
The Last Mortal Earth Goddess

Esme is the last of her race. she was sent across the universe to escape the fate that befell her planet before her but it seems fate has other plans. 17 years after being cast into space she finally nears her destination Earth but it seems that she have a tail throughout her journey through the universe and one of her enemies scouts have found her and sent her location back to it's home.now that its only a matter of time before this planet also face destruction she has to come together with the planets inhabitants to insure they all survive for Esme will learn why an entire race is after her and why is this planet core weakly calling out to me

hitmann_1607 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Esme's Journey


Location: Cradle

POV: Esme

The first thing I remember growing up was the moving backdrop of the cradles passing through space. I guess the scene can be calming to some but to a person who was scene it no stop for the first few years of your life can be a boring.The next thing I can remember is the sound of nova the cradles A.I. he was the first thing I ever heard and it was to tell we past some galaxy. Once I hear him space I tried mimicking those words to try and communicate with the being that said it. It just so happens my first word was "star" being easier of the words spoken but once the being heard me it started speaking more and I started saying me words until the being somehow changed the space backdrop and now there was moving beings and place all being shown through a video. I just watch these videos retain all if not most of what I saw that being one of my many gifts. Perfect memory. Once I could barely form coherent sentences I told the being I wanted more. More information, more knowledge And it delivered. For the age of 3 until the age 14 all I did was retain video knowledge of most of my races history and achievements.once I could no further with my race I picked other races and general space knowledge. But it was when I can to the race known as the mameleon that things changed. It was this race that wipes out my race with the help of two others. Nova never said why only that it was was part of information locked to me till my 18 birthday.From then on all I did was to train my powers as to be in complete control for when the awakening that happened on my 17 birthday it would have caused the ship to malfunction or possibly destroy it. I really didn't want that so control. Control. Control. Uuuuhhhhhhhhh I really wish I can just step out and feel a planets sun against my skin but I digress the powers I had before the awakening was some mild telekinesis,prokinesis,flight and super scene's. The power I got after was a mojar upgrade to my telekinesis to the point I can dragg a few large moons behind the cradle. Super speed and strength, electrokinesis, teleportation and it seems I have the unique abilities of being able to instantly form and shape plama to my will and the ability to form gateways to a dark planet or universe I don't know I haven't explored it more yet. But according to nova I'm special even among others of my race as usually they would only have flight and super scene's and only got one major power after awakening if they are lucky my they got a minor power to. I saw all this because it's finally here. The journey is almost over. I can see the big blue planet that is the cradles destination.we just past a smaller red planet slowing down as we came closer. Nova's holographic model appeared next to me in it's golden form slightly shimmering. It's features resembling an old butler "your highness ETA 5 mins" I looked away from the screen showing the planet. " I told you countless times to call me Esme nova you are practically family to me you raised me" nova responded"I am sorry your highness it in my core programing to aways your ranking and position when speaking with the royal family" I sighed he real won't come off that I know he can override that if he wants but he doesn't. I stare back at the planet as it closer.'soon. Soon I can get out of here and stretch my legs and power I just hope the inhabitants are friendly'