
The Last of my Bloodline System.

Dante99Jax · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 9. A Surprising Boss fight.

After Dante finished with his system he was quite happy and couldn't wait to try out his new skills. He decided to wait until he actually needed them because of the mana cost and the goblins he faced were far too easy. As soon as he started to pay attention again the group started to move down the hallway. It didn't take them long to find another group but this time a group of 16 goblins could be seen 8 warriors and 8 mages. There was also 4 black wolves around them.

Dante is the one who spoke first this time. " I think we should take out the wolves and the mages first. I see the wolves being a little harder to kill then the goblins." Vic and the others nodded in agreement before counting down again and rushing out. Vic went towards 2 of the wolves before releasing 4 wind blades each at the wolves the wolves didn't stand a chance because of the sneak attack. Dante saw this as a perfect opportunity to use his new fireball skill. He used the skill and aimed two each at both of his wolves. The first wolf got hit in the back and head then died immediately. The second wolf hearing the commotion moved and only got hit with one on the side. Although mortally wounded by the fireball it was still alive so Dante rushed it striking it with his gauntlet on the side of the head. That blow finished the wolf so he moved on to the mages nearby.

With Dante and Vic already defeating the wolves Timmithy and Lillith started aiming for mages. Lillith managed to get two different mages with head shots from her bow. Timmithy on the other hand charged his pistols for more concentrated beam of fire he also got two mages with head shots. Dante and Vic seeing the mages drop rushed the last 4 before the warriors could react and surround them. Dante grabbed one mage by the head and slammed its head into the other mages head with all his force. The force of their skulls hitting each other crushed their heads and they died instantly. Vic on the other hand swung his great sword around his body slashing the two other mages in half with ease.

With the mages and wolves out of the way the warriors weren't much trouble. Timmithy and Lillith took out another two each while Dante and Vic used brute strength to take out two each themselves. With all the monsters dead they started to take out cores again. Lillith and Timmithy had two more mage cores and warrior cores. While Dante and Vic had 2 wolf cores, 2 mage cores, and 2 warrior cores added to their bags.

Dante's system flashed up again

Bonus of 1,800 xp for first black wolf kill

400 exp for black wolf

100 for goblin mage

100 for goblin mage

100 for goblin warrior

100 for goblin warrior

200 exp + 2,600 exp= 2,800 exp out of 5,000 exp.

Please pick one skill for the first kill of a black wolf.

Wolf Claw lvl F( users hands become claw like to rip and tear. 5 points of mana used can be activated and deactivated at will.), Wolf Speed Lvl F( 20% increase in agility. 5 points of mana used for 5 minute boost), Wolf Bite lvl F( users canines become enlarged for biting and tearing. 5 points of mana used can be activated and deactivated at will.) Dante was torn in between Wolf Claw because he thought it would would well with that gauntlets and Wolf Speed for the agility boost. He eventually chose Wolf Speed for the boost in agility knowing he would half an agility booster and strength booster now.

After using fireball 4 times and strength booster once at the beginning he had 115 points of mana left out of 140. So he had to start using mana more conservatively. The group slowly started moving forward until the hallway opened up into a big vast cave. The group didn't like this so the progression slowed down. They hugged the corner of the hallway and peered in the cave opening. What they saw was not a good sight. 6 Black wolves, 7 goblin warriors, 7 mages, and in the back a huge wolf with a massive goblin. Vic got out his phone and used the scanner on it on the bigger two in the back.

He sighed and turned around to the group while saying " this isn't good guys the small group of 20 isn't a big deal but those two in pack just evolved from low tier to middle tier. The huge wolf is an alpha and the massive goblin is a hobgoblin wolf rider. I don't know if we can take them, maybe we should turn around and get Raul here. We were told this was just a low tier dungeon." Dante looked around and saw a portal on the far side of the wall that looked just like the one they came through along with a bunch of cages. Dante spoke up " I think that portal is our exit to be honest. We've been going in a straight line this whole time with no other turns or curves so even if we go back I don't know if we will make it out of here. We could always try to fight and if we're losing we could make a rushed escape through the portal." Vic thought about it and looked at the others. " what do you two think? " Lillith spoke up first " I think we should go for it and if it doesn't work use Dante's plan" Timmithy replied " I also think that is a good idea. Honestly none of us have struggled with any enemies here and Victor and Dante kill most of these little guys in one hit."

After that discussion they decided to rush the big group of weaker enemies before trying to get the bigger two in the back. This time Dante rushed out ahead with Vic watching his back. Dante ran forward until he got to the first wolf and dropped a heel kick on top of the wolfs head. With the added power from his equipment the boot went straight through the wolf head. He the hurriedly lunged at the closest wolf and punched it as hard as he could through it's eye. The gauntlet went deep and the wolf shuddered and died. Vic came up from behind Dante and rushed the next closest wolf he cleaved one's head off in a single blow and then sent 4 wind blades through the next one killing them both in quick succession.

