
The Last Fire Warrior

Angeline thought she was only a normal girl like the others. But she was wrong: she was blessed by the fire guardian; Velna and she was also given the power to control fire element. Her life was so happy and cheerful until the death of the loved one step into her life. Her soul can be as pure as the light and can be dark as black as the dead night. She's become the most wanted princess cause's the blood that ran through her body is something special. Her mission is to save the Fantasyland from chaos and bring back the peace once again. But... Is she able to resist the call and save herself?

Asfa_Izzana · Fantasy
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100 Chs

Animal problems

"Enough with the question... The queen asked me to train you. Not answering your question" Jay said and snapped his finger.

He brought themselves to a well-cared forest where it's full by the forest spirit. It could help Kitana train there better.

Beautiful nature locked in Kitana's sight and she gasped in awe. "So lovely" She ran into a crystalized tree nearby and touched it in amusement.

Jay sat under the tree and watched her from afar. "Jay, I hear something," She told him and searched for it as she walked further into the forest.

"What is that, princess?" Jay obediently followed her.

Wind slightly blew and the leaves from the tree fall easily as if they are awake from its sleep.

Kitana who's searching for the magnificent melody found herself surrounded by the tree spirit who danced and sing the song of nature.

Along with the animals, they accepted Kitana as the new princess. The wind blew again for the second time and beautiful leaves and flower craft into a flower crown as the wind placed it on top of her head.

"You like it?" Kitana was shocked by a demon boy who hanged upside down with his tail was holding the branch of a tree.

"Ohh, hehe...hello there" Kitana awkwardly said and Lucifer wagged his pointy tail in front of her when he gets down. "I bet she doesn't know you," Jay said and Lucifer nodded.

"I see, both of them haven't introduced me to you" Lucifer smiled Kitana. "I'm Lucifer, prince of the underworld. You can call me 'Luce' like how others call me. I'm the only son of King Marcus and Queen Athena an-" Lucifer introduced himself long and wide yet...

"Is pretty enough for her to know your name" Jay lazily said to him as he leaned against the tree.

Not long after both of them played together, Lucifer whispered to Kitana if she wanted to go somewhere. Maybe, if she allowed him to take her for a stroll in the forest.

Kitana couldn't hide her excitement and nodded instantly. Lucifer takes the princess's hand and helps her to stand up.

All of the sudden weird noises heard by both of them. "What was that?" Kitana anxiously asked him and looked at the growling sound came from Lucifer.

"Sorry Kitana, I guess I'm a little bit hungry" He touched his growling stomach with his demonic hand.

Kitana asked if they should stop and search for food yet Lucifer refused to do so as he said he could hunt for his stomach after showing her around.




Not long after they strolled some part of the forest, they saw the bunnies and Lucifer's stomach growled in hunger again.

"Sorry but I'm going for the hunt," He said and flew to hunt the white bunnies before it went inside its burrow.

It looks so fun to chase the bunnies yet Lucifer didn't even get one and Kitana decided to help him. Though it seems very cruel to feed Lucifer with cute bunnies but nothing she could do.

They ran from right to left to catch one yet it gives the same result. Minutes later, Kitana stops chasing the bunnies and taking a gasp of air from the atmosphere.

Kitana surprised when suddenly something pushes her from behind. "Hey!" Kitana said to Lucifer. He looked Kitana in confusion as she suddenly shouted at him.

Lucifer drolled as he looked at Kitana. "Why are you looking me like that?" She trembled in fear and feel something moving.

She was literally shocked as hell when she saw bunny ears suddenly appear on her head. "Wait, Lucifer!" She exclaimed and before she could dodge it, Lucifer was on top of her.

Seconds later, he frowned as he realized his action.

"Sorry...I-I didn't mean to scare you" Lucifer cant speak well as he saw Kitana was crying because of him. "It's my natural instinct. That's all" He tried to calm her down.

"Jay!! Help me!!" Lucifer sobbed for Jay's presence and in a blink of eyes, Jay arrived.

Jay gasped as he saw Kitana has a bunny ear on her.

"I'm done" he facepalmed. Jay turned his gaze to Lucifer. "You're gonna answer this to Angeline...or else" Jay's face suddenly became dark and terrifying as he looked at Lucifer.

