
The Last of the Fae

The final book in a three-piece series, Kora has overcome many obstacles since being returned to life after 1500 years as a stone statue. Will she be able to take revenge for the Fae, save Deirdre and the lives of those she loves?

ash6584 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

Ikalla and Royce faced off on the training grounds. They were both dripping sweat and had agreed this would be the last sparring match. Royce dived in, aiming to sweep her legs out from under her, but nimble as ever Ikalla jumped, dodging his swipe, and cracking him on the shoulder with the blunted end of her double glaive. She laughed, and he scowled. This meant that they were tied, and he hated ending a match with a tie. As they grabbed their water skins, Royce plopped down next to the fence lining the yard and Ikalla leaned over it. Ikalla was looking at him strangely and Royce commented.

"Ima married man lass, don't stare so hard." Royce was joking and laughed at the blush that tinted Ikalla's dark cheeks. She was a tall woman from the rainforests of the south. Her skin was a beautiful dark color, and eyes like caramel. She wore her long black hair with multiple braids down her back. She fussed and smacked his shoulder again with her glaive.

"I was wondering how you got that scar, you idiot." She pointed out, and then grinned at his teasing.

"Ah, this old thing. Quite the charmer it is. I got it from the last known monster to haunt these lands. A griffin. Its hunting grounds where the village livestock. When I was 17, I climbed the mountain it roosted on, and we had quite the battle. I still wear his feather every day- to remind me that anything is possible." Royce mused as he told the brief story and Ikalla was surprised and impressed. Griffins where as big as Shadow, Kora's half Fenrir wolf. Shadow himself stood 19 hands high easy, and a griffin was similar in size if not bigger. They were the last of the monsters around when Ikalla was general of the empires forces- but they were rare and lived on the uttermost outskirts of the empire. This monster business had her head turning, and they both looked over to the groups of soldiers training. They practiced throwing grappling hooks with heavy chains and wielding over sized spears. Royce Stood, and as they watched, Royce asked the question that had been on both their minds.

"Do you think they could handle an actual monster?" Ikalla shook her head.

"The shock of one charging them would be enough to put any one out of their wits. And the ones that have been sprouting up are not the prettier of the monsters we've heard in stories at the knee of the village elders." They saw Kora approaching with Shadow and waved their greetings.

"All done practicing for the day?" Kora teased, but she was watching the soldiers too.

"Yes, we were just discussing how to handle the shock factor of fighting something so… well terrifying." Kora looked thoughtful and started towards the soldiers. Curious, Royce and Ikalla followed her. Shadow padded along beside them. Upon their approach, training came to a halt so the soldiers could bow to Kora and Royce. She took a leap and scurried onto Shadows back to sit behind his shoulders, looking down on the men.

"It has occurred to us that many of you have never faced such monsters before. Tell me. Shadow is not as large as a Fenrir, and his skin not as thick. If he was charging you, where would you strike first?" The soldiers were confused. Shadows drool was dripping on the ground, and he wore a lopsided dog grin as he panted in the afternoon sun. This was the princess's …. Very large dog. He wasn't a threat.

Kora leaned over to whisper and Shadow's whole demeaner changed. Suddenly his teeth were showing, his growl making the ground vibrate. He snapped at the air and all his hair stood on end. The soldiers fumbled, many dropped their weapons and grappling chains. Kora patted Shadow on the shoulder, and just as fast, he was back to the lopsided grinning puppy he was. He sat, and Kora climbed down. She walked in front of Shadow and addressed the men.

"Shadow is our friend in this fight against monsters this land hasn't seen in thousands of years. But imagine for a second he wasn't. He is half the size of a full-blooded Fenrir. He is a quarter the size of an adolescent wyvern. And an eighth the size of the average basilisk. These are not guesses. These are measurements given to us by the scouting teams. We need to have nerves of steel. What we are asking you to fight isn't as simple as my loyal companion here." Kora turned to Royce and Ikalla. Ikalla stepped forward.

"When fighting any monster, teamwork is essential. Knowing your enemy is just as much so." She motioned to Shadow.

"When dealing with a Fenrir, note that they hunt in packs very similar to wolves. So, if you see one, there are others close by, make no mistake. Always be aware of your surroundings. Their skin is tougher then then Shadow, you will need to go for the legs, and try to avoid their mouths. Their drool is venomous and acts like an acid when they attack. If you do happen to get any on you wash it off with oil or water as quickly as possible before it can do permanent damage." Royce came forward. Take out the legs, then go for the heart." Royce came forward to speak.

"Wyverns tend to fly in flocks. The only time they split from their flock is when its time to lay eggs and raise young. Your grappling hooks are going to be your best friend in these fights. Get them out of the sky and they are quite awkward on the ground. Their scales are tough, like rocks. There are soft openings around their wings, face, and front legs. Take advantage." Kora came forward.

