
The Last Mortal Earth Goddess

Esme is the last of her race. she was sent across the universe to escape the fate that befell her planet before her but it seems fate has other plans. 17 years after being cast into space she finally nears her destination Earth but it seems that she have a tail throughout her journey through the universe and one of her enemies scouts have found her and sent her location back to it's home.now that its only a matter of time before this planet also face destruction she has to come together with the planets inhabitants to insure they all survive for Esme will learn why an entire race is after her and why is this planet core weakly calling out to me

hitmann_1607 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Arrival

scene: United Nations Summit

POV: Mark

'I always knew something like this would happen', I thought as I look on at the mess in front of me.

The world leaders are at each other's throats, yelling at their own ideas over what is to be done over the spacecraft that's on screen.

Currently it's just settled itself in a low orbit over the planet and has not made any kind of response to our communication attempts.

I sigh as I look up from their bickering to the screen and watch in marvel of the beautiful sight

'So there really is life out there huh I wonder what their intentions, are if they come in peace then maybe we could get our hands on that technology it's simply magnificent. Just thinking of how this can bring humans to the eve of a new generation of space travel'


one of the leader's said

True the spacecraft was only two and a half football fields in almost every direction


another leader said in defense

also true we didn't know what that ship or these people/aliens where capable of they or a unknown until they either communicate with us or they make their move

"I for one would like to know how the technology will be distributed because I see only two options here. Either they are friendly in that case who lead the negotiations, or they are hostile in that case we decimate them and take what's left."

"Yes I agree but what do we now. The ship still hasn't responded to any it's just just circling the planet like it's scanning us."

A female translator interprets for the Japanese prime minister

"We have everything ready that can damage this thing on standby." I say joining in on the discussion now that it calmed down a little, and we really did have everything on standby ready for that thing to show aggression. fighter planes loaded with nuke tipped missiles, subs ready to surface at a moments notice to deliver armageddon, tactical and ballistic missiles, weapons systems around working together to bring that thing down. Although it would be a pity if we have to destroy that work of art, nothing will blind me from what needs to be down if it comes down to it.

"SIR THE SHIP HAS STOPPED ITS ORBIT AND IS CURRENTLY STATIONARY" one of my aids informs me and we all look up to the screen to see just that but these something off now about the ship. like became more real and suddenly we see one of the screens overhead change to the scene of a beautiful teenage looking girl looking down at us. She was seated on a sleek sliver gem encrusted throne of sorts. she really was beautiful, she had silvery-white hair and red eyes and dressed in what I can only assume is a combat suit as it covers what we see of her body stopping at her neck.

"Greetings leaders of this planet, my name is nova an A.I. under her highness Princess Esme. I will be translating what her highness as she is not a speaker of one of your many languages as of yet."

The voice that spoke these words didn't come from the woman seated, but from a being standing just off to the side and behind her. I didn't know what to make off him as he just looked like some old English butler but he was all golden shimmering like, like at any point a part of his body was there but fading in and out of reality.

We all looked around at each other, looking to see who would speak first. Seeing this I decided to lead to discussion.

"Greetings your Highness and you to Mr. Nova I am the United States president Mark Williams, it's a pleasure to meet you. I would first like to ask what your intentions are with our planet is see if we have any chance at peaceful relations"

I see the A.I turn to the woman seated and speak in a language I never heard before. I then she her turn slightly to respond to him, an as I do I hear her speak for the first time in that same language spoken by the A.I., but the there seemed to be more weight to her words spoken, like the had some kind of power in and of itself and besides the her very voice was enchanting and mesmerizing. like you can get lost and daze if she was to sing with that voice.

Then A.I. turned back to us and said " We come in peace to your planet and all it's inhabitants." this put all of us in the room at ease at least they're peaceful. The A.I. further responded "We are from a planet many light-years from your planet but it's gone, and her highness and my master is the last of her race. We are I guess your term is the word 'refugee'"

well shit this is both good and bad, good in the since that they are friendly and we can get our hands on the technology since they are technically refugee's and seeking aid in the form of a place to live we can exchange that for tech. But the thing is 'what is sh- are they running from. He said they're planet is no more so does that mean that her enemies blew it up or is no more due to natural causes. so many Questions but I went with the most obvious "Who are you running from to make you a 'refugee' as you put it."

The A.I. looked a little uncertain, I see him turn to the woman seated and asked he a question In that weird but powerful language.I also she her nod to him before they both turn back and Mr nova responded with " A enemy than can traverse space like the back of their hand and can destroy whole planets and galactic empires if the feel like it. A enemy that will stop at nothing to kill her highness because of the danger and threat she posing to them just by existing."

Well shit this just got more complicated. while I process the information I can help stare at the screen at the beautiful young lady on screen and can't help think of what she had to go through to get here seeing as her planet and people are gone, and what makes her so special that a race that can (from what I can infer from what was said) dominate galaxies and rain destruction to their enemy. I really want to she her in person, to actually she and hear her speak. I admit it was a selfish desire, one I can be sure is shared by some of my fellow leaders as they are interested in her story and some enamored with her appearance and voice. There are others who are still weary of her but for some reason I can't explain i knew we could trust what told to be true. I was voicing the question before I knew I was saying It, I couldn't stop myself not that I wanted to stop it just wished I worded it differently. " Who you be so kind as to grace us with your presence?"