
The Betrayal

The carriage moved through the thorny bushes and along the bumpy road and went into the evergreen forest, the silence in the carriage was enough to cause the brows of the driver with sweat as he wiped the horses to hasten the ride. The pressure from the woman made all the wild animals fright as no animal crossed their path, and the green grass withered as the woman released more energy. The sun got very hot as the shade covering the smaller was not enough to prevent the sunlight from shining through the entire forest, the driver places a bamboo hat over his head and drinks more water from the small gourd beside him. By sun dusk, as the sun turned to the east, the driver who was on the north pole entered through a misty cloud, which surrounded an entire water a land was found within the mist as a large trumpet sounded and a mist blew from the opening of the large gate. The carriage entered through the gate and a bang was heard. The woman steps down from the carriage with a bright smile beneath the veil as an entire assembly of men and women stand in a circular formation around the carriage. She hit the stick on the ground and the man in the carriage brings out the body of Terrall.

He places the body in front of the woman and she steps on it as she kneels in front of the corpse. The council of elders came to greet her in the midst of the crown. The high lord of the south golden dragon with a sinister smile proclaimed “All hail the new queen”. The entire crowd looked on as the woman stepped forward, with the dead man floating in the air, no one dared to question her authority. The high council covered in cloaks surrounded by their guards watched the young woman in admiration. A letter was handed to her, the council disappeared one after the other.

The sins of the Mayers have been pardoned. The right to become queen will be yours, soon you shall be the ruler of this great clan. Long live the Queen, long live Danien.

The veiled woman goes to a place where sticks have been gathered together and elevated to a very high point, swords with golden scales lie on the sticks with a white garment placed on the sticks, she places the body of Terrall on the sticks, and turns to leave, followed by the man he came with from the city and two others dressed with silver wear with a dark mask they looked very frightening, with the fangs inside the mask. She moves for a while about 5 metres from the town’s square and moves close to a gallant building. The entrance has guards standing and patrolling around the area, a yellow spark appears on the walls of the inner court which told the court tiers a strong force was approaching the palace. They all goes outside and the veiled woman walking on foot entering the Chamber of honors, a place where past kings are honoured. The woman goes in the dim light which was brighting the small room, the paintings and weapons of the previous kings were surrounding the walls with the candle burning inside the middle. She goes close to a painting of a man holding unto two golden swords with a girl and boy standing behind him. She holds on the picture and after a while, the picture shows the man swinging the swords and the children clapping for him. The painting opens and a staircase appears, After a long while of walking the long steps, she saw the gold, and the treasures stood in the dungeon, she stood inside staring at statues of Terrall, she goes close to a picture of a burning mountain and the tears withheld in her eyes flows through her eyes.

A man wearing a white clad kneeling down looking up to the skies, with other gathering also kneeling down with him bowing their heads. They keep bowing their head like waiting for heaven to open up but nothing happens and the flame keeps spreading as the crops and land get swallowed up by the hole being created, soon the entire field becomes a burning ground. The people all run when they saw the fire crackling and jumping to where they standing, the land shaking under their feet as they became unbalanced. The people start running for shelter as the fire becomes more scorching burning any who got closer to the flame. The large volcano becomes enlightened with the thirsty flame as it also gets filled with magma, the people living close to the mountain, pack the little belongings they could afford and started running towards the river. They set the boats to sail and released the anchor hoping to get farther away from the burning gas inside the mountain. The flame burst out in a loud voice when the fire like angry water covers the entire sky with smoke, the ashes fall from the sky like snow as the flame fills the city like flooding water. The eruption caused the earth to shake creating cracks in the roads and making building collapse. The survivors stood on the riverside as the people inside the city struggled for their lives. Inside the raging fire was a young girl who was running towards the river, she moved with all her strength and seemed not to be burning, she was inside the fire, and not a scratch to show the burns on her skin. A young man standing on the boat directing the movement of the water made watched as the young girl got closer to the river, he jumped into the river and swam with rapid speed as he took the young girl in his arms and brought her to the boat. He breathed through her nose and pressed on her chest to release the water which has entered her body, she breathes and awakened to see everyone staring at her. A loud cheer comes from the boat as they sorrowfully celebrate the birth of the immortal dragon. A young boy bearing a dragon tattoo on his shoulder stood with a fine young man holding a sword in his hand, as the boat entered into the deep waters. Everyone inside the boat looked at the young man as they all looked depressed and anxious, some kept vomiting while others sat holding on the belongings of their loved ones.