"If you ever face a basilisk, you will need a mage. If you do not have one, then this is the time to retreat. They are not partial to fire. We have gone through our fire starter packs, yes? "Looking to Royce, and the soldiers all nodded vigorously.

"These will act as a sort of flash bomb, and that will be your chance to escape. These will be the hardest to kill. Shadow and I will personally be patrolling for these. If you face one and you do not have a mage skilled in fire, please don't put yourself in any unnecessary risk. Try to go for soft spots around the throat or belly if you can't avoid the beast and remember to never leave camp without a few firs packs handy." Royce and Ikalla came to stand next to Kora.

"Any questions?" Royce asked, and as he began to field the questions, Ikalla leaned over to murmur to Kora.

"When do you and Ben leave?"

"After the wedding. Just a few more days! The amount of solders training while so many royal guests are here is making everyone nervous, no doubt worried that their own lands will soon start to experience similar infestation." Kora murmured back. They turned and started towards the castle, making for the kitchens. Cook would have dinner going but wouldn't mind if too hungry girls stole a quick snack.

From the balcony overlooking the training grounds, he watched the women go. It had been hard for him to try and bridge the gap that had formed between him and Ikalla, and so much time had passed now that he didn't know how to proceed. She had cared for him when he had been injured in the fight at Attrition castle against Drew and had helped him through all his therapy. The more his feelings grew for her, the colder he became towards her, and he felt her withdraw as well. Maybe she didn't have any feelings for him? But he still couldn't get her face out of his mind. It was the first thing he thought of every morning, and the last thing he saw when he closed his eyes at night. He breathed a sigh of frustration and pushed his reddish blonde hair away from his light brown eyes. He needed to get laid. The frustration was building up, and he hadn't been with a woman since before he kissed Ikalla at last winters opening ball. It wasn't from the lack of available females or the want, but every time he had talked a girl up and had her alone, Ikalla's face would pop into his head, and stop everything cold in its tracks. He was starting to think he was broken. He heaved another heavy sigh and spoke.

"You can't hide from a spy master Ben, its my job to know where everyone is, all the time." Ben laughed and stepped out from behind the pillar he was standing behind. He clapped Ian on the back and leaned on the balconies railing.

"You got to talk to her Ian, were all tired of you moping around like a lovesick fool." Ian frowned at his friend, and said indignantly –

"I do not mope. I am a dignified individual. I sulk. And I am not in love. So, your wrong on all counts." When in doubt deny, deny, and deny some more, he thought. Ian was shaking his head at Ben's grin.

"So, if I had a friend who was interested in Ikalla, I could introduce them. No skin off your nose, right?" Ben asked, and Ian felt an ugly surge of emotion in his chest. Jealousy, he realized in surprise.

"You don't have any other friends Ben." Ian replied, avoiding the question. Ben shrugged.

"Lord Samuel from Belthan, he's here for the wedding. He saw Ikalla at breakfast a few days ago and had been asking for an introduction when he saw we were close. But if its going to cause problems…" He looked at Ian sideways, still grinning. Ian turned so Ben couldn't see the emotions on his face. Getting his feelings under control, he commented airily.

"Ikalla is a free woman. She can do as she pleases." Realizing Ben had him, he cursed silently, and started walking away.

"I've got work to do, go bother your fiancé." Ian called over his shoulder, and he could hear Bens laughter following him. What a friend indeed, to find amusement in his torture. Knowing if the roles were reversed, he would be doing the same did not help his mood one bit.

Ikalla and Kora walked down the hallway, each with a pastry in hand .

"You remember when we used to do this as children, sneak in and beg Cook for sweets before dinner?" Ikalla asked, and Kora chuckled.

"Oh, do I, remember the lecture we would get from your mom every time." Kora and Ikalla laughed at the memory.

"I can't wait until there are children in this castle again. Ludis and Malik will have such cute babies. And the castle has been too long without the patter of a child learning to walk." Kora sighed as Ikalla nudged her.

"What about little Kora's and little Ben's?" Ikalla's question tugged at Kora's heart. She wanted children. To give Ben an heir. She imagined how wonderful and gentle he would be with a baby and her heart swelled. There was fear though, that she would struggle to conceive as her mother had. She was also afraid of what kind of life that child would have, being the child of a Fae. What if she was an unfit mother? Her own mother hadn't provided much guidance in that department. Ikalla understood her friends unspoken words and squeezed her hand.

"Any child you bring into this world will be loved beyond measure. Don't pressure yourself. Everything comes in time." Kora smiled at her friend, and then let out a small cry of elation.

"Stella and Royce can start trying! They are married! I'm going to have nieces and nephews!" She squealed, and baby fever in full effect, they set off to hound their friends to have babies.