
The Last of the Fae

The final book in a three-piece series, Kora has overcome many obstacles since being returned to life after 1500 years as a stone statue. Will she be able to take revenge for the Fae, save Deirdre and the lives of those she loves?

ash6584 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

The morning of Malik and Ludis's wedding was upon them, and even in the early dawn light, the castle buzzed with activity. Kora lay in bed, listening to the birds outside her window, waiting for someone to come banging on her door. Ben was asleep next to her, his arms wrapped around her waist, holding her close. She smiled and stretched like a cat, content. Feeling her movement, Ben began to trail kisses over her shoulder. She rose slowly, and turned to give Ben a full view since she was still naked from last night's love making. She winked and headed for the bath. Eager as always Ben followed her. As much as they wanted to mess around, there just wasn't any time. They bathed quickly, and as Kora emerged from the bathing room with a robe on, Agnes, her maidservant, was already waiting for her. Ben, who wore a shirt and breeches, pecked a kiss on Kora's cheek at he left the women to it.

Kora wore a silk lavender gown with chiffon over the top. She did her hair up in an elegant style, with curls falling down her back and kept her make-up simple with soft eyeshadow and faint pink lips. Wearing only her crown and matching eardrops for jewelry, she pulled her slippers on and thanked Agnes. Rushing to Ludis and Maliks room, she could hear the commotion already and just as she was about to knock, Stella opened the door.

"Oh, thank god, she's having a panic attack and I can't talk her down." Stella practically yanked Kora into the room. Stella wore a similar gown to Kora's, as did Ikalla, who was leaning over a hyperventilating Ludis. Kora saw Ludis ivory wedding gown in the corner, and the crown on the pedestal. The maidservants were murmuring to each other, and it wasn't helping.

"All of you, out! If all you can do is sit there and clack like hens, then be off and find some use for employment!" Kora admonished and the girls looked ashamed as they hurried from the room. Kora walked over to Ludis and kneeled in front of her. Cupping her face, she made Ludis look at her. Koras eyes glowed faintly.

"You're standing in front of a calm lake. The water is so clear you can see the bottom. The air is crisp, and the sun has just risen." Kora repeated the mantra and Ludis calmed. Breathing a sigh of release, she took Koras hands in hers.

"Thank you, how did you do that? It was like I was at the lake." Ludis, ever the academic, was already trying to pilfer her secrets. Kora simply smiled.

"Be good and get ready for your wedding. Ill tell you while I do your hair." To keep Ludis distracted while Stella and Ikalla helped her into her dress, Kora launched into a complicated explanation of hypnosis. It worked. By the time Kora had finished talking about Hypnosis and had moved on to ancient Fae lore Ludis make-up was done, and Kora had finished her hair.

"I'm done How did you do that so fast?" Ludis stood, walking over to look at herself in the mirror.

"Oh, that was me playing on your weakness. Learning." The women laughed. Ludis were beautiful. Her Ivory gown was off the shoulders, covered in delicate white lace. Silk sleeves tapered to her wrists, and small sprigs of lavender tucked into her elegant updo. She really did look like a queen. She hugged each woman and thanked them, trying not to cry.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this." Ludis sniffed and Stella laughed.

"Too late to back out now, sister-in-law." She teased, and there was a knock at the door. One of the maidservants from before peaked her head in.

"Uhm, begging your pardon my ladies, but its time." she said timidly. Ikalla grinned wickedly.

"Found something to do after all did you?" Ikalla snickered. The maidservant blushed beat red.

"Come on ladies, let's go. We don't want to make the groom think you changed your mind." Ludis laughed at this, and they proceeded to the great hall. Everything was decorated in soft grays and purples, flowers bloomed everywhere. Bouquets of white roses with Lavender stems in them lined the isles and tapestries. Ludis's own bouquet matched. The crowd was enormous, and Ludis gripped Stella and Kora's hand. They could see the panic. Kora smiled gently, and Ikalla leaned down to whisper in Ludis's ear.

"Look at the altar. See Malik? He's the only one here who matters. And he's waiting for you Ludis." They felt Ludis's grip ease, and she smiled at her tall friend.

"Thank you Ikalla. I needed that." Royce showed up to escort Ludis down the aisle. Since they had grown up together and were from the same village, it made sense to everyone. Royce was moved to tears when Ludis asked. Stella went first, walking slowly. The crowd stood as the music started. Just like at Stella's wedding, Kora rained flower petals down on the crowd. Kora went next, followed by Ikalla. Ben and Ian stood next to the King, and Malik was grinning ear to ear, tears in his eyes. The boys all wore matching dark grey suits. Malik wore a white suit, with black shirt and tie. He had seen Ludis, who started down the aisle with Royce. Since Malik couldn't ordain his own wedding, they had asked the high priest from the largest temple in the city to attend. He was a kind man, though getting on in years.

"Who represents the bride?" The old man asked, still smiling.

"I, Royce Griffin of the Southern Desert Tribes, represent the bride." Royce took Ludis's hand and placed it in Malik's, then gave her a kiss on the forehead. The tears fell, and she whispered her thanks to him. The ceremony was beautiful and though Kora couldn't recall what the old man yammered about, she knew from the smiles on Malik and Ludis's faces that they weren't listening either. When he pronounced them husband and wife Ludis launched herself at Malik, who caught her – sealing the deal with a kiss. The crowd cheered and clapped, the smiling couple only having eyes for each other.

