
The Last Female Lycan

Aria lived a miserable life without her parents, she was sent to a orphanage only to be bullied by the orphans But all that changed when she was adobted by Victoria Then her world came crashing down when Victoria passed away. But she promised herself that she would go to their private mansion and fufill her promise to Victoria But she will soon find out the truth of who she really is

Daoist8d3kIJ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

5 months later

Living with my uncle 'Henry' wasn't that bad. He had three kids of his own, Emily, who was only five and is a sweetheart. Lily, who's about sixteen years old and Zander, who is eighteen, my age. Uncle Henry's wife 'Davida' has been really kind and sweet to me since i moved in after five months of Victoria's death. even though i would love to stay and live with them, i can't. I promised Victoria that i would go to our private mansion and live.

I was inside my bedroom, laying on my bed, going through my plan and what i am going to do when i get there. I had so much to think about espicially college, which i had yet to finish.

"hey Aria" Zander said peeping inside. He was tall and very built with brown hair and green eyes, his sisters had the same features except they weren't tall or built.

"hey Zander"

"So, dad wants to know if you wanna come downstairs and eat breakfast with us"

Ever since i moved in with them, i didn't really involve myself in anything they were doing. I was in my own thoughts and didn't wanna go anywhere else other than my home not here.

"no thanks, I'm good"

"come on Aria, its been five months, you can't just lock yourself inside of here"

"if i did lock myself inside of here, you wouldn't be peeking at me from by the door like and idiot" i didn't meen to be so rude to him but i just didn't want to have to do anything other than leave this house

"fair, but please, for me"

"fine"i just couldn't help myself Zander was like a brother to me and I'm sure if i kept refusing he would continue begging

I made my way to the dining room, where everyone was eating there breakfast. I sat in my seat where a plate with pancakes and fruits lay. I started eating, i felt like i haven't eaten in days.

"Mummy look at how Aria's eating" Emily said gigginly

"serves you right for barely eating these past few months" Davida says giving me a small smile. I gave her a smile as well and continued eating

I ate everything within a minute and everyone looked at me shocked and i just blushed

"Uncle Henry, i was thinking..."

"that's dangerous"he cut me off

"I am ready to go home, to the private mansion"

"sure if that's what you want"

"yes, that's all i want"

"well i shall call Micheal and let him take you there"

"thank you soo much, Uncle Henry" I jumped up and down and ran towards him giving him a tight hug

I ran back into my room and put all my clothes in a suitcase. I was happy that i was finally going back home, where all our memorys were and its been a while since i have seen Micheal so thats a bonus.

"so you're really going" i turned around and saw Emily, Lily and Zander by the door. I walked towards them and gave them a tight hug

"Yes i am, i have to"

"i don't want you to go"emily said tugging on my shirt and i picked her up

"I know, but don't worry I'll visit and you guys can come and visit me"they all gave me a smile and a hug and walked out of the room

I didn't want to have to leave them. I was just starting to get close to them, when i first moved in, Emily was to shy to talk to me, Lily hated me and Zander well he kept his distance from me. But now we're all so close, but i promised Victoria that i would go to that mansion and take over the business, I'm not going to let her down.