
The Last Rising Sun

Alek Gusev is a high-level scientific researcher who created one of mankind's greatest inventions. However, as fate would have it, this very creation destroyed everything he knew, killing him in the process. Now he has been reincarnated in Shinobi World without his memories. What will happen in the new life of our protagonist? Vol. 1-3 : The whole story of Naruto. Vol. 4 : Fate/Zero Vol. 5 : Lord El-Melloi II Case Files (Coming Soon) Vol. 6 : Fate Stay Night (Coming Soon)

NotPolarArtic · Anime & Comics
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232 Chs

Chapter 161: Darkness

[You ruined my life!]

[It's no use reading those stupid books!]

[Damn brat. Why did you have to be born?!]

[It's all your fault...]

That woman's voice echoed in Toru's mind. He touched his chest in pain and clenched his teeth tightly. It seemed that at any moment tears would run down his cheeks, but he swallowed his own suffering and sighed wearily. Why now he had to remember that person?

However, another voice was heard.

[Happy birthday, Toru-chan.]

[Mou~ Act like a kid your age. Don't act cool because to me you already are]

[Don't leave the house without my permission, I'm worried that something will happen to you]

[Come eat, Toru-chan]

[I love you very much, my son]

He relaxed his body and the expression on his face softened. Two worlds, two different lives. He couldn't let the past affect him, but saying it was easier than doing it. He remembered Kyoko fondly. She treated him so well, she was a mother who loved her son so much and yet he dared to treat her that way.

His eyes sparkled, his mind traveled back to that moment when he found her lifeless over a pool of blood and tears on her cheeks. He clenched his fists tightly and blood came out of them from the force with which his fingernails dug into his palms. A person's face appeared in his thoughts and in a voice so flat and monotone, he said:


His gaze, despite his expressionless face, showed the repudiation he feels at the memory of that geezer's face. The wind caressed his body being so high up in that building, due to his cloak being somewhere else. The sun was already peeking over the horizon, day has fallen on this face of the planet. Without thinking so much about the sudden memory of that woman from his past life and that bastard Danzo, he descended from the building and landed at the lake. Once there, he bit his finger and dropped a drop of blood into the water.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu."

Puff! A cloud of smoke appeared and a random wolf of the Ōkami clan appeared.

"Okaminaru still won't accept my call?"

The wolf shook its head.

"Okaminaru has been busy lately. He cannot accept your call, unfortunately. However, you can still summon any of us. Although we are not as strong as Okaminaru and Okamitsuki, we can still be of use to you."

"I understand. I'll call you when I need you."

"It will be my pleasure, Toru-dono. My name is Okamikase. If we compare the power of our clan, I am the third best fighter there is. Don't hesitate to call me when you find yourself in trouble."

"Good. Then come back, I still have time to wait. If Okaminaru is available, let me know. I would summon Okamitsuki, but she spends almost half my chakra in just keeping her summoned."

"As you wish."

Puff! The wolf disappeared and Toru stared into the void for a second.

'They're taking too long'

The Ajisai team seems to be having complications. They should have appeared by this time of day, but there's no sign of them. They seem to have entered combat, but Toru can't tell if they decided to infiltrate the Iron Country first of all or they just don't get enough information yet.

"I'll wait for them for another hour."


Time passed quickly, but the Ajisai team didn't show up. So, unable to wait any longer, Toru loosened the scarf around his neck and bit his finger to summon Okamikase and go to the Iron Country in person. However...

Puff! Boom! A cloud of smoke exploded nearby and the sound of a loud bang echoed. Toru saw that, where the smoke cloud appeared, more than a few meters away, three girls had crashed into one of the buildings. It seemed that something hit them hard because of the speed with which they hit the metal.

"Toru...-dono..." Ajisai stood up from the metal debris and held her arm tightly. Her female companions were unconscious and badly injured. Ajisai could barely stay awake. "The five Kages have gathered, but... hah... there was an invader who started attacking them... hah... Shimura Danzo fled, because the invader is Uchiha Sasuke... and... and... and Madara..." She was about to fall face first into the water, but Toru held her in his arms.

"I see. They got caught up in the fight..." Seeing the situation, he summoned some clones to take care of the girls. "Take them to Akiko-san. Make their wounds heal."

The clones obeyed and left carrying the girls. Toru looked up at the rainy sky and his gaze darkened. His eyes glowed with the intense light of death.

"The time has come."

