hit the child again and again until she calmed her anger.

But it's strange, even after how he was treated, the boy just wanted to make his mother proud of him. Alek wanted to shine like the sun, and for that he would have to work hard. Besides, thanks to Alek's family, that is, the Goosev family, having a large capital due to the father's work, they had a big house with all the amenities and maids who took care of the maintenance, and like any good mansion, it had its own library.

So, after a few days in the library, Alek made a big fortress with books about insects, he thought that this way he would be protected from her while he prepares to make his mother proud.

Every number, every word and every illustration impressed Alek. He saw a paradise in books, the paradise of knowledge and how that child's mind craved knowledge. He read and read for days, he wanted to know everything, he wanted to honor the meaning of his name, but... 'she' discovered Alek's paradise and destroyed it with her own hands.

Each book was torn to pieces in front of him, after that, he received another torture as usual. But the latter made Alek change.

As the years went by, being tortured day after day... Alek lost the ability to show emotions, his heart had hardened, as if it had turned to stone.

His mother insulted him and denigrated him in all sorts of ways, as if this boy was just a pet that was there to de-stress his mistress.

The woman believed that, like her husband, her son would become the same type of man, even looking at his face disgusted her, since both father and son had the same face. In the end, she always told him that he would never achieve anything by reading books and that he should go to work to bring more money to the family.

Meanwhile, the father kept doing the same as always, he was a womanizer who lived life having fun and making money, he was never there for his son and this only made everything worse.

Year after year, that boy grew up, his voice changed, his shoulders became a little broader and his face... no longer showed the emotion he once had as a child, this boy was now a man.

And like a responsible adult, he left the hell he lived in without looking back. Leaving all those emotions, all his dreams and hopes, buried in that pile of shredded paper.

You might think that the story ends here, but, in fact, this contained even more, for, now the man had gone to college, managed to graduate in just six months.

All the professors were amazed by the terrifying intelligence of this boy, so much so that Alek managed to win a scholarship to pursue his master's degree and then his first doctorate.

By the age of twenty-one, Alek was already a nationally recognized scientific researcher with a PhD and several master's degrees in various fields of science.

But great results require great sacrifices, just as great sacrifices require strong wills.

That is how Alek sacrificed his integrity as a human being, to begin planning his greatest future project, but for that there were many things he had to do.

Alek knew the road would be bumpy, but time and time again, this consuming obsession made him never stop.

So, his first project as a scientific researcher was to discover new elements, obviously this project had to do with his final project. But Alek is still a human being, who will always be the villain in other people's life story.

In this case, Alek was the villain in the life of all his fellow scientists, because he always took all the credit, he always made a lot of money, he always discovered new things that kept pushing him to be the best of the best.

Hateful looks, envious looks, just like at the university, everyone thought Alek was an arrogant shit just because of his talent, but you had to admit it, he was not normal, he was a unique specimen that is only born once among the eight billion people that inhabit the planet earth.

Alek [Humanity's helper].

That name suited him very well, after all, each of the advances he made in technology and biology helped the great population of the planet to a great extent.

At the age of twenty-three, Alek was reunited with a woman he had met in college.

She was beautiful, had a good personality, but for someone like Alek, who had a heart of stone, things like falling in love with a woman were no longer in his plans. Still, this woman was attracted to Alek.

Yes, attracted to his money.

Alek knew it, he wasn't such an imbecile not to realize it. The human mind is complicated, but for someone who had discovered the secrets of the human body, it was not so difficult to read people's minds just by looking into their eyes. The gestures they made, how they breathed, how many times they blinked, the tone of their voice, their body temperature.

But strangely enough, Alek is also a capricious man, so he decided to give this woman a chance.

But not even two weeks had passed and this woman was already cheating on him with another man, but... he smiled after so long, after all he already had two test subjects for his biggest project.

Twenty-four years old, Alek began his project, which he called 'Light of Humanity'.

For this, he first needed living organisms from which to extract certain molecules to create a microscopic neutron burst, and the only living organisms that could provide such molecules was the human being.

Right now, in front of Alek, there were two people lying on cold sterilized iron beds, a woman and a man. These two people were the woman who cheated on Alek and the man with whom the woman cheated on Alek. They both screamed in despair as Alek brought the scalpel closer to their bodies.

The only thing that happened after that was a large amount of blood spread all over the room.

The next day, all the preparations were ready, the final project was to be completed, and for that, Alek had to become a time controller.

Basically, he had to make molecules travel through time over and over again, until they are overloaded, making them explode and giving birth to the light of life.

Then, at the age of twenty-five, Alek Goosev won the Nobel Peace Prize, thanks to his great discovery.

He was the human who managed to control time, the human who brought a star to life, the human who now had all of Europe dancing in the palm of his hand, the human, the man, Alek had become the 'Helper of Mankind'.

But still... after all the prestige he had gained, Alek was empty inside, like a shell, rotting among the most powerful people.

Then one day a call came. Alek rushed to the hospital mentioned in the call. Upon arrival, when he entered the room, Alek met someone he knew very well.

The woman lying on the gurney, with multiple machines hooked up to her, that was Alek's mother.