Seeing the two boys killing almost all the wolves Timmithy and Lillith took aim and killed one wolf each before turning their attention to mages and raining their firepower on them killing two mages each. Dante and Vic then rushed the remaining mages. Dante got there first and used his fist to punch through one of their skulls before kicking the next closest one in the chest killing it. The single mage left was terrified and tried to run but Vic was already on it cleaving it in half before turning around and sending a wind blade at one warrior killing it.

Lillith and Timmithy took this time to kill two warriors each. Dante then rushed the remaining two and once again used their own skulls to kill each other smashing their heads together with ease. As soon as the last one died they heard a howl so loud they all to cover their ears. Before anyone could react the Alpha wolf and Hobgoblin rider were already upon them. Vic got taken by surprise he managed to use his great sword to block the wolfs claw attack but the force from the attack sent him into the cave wall. He hit the wall hard the group heard a crack and saw him spitting out blood. Vic didn't get back up he was knocked out from a single attack.

Seeing this Dante knew they were probably going to die so he made the only decision he could think of at the time. He yelled at Timmithy and Lillith " you two grab Vic and run to the portal I will stay here and fight holding them off. Raul is probably our only chance now run hurry!" Hearing this they both didn't question him and grabbed Vic by his shoulders dragging him along.

Dante activated two skills strength booster 20%, and Wolf speed. Knowing that even with these two skills he may not be able to keep up for long. He started throwing fireballs at the wolf and the hobgoblin on top of it. He threw two at the giant wolf and threw two at the Hobgoblin. The first fireball connected with the shoulder of the wolf and then it dodged the rest and tried to get the 3 running away. Dante saw this and charged at the wolf. When he caught up to the wolf it was almost upon the other 3 so he threw himself at the wolf in a drop kick. The kick connected with the wolfs side and threw it into a nearby wall giving the 3 just enough time to get through the portal.

The wolf stood up snarling clearly not very hurt by the kick but instead angered. The only good thing about the kick is he managed to knock off the hobgoblin. Before the hobgoblin could stand up Dante threw another two fireballs at the huge goblin. Even though he wasn't very precise with the fireballs yet one managed to hit the hobgoblin on the back of its shoulders making it shriek and roll around on the floor. Seeing this the wolf charged Dante trying to hit him how it had hit Vic. Dante had been waiting for this and right before the wolf threw out it's claws to strike him he leaped forward and threw out a heel kick to its skull. For the first time Dante had dealt a mortal wound to the wolf. It wasn't dead although seriously injured the wolfs head was pouring blood out of its mouth with a few teeth scattered on the floor. Seeing how much damage his hit actually did Dante didn't stop and threw a punch straight into its eye socket. With that punch the wolf died while jerking around.

What Dante didn't pay attention too was the hobgoblin getting back up. It hurriedly picked up its crude looking spear and rushed at him while his hand was still stuck in the wolfs eye socket. Dante didn't hear the hobgoblin until it was already on him. Dante hurriedly pulled his arm out but it was too late the hobgoblin jabbed him deep in the shoulder. That one attack took him down 40 HP( for a remainder of 100 HP.) Seeing how much damage this one attack did Dante grabbed the spear with his other hand not letting the hobgoblin take it out and threw a kick with all his might the kick connected just barely with the hobgoblin's chin throwing it up in the air. Regrettably this move ripped out the spear with force cause him to lose another 40 HP( for a remainder of 60 HP.)

Dante cursed at himself for that move but it was worth it, for now the hobgoblin lost its weapon, but it also took over half his health from that surprise attack. Which just shows how much a difference of low tier to middle tier is. The kick had thrown Dante back and he managed to roll out of his bad position. The hobgoblin also managed to roll out of his attack but now it's jaw hung slack showing that the kick had broke its jaw. They both charged at each other the hobgoblin managed to pick up its spear and thrust it at Dante just before Dante was about to attack. Seeing this Dante decided to use his gauntlet to try and parry the attack. It worked somewhat but the spear slipped at the end of gauntlet and gouged his already hurt arm. His should and the top of his arm were useless on the left side and this attack took his health down another 40 points( for a remainder of 20 HP.) Seeing this Dante knew he had to finish this fight and used this time to close the distance before the hobgoblin could recover from his attack. He threw a punch with his right arm with all his strength at the hobgoblins head. His gauntlet punched a hole through the hobgoblins head before killing it.

Seeing that he had won although it was close was enough for Dante. He though he was about to die but he managed to kill them both by himself as a first year with almost no fighting experience. He smiled before he passed out from blood loss. A few seconds later the portal rippled and Raul walked through ready to fight. He looked around realizing the fight was over and ran to Dante. He checked his pulse and realized the boy was still alive thankfully while eyeballing the two bodies of the freshly evolved middle tier monsters. This shouldn't of happened but he was proud of the boy. He hurriedly picked him up and carried him out of the portal.