He adjusted the bandages on his arms and exhaled a small cloud of steam. His eyes now changed color, showing the crimson color of the Ōkami clan. In just two days of training with Okaminaru, Toru felt that his strength had grown a little. Plus the days he spent together with Konan, it all added up, this made him stronger, but this heart wrenching feeling in his heart, pathetic as it was, kept him alive.


On the other hand, inside the building, Konan looked through the observer to the lake. She heard a rumbling sound that forced her to come out. When she woke up, she had Toru's cloak under her head, as if it were a pillow. Still, Toru was nowhere to be seen, but she could sense that he was nearby. So she left him for a while until now.

"What are you doing?"

She saw three clones take the girls away, at the same time Toru summoned a different wolf.


"The rain is near the Iron. Can you go fast?" he folded his arms and looked up, looking Okamikase in the eyes. 'If it's that Danzo ran away with his tail between his legs, he'll have to pass through the border with this country to go to Konoha...'

'Indeed. If you want to get there quickly, then I'll give my best."

"I see. You are much more attentive than Okamitsuki or Okaminaru."

"They always say that to me. Sometimes I take it as an insult, but I don't see ulterior motives behind your words. So, for this time, I'll take it as a compliment."

"Good. Then let's not waste any time," he said, then, with a leap, climbed onto the wolf's back. "Let's go."

Boom! The water under the wolf's paws exploded and Okamikase shot off at an overwhelming speed. From the top of the building, Konan wondered why Toru is suddenly leaving the village. A quick thought flashed through her mind - are you going to abandon me too? But then she shook her head as she realized how those words sounded. The paper separated from her body and a paper clone formed in front of her. The clone spread its wings and soared high into the air, following Toru in the process.

-Borderline between the Land of Iron and Rain-

Danzo fell to the ground after being pierced by Sasuke's chidori. He crawled on the ground and Sasuke just looked at him in disgust. A little further away, over the bridge, Tobi (Madara) tilted his head curiously.

"What a disappointment. You were overconfident when you implanted so many Sharingans in your arm, you underestimated a true Sharingan user. That was your mistake, Danzo."

At the same time, Sasuke closed his eyes and sighed. "This is a battle of the eyes. Don't mess with the Uchiha" However, after saying those words, he fell to his knees spitting blood.

"Sasuke!" and it was Karin who jumped onto the bridge so she could help him. "Here, Sasuke. Hurry up and bite!"

"Ghh..." He brought his mouth close to Karin's arm and bit down.

"Ahh!~" Though what followed next was a bit awkward for Madara.

Crawling on the ground, Danzo clenched his fists tightly. Izanagi, the jutsu forbidden by the Uchiha, didn't activate because of Sasuke, who used genjutsu to trick him, making it look like there was still one of the eyes left on Danzo's arm.

'I'm not going to die here..." He got up from the ground and the branches of the Mokuton began to grow from his arm. He let out a cry of pain as he saw that the Shodaime Hokage's cells were about to consume him. So he tore his arm off.

"This guy won't give up..." said Karin.

"I'm not done yet. The battle of the eyes is just beginning!" he removed the blindfold from his right eye, revealing a Mangekyo Sharingan from the late Uchiha Shisui.

In light of the fact that Danzo wasn't going to die quietly, Sasuke got up from the ground and charged the chidori. Both Danzo and Sasuke lunged forward, but Danzo dodged Sasuke's feint and moved in on Karin, grabbing her by the neck.

"You've used your eyes too much. You don't stand a chance now..."

"I can't believe you took a hostage after your talk of self-sacrifice," said Sasuke.

"It's not about my own life, brat. What I'm worried about is Konoha... the shinobi world. I can't die now. So I'll do anything to survive. Only I can change this world and this girl will be sacrificed for that very reason."

"Sasuke, help me!"

The boy kept silent for a few seconds and then sighed.


A slight smile formed on his face, something that gave Karin hope. However...

"Don't move."

That small smile warped into a happy grimace filled with madness. His eyes showed the darkness of his soul. The left eye showed the Mangekyo and the right one was completely black. He held out his hand with the chidori still active and then....

Wosh! Just as the chidori sword was thrown, a strong current of wind accompanied by an immense bloodlust appeared to Sasuke's right. That moment was as if the world was in slow motion. Madara saw it at that very moment. Toru appeared beside Sasuke with his fist engulfed in flames. Sasuke's Susanoo automatically activated to protect him and as the Chidori was halfway through, he looked at him.



