In the beginning was the world, and the world was magic... Including all of it's inhabitants. But that all changed for inhabitants of the world of blue five thousand years ago, after the annihilation war. The war was between the drakes and humankind, and was one that knocked the universe off balance... the once unlimited nature mana got exhausted, and magic became history. They were also spatial tears in different locations, which led to an alternate world... A very dangerous one. But all hopes of magic were not lost for the inhabitants of the world of blue, because it was also discovered that powerful beasts in the otherworld, left behind magical relics when they die... And the power of the magical relics, could be siphoned at the age of sixteen.
In the magical world of blue, coexisted different species. But only three out all other species were considered the apex, due to their humanoid form and wisdom... The humans, elves, and drakes.
Humans were selfish creatures, known for their wisdom and trickery, and used the abundant mana of nature for their art of magic.
The elves were nature abiding creatures, known for their beauty and loyalty, and used the abundant mana of nature for their famous art of healing.
The Draco's were unpredictable creatures, known for their blood thirsty nature, and used the abundant mana of nature for their art of war.
For centuries in the world of blue, the humankind have been the dominating specie... burning down all opposing forces below their feet, and enslaving the inferior species to labor.
They were powerful mages who used the abundant nature mana to perform magical wonders, and used it to oppress the other species to serve them like god's. They took wife's from the other humanoid species, and gave birth to hybrids who had great magical potentials.
The drakes got fed up with the humans selfish nature, and raged war against the human species. The pendragon's who were half human, half drake hybrids, became enemies for both the humans and the drakes, and were wiped out as canon fodder.
The war raged on for decades and seemed unstoppable, till the abundant mana of nature got exhausted, and the world of blue got knocked off balance. Magic became history, and spatial tears began tearing down the world of blue.
The humans and drakes all retreated in fear, and awaited the unknown future of the world of blue. But the elves discovered that the spatial tears were portals to an unknown world... A world were darkness ruled and there were no light... A world ruled by powerful magnificent beasts... But also a world of hope.
It was also discovered by the elves that if the powerful magnificent beasts were killed by a blade, they left behind powerful relics. And after deep research on the relics... It was discovered that the powers of the relics could be siphoned at the sixteenth age of a creature, and could be powered without mana of nature... But with the soul's force.
The elves then allied with the humans, and began conquering and creating strongholds in the otherworld. And a new government system was made... A government ruled by humans and elves alike, but also a government corrupted by the fear of extinction.