
The Last Mortal Earth Goddess

Esme is the last of her race. she was sent across the universe to escape the fate that befell her planet before her but it seems fate has other plans. 17 years after being cast into space she finally nears her destination Earth but it seems that she have a tail throughout her journey through the universe and one of her enemies scouts have found her and sent her location back to it's home.now that its only a matter of time before this planet also face destruction she has to come together with the planets inhabitants to insure they all survive for Esme will learn why an entire race is after her and why is this planet core weakly calling out to me

hitmann_1607 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


hey guys still continuing with the story just wanted to see if it was something people would want to read plz comment if you like the story or not it really helps me. I know the beginning was not the greatest as it resembled a certain other alien background but the way I wanted to go with the story was kind of different as Esme being already being older and knowing about her powers and at least knowing she isn't the same as the others on the planet she's going to. also plz comment on things I should change. the way chapter reads will change to as I won't just bunch the sentences together like that makes for a short looking chapter. if all goes well I should have a chapter of out tonight or tomorrow morning.