Sasuke looked death in the eyes. Those eyes were deep, full of darkness. A black X slowly rotating inside the iris, irises whose color was blue like the sky, red like blood. It was only a tiny fraction of a second in which their eyes met and then....

BOOM! Toru's fist slammed into Sasuke's armor, Susanoo. A loud boom echoed in the place and Madara opened his eyes not believing what he saw. He didn't even understand where the hell this brat came from, but he was certainly quite amused to see Sasuke's Susanoo shatter, at the same time Toru's right arm exploded due to the hardness of the armor and the impact of the blow. The right side of the bridge was destroyed when, due to the power of the blow, Sasuke was thrown into the water, which left a giant crater that slowly filled with water with him in the middle.

"It's you..." Danzo shivered for a second.

Toru landed in the middle of the bridge. Blood was pouring out of his severed arm. Bone could be seen protruding from the flesh and blood dripping, spraying onto the ground. He turned his gaze and with an expressionless face saw Danzo, who, along with Karin, had a large wound on the right side of his chest. He smiled to see that the bastard was still alive and... Puff! He disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"What the hell...? A clone..." Madara stood up and looked at all the destruction that left Sasuke like a piece of shit at the bottom of the river was caused by a measly clone.

At the same time, feeling her blood leaving her body and the shock of seeing Sasuke trying to murder her, Karin lost the strength in her legs and fell to the ground, causing Danzo to let go of her.

Danzo touched his chest in pain. He had been saved from dying by Toru's intervention, but now he had to flee. If he stayed here, Madara would attack him or Sasuke would return. Those are all factors that Danzo doesn't want to see with his eyes, but he still has Shisui's eye left, so if Toru attacks him, he can kill him by putting him in a genjutsu.

Immediately, he turned around and started to run, but his eyes widened as he saw who was coming out from the darkness of the forest. Silently, walking forward with an expressionless face, the real Toru appeared.

'This just got good' Madara thought. He sat back down and put his hands on the ground to enjoy the show. 'Is Sasuke still alive? No idea, but it doesn't matter.' At least he thought so.

"Asahi Toru..." He frowned as he saw brat in front of him. For a second he saw the shadow of that crazy woman and inevitably smiled even though his life is in danger. "You look just like her" then he frowned again.


But the boy said nothing. His eyes shone brightly, he slowly began to approach Danzo. He pulled the daggers from the seal tied to his wrists and held them in his hands without looking away.

Lying on the floor, as blood trickled from the wound, she looked at Danzo and in the distance at Toru. She had the feeling that she already knew that boy, she had that same feeling when she saw him after Sasuke killed Itachi. That strange look, that coldness that goes with it. There was a certain feeling in her looking at him, but it wasn't admiration, much less curiosity, that feeling was screaming at Karin to run away from him. He is dangerous, he is more than just a shinobi....

'Something more... what a child...' Her eyes closed and a memory came back to her mind.

-Three years ago-

During the chūnin examinations, Karin had become separated from her team and found herself wandering alone in the forest of death in the middle of the night. She was terrified, as she was not trained to face strong ninja alone. She was just a simple support in the team, so she was not that strong, as she always had to be protected. She trembled with fear as she moved in the darkness of the night. Sometimes she could see the moonlight break through the leaves of the trees, but she could also hear the killer beasts of this forest moving nearby.

"Where are they... help me..." She leaned against a tree and sat on the ground as she tried to calm her nerves. However, a loud cry of suffering was heard. This, although it made Karin feel more afraid, it didn't stop her from being curious. 'Maybe it's my teammates' she thought, but deep down she knew better.

Still fearful, she approached the place where the sound came from. Very stealthily she rested her arm on a branch and peered through the leaves. Her eyes widened as she saw a child in the middle of a pile of lifeless bodies. The boy was looking up at the sky, closing his eyes, as if he was relaxing after a lot of physical exertion.


Although the scene would be horrifying to anyone, she only focused on the boy. Her face flushed a little as she saw that the boy was very handsome. Perhaps he was the cutest boy she had ever seen in her life, but then she regretted that thought when the boy looked straight into his eyes.

"Are you coming with them?" the boy said as he showed the bloody daggers in his hands.

Karin was speechless at those words and at the strange gleam in the boy's eyes. At that moment she thought the worst. So much was the shock that she ended up covering her mouth and staying completely still, as if she were a scared rabbit.

