
Terrall and Samania

Terrin is sitting on a chair staring at a child who is sleeping soundly on a bed. The lady standing behind Terrin has her hair covering her face, her popping blue eyes piercing through the hair, watching the boy closely. She looked at the resemblance between her and the boy as she wandered, “the two of you are not related” says Terrin almost like reading the mind of the young lady. She looks closer at Terrin “who are you to me” Tiffney asked, in the mind of the confused lady she holds Terrin by the hand and both keep watching the boy as Terrin says “I knew your mother, she was a very good warrior, she trained me”. “Then how come you a carpenter,” asked Tiffney. “I wanted to live peacefully with my family, away from the drama happening in the inner family.” “Did you know your father is a king” Terrin laughs hard and shakes his head; he looks the girl in the face to see her giggling or laughing but her stiff face with eyes staring directly into the mind of Terrin said otherwise. They both stop talking while they sit on the long bench as the healers pass by them.

A woman in her fifties enters the hallway with a baby girl in her hand, the lady screaming as blood drops from the side of the girl, one of the healers, wearing long white gloves with a white dress goes to take the girl from the hands of the woman, she lays the girl on a bed near the vase of flowers. The healer begins to shiver and Terrin screams for help, various doctors appear on the scene as the healer begins to suffocate like she was being burnt from her inner body. A female doctor takes oil in her hands and makes the fire appear on her hands as she gently rubs her hands on the healer’s back. With time, smoke pops out of her lips and she begins to cough out more smoke before her breathing stimulates. The doctor takes the hand of the young girl and a vapour filled with a dark aura emerges from the body of the girl. Luciel takes the girl into a room filled with people lying unconsciously on the bed, she lifts a barrier and most of them begin to scream out, Terrin follows the event with his eyes and wanders about his child. Soon, a lot of people enter the room sobbing and puzzled about what was happening to them, a man walked into the hospital where his veins turned black before he was paralyzed on the ground, Terrin opened the windows and saw people falling down on their back inside their cart and on their animal back. The horses fled before their masters as fear gripped them of their fate to come. Fire soon ensues in the market square; a thick black smoke evolves from the city halls. Terrin becomes worried for his wife and son as he tries to take his leave from the hospital but he soon sees Deagmund carrying Inesh to the hospital, he grabs the woman from the back of the young man and takes her to the ward tom is sleeping in. Luciel sees the serpent mark lying on her body feeling warm almost like it is awake. Luciel looks closer, grabs a bottle of purple fire potion, and pours it into her lips, a burning red fire burst from the lips of Inesh, she instantly loses weight as she drains a lot of energy in producing the fire. The snake lift it head from her body and the black eyes dims, soon the snake closes both eyes turning into a tattoo on her hand. The woman, drained of her energy lies asleep as Deagmund with his mouth widely open begins to wonder the family he is in. He takes a look around his body to see if he also possesses a tattoo like his mother, he finds none but finds the dragon tattoo on the back of his brother. He stares at his father expecting answers but he gets none with tom only staring at him back.

“Water, I need water,” Inesh speaks with a slow dreading voice. Deagmund goes outside the room to find water, leaving only her and Terrin in the room.

“What is going on” Terrin depressingly asks his wife. She only nodes her head twice as she was finding it difficult to voice out, Terrin grabs a paper and ink and hands them to her. She makes three dots marking on the paper before Deagmund appeared with the water. Terrin who was finding it difficult to understand what was going on left the place to enter the park opposite the hospital. He looks around as he sees people trooping into the hospital, outside the carts of others colliding, with the guards wearing their uniform guarding every corner of the street to prevent chaos from happening. Terrin sits down on a chair, takes out the paper from his hand, and reads through the dots his wife has made. After a while of stressing to find clues to what is on the paper, Deagmund comes over to him with a coat as the weather was beginning to become cold. He gives the paper to Deagmund who quickly connects the map and shows it to his father. “This is the name of our village, Samian, the three dots show our field, where we were staying. She mostly made the three to show our land.” Deagmund ended his sentence when the sun ray sparked on the paper the three dots turned into a house and two people looking into the mountains. Terrin sat down for a while confused about what his wife wanted from him. he goes back into the hospital, to find Deagmund feeding Tiffney with some rice puddings, he enters the ward and finds his wife asleep like his son.

“Mr. Mayers, we need the healer for them, I’m afraid there is little we can do.” Luciel walks up to Terrin soaked in sweat. She removes the mask covering her nose to the chin before she finally hands over the dark dragon amulet to Terrin. The two only stared at each other as their eyes did most of their talking. A child walks up in their direction and passes in between the two of them which breaks their contact. The child had a zombie-like face with the eyes fully closed, Luciel tries to hold the child but the sore on the hands of the girl scares her, and blisters begin to form around the girl’s body, Terrin rushes over to his son to look at his condition, he finds there is no sore developing on him which sets him at peace.

The wind keeps blowing, as the waves carried the tears of many from one place to the other, Terrin sat in his lazy chair outside his house as he contemplates what to do next when Tiffney holding two pairs of swords in her hands smiling broadly with dirt covering all her body while making a tap as she comes to present the swords and the bow wearing her to Terrin like a trophy. Terrin jumps from his seat to take the swords from her hands. He throws them away but she goes to bring them back, he smashes the swords on the ground but they don’t break. Frustrated and agonizing he places his hand beneath the chair and breaks out a dagger which he hands over to the young girl. “They are Terrall’s twin swords, I have seen them in the palace.” Says the girl. Terrin shakes his head, “these are my own, I personally forged them” she giggles and soon laughs out loud, “according to Terrall, you don’t know how to fight, how could you make a sword?”, “While young lady, I learned from my mother, after he abandoned us,”

“He said, he wanted to protect you and your mom,” you seem to know a lot, tell me did he by any chance tell you about the sorcerer causing the plaque?” the girl shakes her head and finds herself losing the conversation and leaves to the bushes at the back of the house. Terrin follows her through his eyes until she disappears, and he sank back into the chair.