The reception was packed, the music going and drinks a plenty. Kora had witnessed more then a few of the nobilities elite making some drunken choices tonight, and she and Ben hooted with laughter. Bens friend Sam- Samuel- had made the long trek from the west coast to make the wedding, and he was witty, making Kora almost spit her wine across the table a few times. He was a big man, as tall as Royce, but fair skinned with shaggy brown hair and level blue eyes. While not bad looking at all, Kora could tell this man preferred books over swords. He was a mage, and quite intelligent.

"So, Ben, you promised me a meeting with the beautiful Ikalla, but yet, I haven't seen her. Is she unwell?" Kora sniggered. She had possibly drank a little too much herself.

"She's hiding. She hates social gatherings." Sam looked intrigued, and Ben laughed.

"Let'sss go find her." Ben slurred his words a bit, and this had them all rolling in laughter.

Ian walked over to the side room where he and Ikalla had danced, and as he suspected, she was sitting on the windows edge, looking out over the castle. She looked so beautiful and serene. Peaceful. Walking forward, she turned, and he held his hands up – a glass in each hand.

"It's fruit juice, I swear." Ian offered one cup , almost as a peace offering. She took the glass and smiled at him.

"Thanks. I think everyone in that room has had more than enough to drink for the year." She sipped her glass and Ian laughed.

"Yea, Malik, and Ludis don't seem to notice at all though. When I came out here- Royce had started singing the song about the beggar and the harlot, and Stella was singing too." Ikalla almost spit her drink out, and then swallowed coughing and laughing. Ian clapped her on the back, and she heaved a large breath. Then they both started laughing.

"I bet Kora and Ben are just as worse for ware, I should start moving my hiding spot. She tends to look for me when she's wasted. She likes to get into trouble." Ikalla said, pretending to sound serious. Ian grinned, and leaned against the wall, looking down into Ikalla's eyes. He felt the mood shift slightly and knew he needed to talk to her now, or he would lose his nerve. As he was about to speak, the door slammed open – Kora Ben and Samuel walked in, clearly drunk. Ben and Kora had their arms around each other, supporting one another, while Sam was laughing at something Ben had said. Seeing Ian, Ben's grin got wider.

"Perfect!!! Two interesting people to meet at once!" Ben called out and Kora giggled, which was very unlike her. She walked over and flopped down on the window seat next to Ikalla. Ian stiffened. He knew who Sam was. He was the spymaster for crying out loud.

"Sam, this is Lady Ikalla and Sir Ian. Ikalla, Sam has been waiting for the chance to meet you!" Ben drawled. Ian didn't acknowledge Sam at all. Sam caught the hint at hostility and turned to Ikalla. She seemed confused, looking him over curiously.

Sam bowed over Ikalla's hand and smiled at her. Ian frowned. Kora and Ben watched, amused.

"Forgive me for the abrupt introduction, but I have been asking Ben to introduce us for a while. I noticed you on the training grounds when I arrived a few weeks ago and your beauty is unparalleled." Sam flourished, and Ikalla's face burned red. Sam was still holding her hand. Ikalla looked at Kora, who was grinning at her friends discomfort, then to Ben, who was also enjoying the show. She looked at Ian, who's face had gone dark. Ikalla gulped. She politely took her hand back.

"I thank you for the kind words, my lord. But I feel you might need Ludis to check your eyes. She is quite an accomplished healer." Ikalla stated, seeming to be over the initial shock of someone being so blunt with her. Ian smiled, but his eyes were still storm clouds. Ben guffawed and Kora was hiding her smile. Sam, however, was not daunted.

"Pray tell me, do you like to dance? What are my chances of persuading you to join me for the next song?" Sam asked, smiling kindly. Ikalla visibly paled.

"I am a poor dancer I am afraid. Hence why I was hiding." She glowered at Kora, who blinked at her innocently. Sam laughed.

"Truthfully, I am dreadful on the dance floor. But you move with such grace with a sword, I feel that with some practice you could be a natural. Perhaps I could interest you in a ride tomorrow then? Kora says you're an avid horse woman." Ikalla looked him up and down, getting the feeling this man spent more time in a library then a saddle, but she couldn't find any polite way to refuse.

"Of course. Are you familiar with the capital?" she asked, thinking of something mundane she could take him to. She felt heat radiating off Ian, who was now leaning on the wall right next to her, her shoulder touching his stomach. It took every bit of self-control to not look up at him. She had no idea why he felt so hostile. The man was just asking for someone to go riding with him.

"I haven't been to the capital in years, Id love to have someone show me around." Ian coughed, and everyone looked at him. His cheeks were tinged pink- his eyes were hot.

"Ben, could I talk with you a moment?" Ian's voice was stiff. Ben seemed unbothered and followed Ian out into the corridor.

"What's the deal man. What's with Mr. Hot book worm dude, he's not even her type." Ian spat, and Ben smiled innocently.

"He mentioned he thought she was beautiful and wanted to get to know her better. Since your … not pursuing her, I thought maybe she would enjoy someone's company. "Ben stated calmly. Ian fumed. He raised his arms, clearly about to start yelling, before checking himself.

"I never said I wasn't pursuing her. I just ..." Ian trailed off. Ben stepped forward and patted his shoulder.

"Ikalla deserves to be happy too, Ian. It may not be with Sam, but she's struggled her whole life feeling she was less then adequate as a woman. Kora told me such. She needs to know she had have a normal life too if she wishes it." Ian's mouth open and closed. Ben right, who was he to want Ikalla to remain alone while he tried to figure out his own mind? His shoulders slumped and they returned to the side room. He heard Ikalla's laughter and Kora's giggle, clearly Sam was telling a funny story. Ben felt depressed. He stood there for a few more minutes, listening to Sam talk and watching Ikalla smile at him, and he silently slipped away. He was done with today. Time to find the liquor.