The boy, in a split second, appeared in front of her.

"Aren't you answering?" he said, but this made Karin let out a gasp as she fell to the ground.

The boy, seeing that she was just a frightened brat, turned his back on her and shook his head.

"If you have nothing to do with it, get the hell out of here, or I'll kill you too..."

Karin nodded her head and ran away as fast as she could. However, she looked back one last time, lest she forget that boy's face.

This all happened a few hours before she met Sasuke.

-In the present-

"So if it was him..." Karin finally passed out. The last thing she saw was Toru lunging at Danzo.

'I have no choice. Asahi Toru, you will die here and now. Maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll be able to take your eyes' the Mangekyo spun inside Danzo's eye and then... 'Kotoamatsukami...'

Splash! Toru appeared behind Danzo and Danzo was cut to pieces by the dagger that was in good condition, falling to the ground to finally die, but....


Behind Toru, Danzo's eyes widened as he realized that he could see everything.

"Even the strongest genjutsu doesn't affect him..."

He immediately jumped backwards and everything around him began to shatter as if it were glass. Everything went dark, as if reality had been devoured by shadows and the ground was filled with an endless sea of blood.

Danzo fell in the middle of it, but for some reason he could stand on the liquid without sinking.

"You don't realize what you're doing. You're just a brat throwing a useless tantrum that will get you nowhere."

"Hm... who's the brat? By using Shisui-san's Mangekyo genjutsu, you entered my mind. It happened to Itachi once too." He clenched the daggers in his hands tightly as he recalled that scene from nine years ago.

"Heh. I guess those eyes have something to do with it. I see... I see..." Danzo looked down at the ground. "Your mother's eyes were the same, though they didn't work that way when I plucked them out."

Danzo said this to provoke Toru, because he had indeed gouged out Kyoko's eyes nine years ago. The bad thing is that he couldn't get the power out of the Shigan, no matter how much he experimented with those eyes, that power never shone in that woman's empty eyes again. When he looked up, the boy still had his usual expressionless face.

"Kneel down..."

"¿...?" He frowned and raised his voice. "Kneel? Kneel before you? Kneel before a criminal who dares to threaten the peace of this world?!" He raised his hand to perform a new jutsu. "I'll show you who has to prostrate-? ¿...?" Danzo opened his eyes. He felt shivers run through his entire body and then he fell to the ground.

Toru walked over to him and looked down at him.

"As it said: kneel down."

Everything around them began to shatter like glass once again, which brought them back to reality again. Madara had seen that, for a second, both shinobi had stood still, but suddenly Danzo fell to the ground.

"Ahhhh!!!" He looked down at his legs and realized what had happened. His legs had separated from his body. He immediately looked at Toru and realized that the dagger that was in perfect condition was full of blood. "You bastard! You damned Asahi clan! You are the tumor of this world just like the Uchiha clan!" he was already too injured to defend himself, he had only one option left, but he had to wait.

"Is that how you'll beg for your life, Danzo?"

The old man looked him in the eye. Toru, even though his expression showed no emotion whatsoever, in his eyes, in his gaze... he was filled with anger.


'It seems that the cycle of hatred affects him as well. Interesting, but since you're a traitor, then I'll have to deal with you and get my Rinnegan back' He folded his arms as he looked at Toru and Danzo. Though he thought about it a bit too, shouldn't Sasuke be drowning right now? So he snapped his fingers and from his eye a spiral formed, spiral from which Sasuke emerged. "Look what you're missing."

He for a second felt stunned by the blow, but then he looked at the bridge and realized everything.



"Did you run out of words? Perfect. I'm really looking forward to a conversation. How about we make your screaming a topic of conversation?" He put away the broken dagger and walked over to Danzo. He reached down and grabbed him by the hair, forcing him to look him in the eye. "The pain scale is divided into ten levels. Let's see how many levels you can reach" He raised the dagger and aimed it at Danzo's remaining arm.

"You're crazy- Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"

And then stabbed the old man's arm "Let's start with level 1. Well, although this, rather than level one, would be level 8 or 9, right?" A slight smile formed on his face as Danzo writhed in pain. "Let's reach level 10. If we're lucky, we can discover level 11 and 12. It'll be interesting, so you'll have to help me in this investigation" The X in his eyes rolled. Although he couldn't see Danzo's face, hearing his screams of pain was music to his ears.

The old man watched this crazy boy smile and immediately tried to perform that jutsu that he would only use in case his death is near. But...

"Ahhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhg!"

Toru slashed his hand and then plunged the dagger into his arm, just below the shoulder.

"Level 10, huh. What if I move the dagger like this?"


"Yeah, yeah. That's what I wanted to hear. I'll give you ten million points. Now that you've reached level 10, you'll have no problem getting to level 11. Come on, come on, let's discover level 11 on the pain scale together" He stood up and put his foot on top of Danzo's arm. "For twenty million points..."


"Ahhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Good. We're not past level 11 yet, but that's a breakthrough. Keep it up, Danzo..." His gaze darkened. "Because this is nothing compared to the suffering you put me through..."


"Hm... he quite brutal. And here I was planning on leaving the old man for you, Sasuke." Madara looked at the situation coolly. Toru suddenly appears, hits Sasuke and starts torturing Danzo. "What a weird turn of events" but it was pleasing to see him like this. At last the person who ordered the massacre of two clans is suffering the consequences of his decisions.

As Madara watched the scene, Sasuke clenched his fists with what little strength he had left. He was watching directly as Toru caused all kinds of pain to Danzo, and all this while Toru himself is wearing a sadistic smile on his face.

Unconsciously he also smiled and ducked his gaze.

'I once went so far as to say that only you would understand me and look at you... you have been consumed by darkness, you have decided to go your way just like me. We Uchiha go in the dark and you are no exception...' but even though Sasuke thought this, he inevitably felt angry, for now Toru had taken his prey from him.


"Don't die so quickly, Danzo. The experiment has only begun. Open your eyes. Come on, otherwise..."

Splash! Blood spurts out of Danzo's body again. His back was filled with blood, the place where Toru held the dagger up. His look was very different from the beginning of it all. A murderous smile was on his face. The suffering he had felt turned into pleasure when he heard the old man's screams.

"Wretch.... You bastard..." he breathed heavily. His vision was blurry and he could no longer use any jutsu, he could no longer commit suicide next to this brat and that was the worst thing that could happen to him. He felt helpless in this situation, his death was assured.

"Wow... I didn't think I'd see that in a scumbag like you. Are you sorry? Fufufufu... HAHAHAHA! You bring out the worst side of me, Danzo. Rest assured, this isn't going to end quickly."







Again and again, Toru stabbed Danzo in the back avoiding vital points. The old man's cries of pain echoed through the place. It looked like the old man was going to cry at any moment, but even that he couldn't do. Again and again...splash, splash, splash, splash, his hands left with Danzo's blood. His laughter mingled with the screams, laughter and shouts that slowly died down, like a storm disappearing into thin air.

Danzo had bled so much that he finally lost consciousness. At the same time, Toru held the dagger tightly as he looked at the ground. His hair covered his eyes and memories of that night along with memories of Itachi came back to his mind. A small tear slid down his cheek. Finally, his breathing was heavy and he slowly looked up. He looked up at the blue sky and sighed.

In front of Toru, a strange smoke formed. He lowered his gaze and saw it. That strange figure was Danzo, who looked at him sternly.

"You have achieved what you wanted" Danzo looked at Toru, but he saw something else in him. He frowned, for he felt immense disgust at the sight of him. He was horrible, dangerous, merciless. And just as his soul was being taken somewhere, he said, "What the hell are you...?"

Toru's eyes widened in shock at that question and for some reason his past life flashed in front of his eyes in a second. Those words somehow affected him, but then, that expressionlessness on his face returned and he answered confidently.

"If there is such a thing as hell, we will see each other there in the future..."

Finally Danzo's soul disappeared and Toru stood up. His hands and clothes were stained with blood, and this made him feel uncomfortable. He looked up at the sky again and kept silent. He seemed to have kept a small object inside his clothes.


"Sasuke, let me recommend something to you. If you don't need that woman anymore, kill her. She knows too much about us."

"Us? Since when are we a team?"

"That doesn't matter. I'll take Danzo's corpse. Take your time to talk to Toru, if you can bring him back to our side, all the better."

"Hm... like I'm going to do that."

Sasuke jumped up next to Madara and they both appeared behind Toru. He just turned around and looked them in the eyes.

"I'll take that and go" He touched the corpse and the spiral in his eye appeared. As he was carried away by the spiral, he looked at Toru one last time. "We'll meet again soon, Toru..." The Mangekyo light showed and then Madara disappeared into nothingness thanks to his ability.