Terrin laying in the chair suddenly sees the old man who handed him the dagger and orb, the old man seems to be opening his lips, to speak to him but Terrin cannot make out the words being spoken to him, as he slowly opens his eyes Tiffney stands in front of him shouting at him to wake up. He barely knew when he slept, he looks around and finds the stars shining brightly in the skies. Deagmund enters the room, when dinner was served, he quickly goes to wash and comes to join his father; during dinner, Terrin takes out the book his father gave him, he stares at the book for a while, he hands the book to Deagmund.

“It contains maps and some odd writings, I have been sitting on it for a while,” says Terrin.

Deagmund looks gently at the snake at the back of the book, he turns the front of the book and sees a lion at the front of the book. Between pages 7 and 8 of both sides, there was a map inside which was fading away leaving some parts to be completed. Deagmund opens the last two pages before the middle and sees the golden statue of the lion and a dragon roaming on top of it, with the snake lying beneath, and two swords on both sides representing the totem of the area.

This should be my last diary before my expedition comes to an end, the village I spent so much time building has fallen, and the snake found a way to use the venom to poison the lion. We were all watching from the sidelines when we saw the changes inside him. The old man began to talk to himself like he was inside a nightmare, he feared his own reflection as such closed all the curtains and shattered the mirrors. The green grass grew all over the place and the tall trees grew in size. The palace became quiet as most of the servants vacated the area, in order not to allow his sadness to be seen as a weakness he placed a huge fog around the entire community not to allow anyone to enter the place. He one day entered my room, “Terrall are you awake” he asked me. I kept my silent as I did not know what was going on inside his head, “I have found a way Terrall to awaken the dead, your mother shall come back to life. The sorcerer says he will be here soon.” My heart almost leaped with joy as I trembled in fear, the last time he tried magic he burnt an entire forest down leaving only the ashes on the ground. “Grandpa, mama is gone, it high time we allowed her to rest.” He shouted “No she is not; she keeps calling out to me. The mountain holds her, the sorcerer will come and bring her to us.” In fortnight of the month of July, a huge star fell from the skies into the mountains, the sky turned blue as a flame lighted in the mountains. The stars brightened with the blue sky making the night beautiful but little did we know, the energy derived to burn the mountains was the old man’s life force. Once the fire kindled and the flame grew the old man dropped from the throne and fell with his crown. The people demanded answers as my spies inside the other cities told me, rebels were being formed to breech through the fog to slaughter the royal family. At this stage I was lucky not to have been with my son, but unfortunately my adopted daughter, Maya was by my side and witnessed the account of what transpired, the sorcerer did arrive as expected but came and poisoned Maya locking her from using her dragon’s flame. With her dragon locked she exposed to the dark flames that the sorcerer carried, thus infecting my young girl with the darkness. It took a lot of my strength to battle this demon, who came from the mountains, with my energy depleted, the spell to hold the fog weakened, and the people had enough opportunity to enter the castle. I lost my dragon flame, and soon my dragon died away inside me, in order to secure the future of my family I had to make sacrifices, as I doubted, they would allow my daughter and wife to be without any harm, I had most of the intruders burnt. Especially those who got close to the palace. My wife was a healer, I called her from a very faraway place to heal Maya. She did what she could to transfer most of the darkness into her own body. In order to protect our son, we had to forge a pendant made of the previous king’s essence and flame and place it around his neck, luckily for us, he was at a very faraway place and was too young to know what was going on around the family. The entire village of Danien was sealed along with it secret; I carried the survivors to a new settlement.

“It ends here,” said Deagmund, “The continuation is not part” he continued. He looked at the message and saw the pendant wearing his father, he looked at his own and realize the lion totem and the dragon was inside the pendants. The confused people only sat in stillness until Tiff broke the silence with her spoon. “Terrin, I’m still hungry.” She spoke. Terrin only smiles and looks at the young girl beaming with no care in the world to what happening to her world. Terrin goes inside and brings the young girl a coat, while he also wears his own. Terrin takes Deagmund from the house and walks through the street until they come to a dark alley, where a group of men has gathered to drink and converse. He goes to talk to one of the men and takes them to a dark place with only the scratching sound of the mouse to be heard, Terrin turns the handle of a door, and the position of the eagle-like creature changes, door moves a lantern appears and he breathes through the air and the lantern light fire. The lanterns ahead all lit up and the place was filled with swords of all sorts, arrows, and bows well decorated in the cases, the statue of the great emperor of Samania stood in the middle as the water flowed from one bridge to the next, the fire beneath the statue heated the water system providing steam to enable the traps to work, the arrows arranged inside the walls, and the swords lighting the flame and crossing the walls, Terrin leads Deagmund through a secret doorway which makes them appear to the belly of the statue, they walk through and find an elevator which carries them to the top of the statue. A man was sitting inside the head of the statue, chained to the chair he was sitting in, his neck fallen to the back of the chair.