The veiled woman remembered the time she came to be a member of the Mayer’s family. She goes round the painting and the golden treasures, a golden sword with an orb and a pool of water was locked inside a big a cage. There was no key to open the lock, she tries to enter the cage by casting a spell, a light erupt from the golden which shines through her eyes, a dark aura emerges from her and a shadow appears to be standing side with her, the shadow and her were linked with a chain binding both of them. She goes far away from the cage, as she tried to control the flame burning inside her. The dark aura dissipated after she was able to calm herself. She climbs back to the chamber, “your majesty, you are bleeding” said seven looking worried with a wary eye. She only keeps quiet and turns away to go back to her chamber.

“Your majesty, your majesty!”, the voice kept following her around until the veiled woman disappeared out of her sight.

She bubbled up as she raised her voice “Goddamit Maya get here and stop being a baby”. A door opens up which leads to a fully decorated room. A young colored face woman was sitting on the edge of the bed undressing in her tight long sleeve shirt, she kept unbuttoning the black shirt when the voice followed her in the room. “Well, what made you look pale,” the voice asked.

“Only a small irritation, found a golden sword inside the treasure room.” said Maya.

“Well, where is it”. The voice asked.

“Could not bring it along. It filled with pure light”.

The enthusiastic lady kept dangling her waist around the room, as she held her sword high, “the sword is actually a twin sword. That’s the first part of the sword,”

“Haha, keep believing in the tales of the madman”. “It is not a tale, the sword does exist because it is handed to the royal guard, as a gift for his service but he threw it away to an unknown. My sword was forged as an imitation of the brilliance of the sword.” She raised her sword forward as she thrust her sword into the cabinet. Time passed between the two ladies without any interruption until the darkness emerged and the lady glowed with a beauty that reflect the moonlight, Diana the name of the lady who sat with the quietly sleeping woman on the bed.

The sound of the bell kept ringing, as the blast in the air was heard several times. The young lady sleeping awoke from the sound of the drums, she looked around and could not find her friend beside her. She wore the veil and placed the golden striped dress, with the shining stars inside which showed her presence as the head of the clan. She stepped out of the chamber, and passed through the courtyard, she met the archeries and could not see her friend among them. “Has anyone seen Diana”, asked Maya, “In the armory your highness”.

She entered the armory and walked through the equipment’s, but could not find anyone inside the place, she was stepping outside when she heard giggle, she traced the voice and met her bent down holding a silver sword she steps behind her friend and Diana ask “what are you doing, you supposed to be at the funeral”. “Well, you were closer to him than I was, why were you not there? I can see you still holding unto his sword.” Says Maya. They sit down on the floor without uttering a word to each other, then they both burst in a sad melancholy laughter. They both stand from the floor and join the others as they all head for the funeral.

The final thirteenth drum sounded and everyone paid their farewell to the old man. For a man who was seen as a traitor, lot of people came for his funeral. Some of the Royals dressed in cloaks stood among the crowd as they watched the funeral. At the end of the 15th drum the funeral came to an end and the crowned princess stood in front of the people as she watched the final sticks burning. The half moon appeared above the darkness, the legs of many had become numb they all departed to their various homes.