After that, he silence was eternal. Sasuke and Toru looked into each other's eyes for a long three seconds until the Uchiha decided to speak.

"You're such a hypocrite..."

When Toru heard this, he shook his head. In retrospect, yes. He is a hypocrite, but he had no reason to deny it. He continued expressionless and replied with what his mind was thinking:

"Yes, I am a hypocrite, what's the problem? You're no better than me, Sasuke."

He frowned and sighed "I wanted to kill Danzo, I wanted my revenge and you took it out of my hands."

"Is that supposed to matter to me? I wanted to kill Danzo and I did. I made him suffer until he died, I rejoiced in my victory because I've finally completed the only revenge I've ever set out for myself in my entire life. What's wrong with that, Sasuke, are you going to cry about it, Sasuke?"

Sasuke, just like Toru a few seconds ago, shook his head, only he was trying to hold back his laughter.

"Now I know, I was able to confirm it. You're just like me, Toru. We've both fallen into darkness" He clenched his fist tightly as he smiled. His Mangekyo had been activated due to his negative emotions. "We both completed our ambitions from the darkness, we-"

"We nothing, Sasuke. It's you alone. Yes, it can be said that we have both fallen into darkness, but unlike you, I don't let myself be controlled by that same darkness that you pride yourself so much on. I am different from you Sasuke, we are not the same, we never were. Do you think that because we have lived in similar conditions we are the same? Well let me tell you, you dream like an angry child whose toy has been taken away. You may cry and kick, but no one will give you the attention you want, least of all me."

"Fufufufu... Hahahahah!" he touched his head painfully. "Looks like I overestimated you. You're just like that ninja trash from Konoha, that's why you don't understand my hatred and pain. I am an avenger. But tell me, Toru. You... what are you...?"

At the question, Toru was silent for a second. Danzo's words immediately popped into his mind, but he shook his head and answered ignoring that.

"Sasuke, do you realize what you're saying? If only it had crossed your mind to look into what happened that night nine years ago, we wouldn't be this way. But because of your stupidity, now you're just an idiot who went crazy because of that stupid hatred you had to carry around all these years" It's true that Toru is a hypocrite when he says this, because in some ways they're both alike. Both at some point were driven by hatred, only Sasuke right now has been consumed by that very thing. Shaking his head, he turned his back on his and began to walk away. "In the end I have nothing more to talk to you about. I'll forget about you for now, Sasuke."

Toru dropped a drop of blood on the ground and a giant wolf appeared. With a leap he jumped onto the wolf's back and without taking his eyes off the front, disappeared into the leaves of the trees, leaving Sasuke in the middle of the bridge. For a moment, Sasuke remembered his childhood. He was happy, but now there is only hatred and darkness in his heart. Everything has changed, time takes its course and all the children have grown up to become adults.


In the sky a small paper butterfly approached her. The butterfly landed on her shoulder and she shook her head.

"It was a mistake to have come to this place."

It was Konan, a clone of her, to be more precise. She regretted coming to this place, what was she thinking when she followed Toru? She touched her chest painfully and thought. Somehow she felt that she would be abandoned and without thinking so hard she followed the boy.

"Let's go back..." She closed her eyes and her body turned into hundreds of sheets of paper, which disappeared wrapped in small clouds of smoke.

The fourth ninja war has been announced by Madara. The world will change before long and there are beings who do not want that. Beyond the spiritual, beyond mere humans, there are...

-In some mysterious place-

The voices of the gods were heard echoing in that grandstand. The seats in the rostrum were dark, so one could not differentiate the gods who were there, but there did not seem to be a ceiling either, as the sun shone above the center in a dim light. In the midst of the light, a six-foot tall woman was sitting on a large red bed. In her hand she held a pipe and her eyes were a bright golden color. Like most of those present, her hair was as black as night, but she was also as beautiful as any goddess in the place. She had two large breasts and a mole on one of them.

She folded her arms and looked straight ahead.

"Come closer, Kaguya."

After hearing the woman's voice, everyone present looked at the entrance of the stand, where a pale, white-haired woman with a pair of horns protruding from her head appeared. She was wearing a white princess kimono, with tomoe details on the sleeves. Her eyes were white, just like the shinobi of the Hyūga clan, but she also had a third eye, which was a strange combination of Sharingan and Rinnegan.

"Here I am, Amaterasu-sama..."

Kaguya bowed to the goddess and bowed her head.

