
The Last Demon King Alive

Warning: Mature Content! ***For he, the ruler of demons, was her sweetest sin.*** In a kingdom shrouded in mysterious deaths, Arabella, a courageous slave Princess finds herself entangled in a treacherous web of power and secrets. Gifted to a feared and enigmatic king, whose true nature is whispered only in fearful rumors, she faces a daunting challenge: to not only conquer her opponents but also unravel the mysteries that lies beneath the surface. As she battles her adversaries, Arabella discovers that her fight for the throne is only the beginning. Haunted by the unknown, she must confront the shadows that lurk within the kingdom's darkest corners. Is the king truly a devil, a troll, or a beast as the tales suggest? Or is there more to him than meets the eye? In this gripping tale of forbidden love, high-stakes battles, and supernatural mysteries, Arabella must embrace her strength, defy the odds, and confront the terrifying unknown to secure her place as both queen and savior. Will she unravel the truth behind the rumors and unearth the secrets that hold the kingdom captive? Or will the shadows consume her, leaving the kingdom forever trapped in its dark and deadly past? ****Excerpt**** As their eyes locked across the dimly lit room, a simmering tension hung in the air. She could feel the heat emanating from his body as he stepped closer, his voice low and husky. "Once we're married," he whispered, his words dripping with promise, "I'll explore every inch of your body, unleash desires you've never known." His gaze traced the outline of her curves, causing her breath to hitch. Despite the arranged marriage, a forbidden excitement coursed through her veins. In that fleeting moment, their eyes spoke volumes, setting ablaze a flame of anticipation that would ignite their future union.

Ella_Dominic23 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

The Royal Dinner

"Stop it, granny. You should focus on getting well," Alistair interrupted. He turned to me and asked "shall we?"

I was surprised that he wanted to leave so soon. His grandmother was not being nice but who knows? Her sickness must have caused it. I nodded and make my way to the door like the obedient child I was.

"Are you leaving?" the grand queen asked. Of course we are leaving, old woman. I did not look back to see if she was talking to me or not. Alistair answered but it was not related to her question..

"Get well soon, granny," he wished her.

I was at the door when he came. We uttered no word as we walked out. The old lady did not like me and it was obvious. But what was I expecting? We were just meeting for the first time.

"Are you going to attend the dinner?" I was so stupid to ask a stupid question like this. Of course, he was going to attend. His mother, the queen organized it..

"Do I have a choice?" he continued walking down the walkway. I joined in shortly with another question.

"I don't think so, but you don't look happy attending this dinner, is something wrong?" I noticed the way his face went dull. He did not look in my direction. There was something fishy going on here. A family dinner will not hurt.

"Everyone is going to be there, Arabella," His face brightened again. With one of his hand clasped behind, he gave his explanation "This dinner...most of the family members will be at my table. I don't like family meetings."

"I see your problem now," I nodded, taking a look at the girls who were standing behind. Were they not tired of bending their necks? Each time I turned, they stood like statues. "Family breakfast and dinner are favorite."

"I don't think you will like this one," he continued to walk towards my quarters and I followed, making sure I listened to his explanation. "I promise you."

A cold shiver ran through my body. The first person I met in his family was nice. Even the servants gave me a warm welcome. Alistair did not like me at first but it was different now. Maybe, the rest will be the same, "I see… Is it going to be that bad?"

"No," he replied. We got to my quarters. I thanked and bid him goodnight. In no time, he was out of my sight. I entered the room and lay on my bed quietly. The time for dinner was closed. After what the king told me, all I could think of was his family.

How were they going to react to the idea that I was a Thule? We have been at war with Aerendia for years. We managed to keep them off our walls until last month.

"Which dress are you going to wear, my lady?" Liza asked. I took out a dress before we went to the fields. Why did she ask a question she knew the answer to?

"The dress I chose earlier, Liza. Do not make me talk," I turned to the other side. "I am certainly in the mood for all these."

"Forgive me, my lady,' she apologized. Well, that was good. At she realized her mistake. "But your wardrobe looks different.

"What?" I sat upright, wondering what she meant by my wardrobe got a makeover. Emily opened it. The clothes were much different from the last. Their quality was the best i have ever seen and they have high quantity of stones. "Who did this"

"Roland is in charge of your wardrobe," Emily told me. "he must have done it."

I leaned against the bed frame and relaxed. He was supposed to inform me before making all these changes "next time, tell him to inform me before making any changes in my room, do you understand?"

"Yes, my lady," she bowed.

"I hope he does too," I wondered what dress I was going to wear now. I wanted something that will make the king gasp for air when he sees me. "What is the king's favorite color?"

My eyes were on Emily and I expected an answer from her. Wearing the king's color will draw his attention to me. However, her answer left me speechless "black? Seriously, Emily? Do you think I am joking right now?"

"No, my lady. You can consult Percival. He knows it," her eyes spoke for her. She was saying the truth.

But why will a king choose black as his favorite color? Its strange…it could be nothing, just the love of it.

"Fine, I will take my bath and you two should get the black dress," I told them, drawing the dress I wore. "We have a dinner to attend with the royals bastards."

"Okay, but you are also a royal ba…" Liza started but she did not finish the line. I gave her dirty look and entered the bathroom.