Seeing what was in front of him, Alek didn't know what was happening. His mother apparently had terminal cancer and there was a salvation, but it was very expensive. By this time, there were different cures for cancer, each varying in price, but the most expensive of all was the only one that could cure a terminal cancer.

At that moment, the mother looked at her son. He had become a man, someone who made the whole world tremble just by hearing his name. She had made many mistakes, and she wanted her son's forgiveness, she wanted to be that child's mother again.

But after hearing this, Alek, after so many years, began to laugh out loud. He couldn't believe it, she was still the same old shit, even when she was about to die.

When Alek stopped laughing, an expressionless face took position of him, and then he remembered that his mother liked theater.

That's how he, began to disconnect the machines one by one, while looking at his mother without changing the dead expression on his face.

At the end, when the machine detecting the patient's pulse emitted a long beep, Alek sighed, saying: 'The show is over'.

A son killing his own mother is a sad thing, no matter how you look at it. If the son hated the mother, or if the mother hated the son, it doesn't matter, in the end it's still a sad event. So why did Alek smile as he walked out of the hospital?

Well, he had taken a huge burden off his shoulders.

"This might be a good ending to the story, but there is still more, after all time is relative, so no matter how long it takes me to tell the story, time is all there is."

Alek has turned twenty-seven, his big project, a giant artificial sun that powered the energy of all of Europe was maintained by human bodies. Living organisms, that's what Alek said when he explained it through the internet news, but the truth turned out to be more twisted, since every ten days, two living humans were used to extract the necessary components so that the sun would not die.

A cold-hearted Alek felt nothing of killing people to satisfy his obsession to 'Help Humanity', but apparently karma is real.

For, Alek Gusev, at the age of twenty-seven, was betrayed by one of the scientists in his charge, becoming the man... who extinguished his own race.

-The man stopped narrating.

"Now tell me, what did you think of my story?"

Looking at Toru with an expressionless face, the man waited patiently.

"Hm... Alek Goosev... is that you?"

Opening his eyes at Toru's response, Alek smiled as he adjusted his glasses.

"No, I think you missed the point, since, the protagonist of that story was you."

Hearing Alek's words, Toru fell to the ground while holding his head tightly. Now he understood everything, the reason for those strange memories, the place full of blood, the blue sun, the boy, the woman, everything had an answer with the memories that invaded Toru's mind.

(Me... reincarnate?)

Looking at his hands, Toru's eyes shone, showing the Shigan. The restraint of the memories coming into his mind left him confused.

(Then I... Who am I?)

On one hand, Toru already had a life in this world, he had friends, or so he thought, he had a mother who did love him, but she died killed by Itachi. He grew up with Sasuke, his childhood friend, and now it turned out that that was not the first thing he lived.

"Toru... now you are Toru, but also Alek Goosev."

With a smile, Alek's body changed, now his physical appearance was exactly the same as Toru's.

Moving closer, Alek touched Toru's shoulder.

"I didn't tell you before, but I am a representation of what you were in the past, I was created by your own mind to make it easier for you to assimilate your memories. The mind of Alek Goosev, the man who extinguished humanity, the man who murdered people for the sake of satisfying his darkest desires. You are the man with the twisted personality who murdered his own mother and destroyed a solar system."

Whispering in his ear, Alek's hand began to disappear into strange glowing particles that were joining Toru's body.

"But... you are also Asahi Toru, ninja of Konoha, son of Asahi Kyoko and friend of the boy who carries the nine-tailed fox within him. You have feelings you still don't understand for three specific girls. And besides, you are a descendant of one of the most powerful people who ever walked this world. Without a doubt, you will have a better life in this place."

Smiling, Alek's body almost disappeared completely, so he took the opportunity to whisper one last thing in Toru's ear.

"This is Toru's voice, Alek's voice and also... un.........'s voice so, you mustn't rush"

Touching his forehead with Toru's, Alek disappeared completely, turning into small glowing particles that joined Toru. At the same time, the whole place was filled with blood again and the once blue sun had now completely disappeared, leaving darkness in the sky.

Then, the whisper that Toru heard when he got Shakuton was heard again.

"Get up."

-On the battlefield-

Staring at the giant wooden wall, Gaara frowned and clenched his fists. His anger had calmed down a bit after this interruption.

(That was close...)

Sighing, Yamato released his hands and the wooden wall disappeared, revealing the unconscious Toru.

Hinata, Hanabi and Ino looked at this with worried expressions. Toru wasn't moving, he was completely out of it.

"Asahi Toru is unconscious, the winner is Gaara."

Looking at the boy lying on the ground, Genma sighed. Toru was supposed to have the upper hand, how could he lose like this?

-It can't be...

-What the hell...

-That boy...

-He's a fucking monster...

Rising from their seats, the audience was speechless, even after he lost the fight, Toru got up from the floor. Hinata and Hanabi smiled in relief at this, but Ino's eyes widened as she realized what was really going on.

A smile...

Toru had a smile on his mouth as his eyes glowed brightly with Shigan's light, at the same time, his hands held the daggers, which were imbued with Shakuton.


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