"How long has it been already? It's been a few millennia, hasn't it?"

"That's right... Amaterasu-sama..."

"Then why do humans keep getting stronger? You know what will happen if any of the humans ever open the gate of hell, don't you?"

Kaguya gritted her teeth and replied, "Susanoo no Mikoto-sama will escape and wreak havoc on both gods and humans."

"That's right. And that's a very bad thing isn't it?" said the goddess Amaterasu arrogantly.

"It is..." Kaguya shivered. She was supposed to kill the Tree God and eat its energy, I mean, she devoured the Tree God's chakra, it's supposed to be stronger than anyone here, but she still trembled every time she talked to her mother.

"If you know, then why are you still here doing nothing?" She got off the bed and walked over to hee daughter. She looked at her sternly and raised her voice. "That humans are so powerful is your fault! We were supposed to create a Champion with the energy of the Tree God! But you were selfish! You took that power for yourself alone and then gave it to humans! That stupid love for humans turned you into a monster! Do you know how hard it was to get you out of that statue! This was all caused by you!"

Kaguya was almost with her forehead on the ground. The words of this goddess always held a strange power over anyone who would listen. She gritted her teeth hard and tried to look up to confront her mother, but the moment she met her mother's eyes, she immediately ducked her gaze again.

"Forgive me, Amaterasu-sama. I will do something about it, I promise."

"Ha~. There's no use talking to you. It's always the same thing. Even your children aren't that much trouble" She returned to the bed and looked at the gods on the stand while her daughter was still on her knees. "Listen up, everyone. Some of you may already know this, but recently the Fox Clan visited us from far away in the multiverse. They asked me a few questions and you can imagine by now that"

All the gods began to murmur. Kaguya raised her head as she did not know this and waited in silence.

"There is an anomaly in our world-" Someone suddenly interrupted her.

"The only anomaly here is your gigantic boobs!"

Amaterasu looked at the person responsible and recognized him in the crowd. That was Jashin, the human who became a god. She glared at him with pure hatred and he burst into black flames.

"Ahhhh! I'm immortal, but it hurts!" shouted the guy who, for some reason, predated Hidan in his cursed form, with the marks that made him look like a skeleton.

"Get him out of here" She raised her arm and instantly two muscular gods appeared. They grabbed Jashin by the arms and legs, and dragged him away from the place. "As I was saying" She cleared her throat. "There were some Chaos explosions in the world, so I have a theory that an Overlord is hiding in our world, but, if so, we could all feel the Chaos energy emanating from that being. So, as impossible as it sounds, I'm not going to rule out that possibility. If that theory, no matter how impossible it sounds, if it turns out to be true, the blame will be on this goddess in front of you. If our world perishes, it will all be Otsutsuki Kaguya's fault" She pointed at her daughter, glaring at her angrily.

Kaguya lowered her gaze and felt overwhelmed by the voices the gods spoke ill of her.

-Five minutes later-

A door slammed and then Kaguya walked through the rice fields in silence. She frowned and clenched her fists trying to think.


However, a voice echoed beside her. A small white three-tailed kitsune perched on her shoulder and looked at her sadly.

"Amaterasu-sama is really scary, what are you going to do about what he told you?"

"I don't know. I've been looking for a solution for hundreds of years, but I haven't found anything. I don't want to exterminate humans, but if my life is in danger, then I have no choice but to resort to the extinction of mankind."

"That's very dangerous, will your children accept that? If you die trying, they will go against humanity and possibly the same thing will happen to them."

"Don't worry, Miyo-chan. I will find a way to remedy this. I will not allow the same thing to happen again as it did so many years ago. My beloved... my children..." She closed her eyes in pain. Even though she had more children now than before (The Otsutsuki Family), she couldn't deny that she loved Hagoromo and Hamura more with all her soul. "I... I think I'm willing to follow Amaterasu-sama's orders."

"I see..." The little kitsune climbed onto Kaguya's head. "If it's what you think is right, then I can't stop you."

"Thank you, Miyo-chan. I can always rely on you..."

To be continued...


I'm not dead! I've come back to life, more or less. It's been soooo long since I last posted a chapter. I don't have an excuse to justify myself, so all that's left for me to do is apologize.

I'm sorry. But the bright side of this is that Vol. 3 is finished. Today I will start writing Vol. 4 which will be set in another world. If you want to know more, there's my P atreon.

p atreon.com/NotPolarArtics

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