She went inside the palace, removed the veil from her face and tears were flowing from the eyes. A painted portrait of she and the old man standing beside each other when she was young with a young teenager bearing a tattoo on the shoulder. In the evening when the moon had reached the peak of its brightness, a shadow lurks around a room, the shadow approaches the woman on the bed holding a sharply pointed dagger, sharp like a blade, he takes the throat of the woman the dagger flies from his hand and blood spills from the neck. The woman laid silently as she opened her eyes, the blood dripping onto her face, the masked man petrifies in his spot as he stands bewildered, in a moment he falls to the ground and the guard appears to hold the woman to stand from bed. The two women removes the mask from the face of the man and recognizes him as a member of the dragon family. The woman wears a red uniform with a golden strip she enters a long hall and meets all the men standing outside the palace, in a loud distinct voice, she held on her short sword as the drums sounded. “We are going on a raid” she said. As her words dropped from her lips, an arrow pierced through the giant standing at the far end of the princess. “Maya” someone shouted and the princess crunched to 0dodge the flying arrows. A shield was formed with the iron plate of the warriors. “Levis de deom” and a shield which rose from the walls of the palace form to lock everyone inside the palace. The people standing outside can only watch the scene as they cannot interfere with the circumstance. The princess unsheathes her sword and single handedly charges forward. The arrows kept flying at her but none could touch her, she walks through the burning flame, jumps so high to the east wall of the palace, where she meets the enemies terrified at her inhuman strength. The masked men wearing a dragon-like symbol on their mask were running backwards as they feared what may come of them. They turned to see their commander had disappeared without a trace. They kept puffing fire from their lips but none had any effect on the woman, an arrow flies through walls and scratch her cheeks, blood oozes from her cheeks and the people sees her not to be immortal. Seven rushes to her side with his two swords and arrow placed at his backs. He removes the arrow and makes a water crystal at the tip of the arrow, he shoots the arrows far into the distance, the arrows breaks through the barrier and pierces a shadow standing amidst the public, he shoot three more arrows and manages to hit another person. It became very difficult to track the shadows and he run with the princess soon they both enter a void which takes them to the sea side.

Running on the sand, Maya and Seven felt a pressure pulling them into the sea, the golden light being emitted from the sea drawing the darkness inside Maya, her heartbeat with a rapid speed, the inner vein could be seen as blood was circulating through, she collapses on the ground. Seven who was running ahead, turn to see the lady lying on the ground, he was running towards her when a chain flows from the light and grabs her waist pulling her into the sea. He keeps chasing her through the sand as he entered the sea, he dives into the sea, he stretches his leg and flaps his hands as he moved against the slowly building the current. The light becomes dimmer and dimmer as he swam through the sea, he swims to the surface of the sea and realizes he is swimming in the opposite direction of the light. he changes course and swims in the direction the light is moving, after a while, the deep sea becomes dark only the glowing light of the sea fish could be seen which illuminated the blue sea. The coldness within the sea seeps into his body, he swims onto the surface and the full moon illuminates the vast sea, the wind grows heavy and the ice cubes float from one side to the other, the heavy cloud covers the moonlight and dims the light that brightens the sea, he begins to shiver as he draws near his limit, the heavy rain pours down on the lonely man. The sea rose with its might as the wave grew angrier and the man has swum as fast as his shaky body could carry him. He dives deep into the sea to avoid the waves but the strong current made it difficult for him to swim for long. He resurfaces and the wave hovers over his head hitting him back into the sea. The man begins to drown in the depth of the sea as the sea triumphantly roars with the bolting sound of the rain.

Light brightens the dark sea and a group of strange people emerges from the light. One of the strange cloaked persons drops a water-like droplet into the ocean. The sphere-like drop of water enters the ocean moving through the depth where it enlarges and engulfs an unconscious man like a balloon. The dying man is brought to the surface of the sea by the strange water-like balloon to where the three strange cloaked people are standing on the dark sea. “Carry him,” one of the strange cloaked people says almost in a whisper. “I ain’t carrying any heavy object,” says the one who has removed the cloak from the head. She has yellow hair, blue eyes, and round lips with a short nose. She has whitish teeth and a very loud voice, and she bears a lotus tattoo on her wrist. “The cloak is heavy like this man, why did I even wear this anyway” the rain for a moment pauses amidst the air and the sea splashes causing the entire place to shake. “Tiany takes heart, I was just joking, the cloaks are nice” she added. The balloon splashes almost dropping the man on her head, she holds her hands up and the water from the ocean filled with light forms a flower base that engulfs the man, the light re-emerges and the entire people disappear.