[ Tiger's mansion ]

"What happened?" Edgar asked Kitana who's under the blanket covering herself from his sight. Since Jay was searching for Angeline, Edgar was in charge to look after Kitana if anything happens to her.

Edgar slightly opened the blanket that covered her ear and touched the white fur from her ear. "Don't touch my ear, baka!" Kitana squeaked and hid under the blanket as she shouted.

She couldn't explain why is that place really sensitive when Edgar touches it with his finger.

Edgar who loves to tease her chuckled in happiness. "Is not like you can pregnant by my touch" He joked and stops as he heard a stealth movement.

"Wait..." Edgar getting closer and closer to Kitana as he almost wrapped his hand around her yet his glances shifts to every corner of Angeline's room.

"E-Edgar?" Kitana blushed hard. Edgar kept his silence wrapped his arm tighter as he sits on the bed with her.

All of a sudden, Edgar instantly moves his fist upward and it hits Lucifer's face.

Lucifer who didn't see that attack fall onto the bed as he thought Edgar couldn't see him. Because only the special one could see him or feel his presence. Commonly to those who have a link with magic.

"It's you," Edgar said as he completely hugged Kitana and she felt as if she can faint if she could. Lucifer crawl closer and Edgar pulled Kitana away from Lucifer's harm. "Impressive..." Lucifer said and looked at Edgar's face.

Lucifer sniffed around and stops at Edgar. "I smell bright future in you, my friend" He smirked and change himself into his human form with a snap of his finger.

Edgar asked Lucifer by what is his future and asked him if he could see the future. "You should ask Frost for it. He could tell your timeline in a glare" Lucifer said as he sits on the floor.

The door knocked by someone and Lucifer help them to open it. "I heard Kitana is not in a good condition," Katherine said to Lucifer.

"Aunt Kath, Kitana possessed by a rabbit spirit" Lucifer pointed towards Kitana, and out of the blue, Leona came out from a portal from the hunting ground.

"Where's that rabbit?!" She stomps her front paws and her fur litten up by the fire.

The people inside Angeline's room panicked as they chased Kitana and Edgar took quick action by protecting her with his body.

Fortunately, the bunny spirit who possessed Kitana left her body while unlucky for Edgar, as Leona was stuck inside him.

"Man..." Lucifer said as he shows his tail to represent Edgar's.

Both of his red wolf ears and tail on fire yet Edgar didn't feel the pain even an inch of his cells.

"I'm burning!!!" Edgar panicked and ran to the shower to cool down the fire before it burns his cloth.

After opening the shower, Edgar sat under it and Kitana came to check it out. Edgar sighed in relief as the fire turned off yet Leona still haven't come out from his body.

"Edgar, Angeline's here," Kitana told him and he nodded. Angeline ran towards Edgar and pulled his grey ear. "Get out there, you shit" Angeline barked and Edgar shouted in pain.

"I think you should use the softer way" Edgar hold the red ear that had been pulled by Angeline earlier.

Edgar suggested to Angeline if he could drown himself to force Leona out but there's one minor problem.

Edgar certainly will die first before Leona, she could turn herself into water mode.

"Looks like someone gets a human as a pet" Frost joked and laughed.

"Very funny" Edgar sarcastically laughed and sits on the floor as soon as Angeline dried his cloth.

He sighed Kitana came from behind and pat his head, likewise, she often does to Leona.

She softly messed up Edgar's brown hair using both of her hands and squeaked.

"Hey, Kitana cut it out," Edgar said as he didn't like it. His face turned red and if he could he want to vanish from their sight literally forever.

Several minutes later, everyone could see his closing his eyes and enjoying it. His tail wagged from side to side as he was very happy.

Angeline and Frost laughed as Frost started the recording. "I can't" He giggled as he looked at Edgar's face.

Kitana suddenly stops scratching him and he questioned her. "Hmm?" Edgar hummed as he looked at Kitana. His tail wagged from side to side as his pupil already red in colour.

< It definitely Leona this time > She confidently thought.

"Go out from his body if you want me to pat more," Kitana said and Leona instantly jumped out from Edgar's body and landed on Kitana's lap.

"Good girl" Kitana praise her and she rolled from side to side wanted a belly scratch.

One the other side, Edgar was helplessly lying on the floor because of massive headaches. He felt how fast Leona came out from his body and it gave him goosebumps.