
The Last Female Lycan

Aria lived a miserable life without her parents, she was sent to a orphanage only to be bullied by the orphans But all that changed when she was adobted by Victoria Then her world came crashing down when Victoria passed away. But she promised herself that she would go to their private mansion and fufill her promise to Victoria But she will soon find out the truth of who she really is

Daoist8d3kIJ · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

All my life, I felt as if i was different. My parents died when i was very young. I was sent to an orphanage, where i would get bullied by the other orphans. The people that adopted me always put me back in the orphanage between 1 or 2 weeks. They said that i was very rude. I kept getting bullied by the other orphans day by day. Until one day i was adopted by a nice beautiful woman named Ms. Webb, but she likes when i call her 'Victoria'

Victoria was very famous because of her company, 'The Webb Industries', and she was also a doctor for animals. We loved hiking on vacations. We would go all around the world just to hike. I remember when we were in a forest and saw an injured cub, Victoria took the cub to our private mansion in the forest, we went there when we wanted to get away from the public. The cub broke his back leg, Victoria bandaged his leg and we let him go in the same spot where we found him.

Years went by, I am now 18, but Victoria is dying from natural causes, she was getting very old. I stood at her bedroom door, all my emotions mixed in one, i was scared. Her close friend 'Micheal' opened the door.

"Aria, she's waiting for you" I could see his tears falling down his cheeks. He had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Seeing him almost put me in tears.

I walked slowly towards her death bed, her eyes were slightly open and they were red and her lips dry and darker shade of pink. She was very weak so i couldn't run and jump on her bed, like what i usually do.

"hey buttercup"she turned her head slightly, you can see from her eyes that she was sad and in pain. Looking at her made tears appear in my eyes.

"hey Vic, are you ok"Seeing the woman you love and care about, could make anyone brake in tears. This woman took me out of an orphanage where i was bullied, i will forever be greatfull.

"Aria, I'm dying and there is so much things i need to tell you"

"I'm here Vic, talk to me"

"There are people who would want to use you and hurt you, because of what you are. You are very different and rare Aria" she let out a sigh and continued" I want you to have the business, but only after you finished college and I want you to go live at that private mansion we had"

"I will do it for you Vic, but what do you mean by I'm different?"

"in time you shall know" she raised herself from the pillows and gave me a kiss on my forhead and laid back down"I will always love you Aria".

Her heart stopped, she wasn't breathing. My adobted mother left me in this world alone with no one to care for me. I fell to the floor crying and screaming. Micheal ran inside the room and dragged me out . I was so frustrated, i needed her, what am i going to do now.