
The Last Demon King Alive

Warning: Mature Content! ***For he, the ruler of demons, was her sweetest sin.*** In a kingdom shrouded in mysterious deaths, Arabella, a courageous slave Princess finds herself entangled in a treacherous web of power and secrets. Gifted to a feared and enigmatic king, whose true nature is whispered only in fearful rumors, she faces a daunting challenge: to not only conquer her opponents but also unravel the mysteries that lies beneath the surface. As she battles her adversaries, Arabella discovers that her fight for the throne is only the beginning. Haunted by the unknown, she must confront the shadows that lurk within the kingdom's darkest corners. Is the king truly a devil, a troll, or a beast as the tales suggest? Or is there more to him than meets the eye? In this gripping tale of forbidden love, high-stakes battles, and supernatural mysteries, Arabella must embrace her strength, defy the odds, and confront the terrifying unknown to secure her place as both queen and savior. Will she unravel the truth behind the rumors and unearth the secrets that hold the kingdom captive? Or will the shadows consume her, leaving the kingdom forever trapped in its dark and deadly past? ****Excerpt**** As their eyes locked across the dimly lit room, a simmering tension hung in the air. She could feel the heat emanating from his body as he stepped closer, his voice low and husky. "Once we're married," he whispered, his words dripping with promise, "I'll explore every inch of your body, unleash desires you've never known." His gaze traced the outline of her curves, causing her breath to hitch. Despite the arranged marriage, a forbidden excitement coursed through her veins. In that fleeting moment, their eyes spoke volumes, setting ablaze a flame of anticipation that would ignite their future union.

Ella_Dominic23 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

A Visit.

Alistair turned to me. His gaze on my body like he was searching for something. When our eyes met, he looked away immediately and asked "Shall we?"

I nodded, not caring if he understood me. Liza and Emily walked behind us with Roland. Speaking of that man, I never gave him opportunity to explain to me why he lied.

I was so angry with him that I did not want to hear his side of his story. It was wrong of me but what if he was going to lie more?

"How old are you, princess?" the king asked as he walked down the road leading to a small palace.

"I'm twenty," I wasn't sure if I should answer that question. But we were man and woman who would soon become husband and wife.

"You don't look your age," he was surprised. Who would not imagine that I will be that old? "You look like a sixteen baby."

"A sixteen baby?" I did not understand why he had to put the baby there. "I left that age a long time ago, Alistair. How old are you?"


"I asked how old are you?" I could not get his facial expression this time. He kept on looking north. It was difficult to keep up with it so I just concentrate on where we going. A palace different from the king's quarters.

The royal family here seemed divided. They lived separately unlike my family back in Thule. We all lived in the same building.

Alistair did not answer my question until we stopped in front of a tall building. It looked older than the other palace. The guards who were on duty knelt to show respect.

Alistair waved his hand and they stood up. Just when we were about to take the stairs, a young Blondie appeared at the entrance door. Her green dress showed that she was a noble lady but not a princess.

"Your highness?" her pale face brightened as she saw the king. Her step quickened as she rushed to welcome him.

However, she slowed down when she saw me. The fright on her face returned.

"Rosalind, how is my grandmother?" Alistair asked the lady.

"She is getting better," the lady replied, stealing glances at me.

"We shall see her now," He brought his hand forward and I placed mine in his and we began to climb the stairs. I was careful not to trip on my dress and disgrace my ancestors.

Rosalind was still staring at us. There was something odd about her. If she was related to the king then, I will not be surprise.

"The third room is grandmother's," a feminine voice informed us. We stopped and turned. It was Rosalind. She followed us in. "The physician asked that she will be move down here. Her highness will not be using the stairs anymore."

"I understand. Let her know we are here," Alistair said.

Rosalind seemed lost. She must have forgot that we were here. Alistair called her name again before she answered "Sorry, your highness. I will tell grandmother now."

Grandmother? They were related. I was just been worried and jealous for nothing. Wait, I was I jealous in the first place?


The grand queen laid on her bed quietly. She would have been on the table, handling the state account if not for the news Rosalind gave her. It did not just make her sad, it gave her a heart attack.

She was trying hard not to think about the engagement because of the physician's advice. He was clear when he said that her health was at risk and she might not survive the next attack.

It sounded like a horror story but her enemies would drink and sing when their ears get the news. The queen mother will jubilant and make a grave for her before death comes.

They have been at war since the day her dear son decided to marry that woman. It also led to his death.

Now, his son was making the same mistake. He was going to marry and outsider, brought in by another outsider.

A quick knock came on the door and it opened. Rosalind appeared. She reminded the old woman of her defeat in this match making.

"Grandmother, the king is here to see you," she informed with a fake smile.

"Good, I will like to talk to him about the wedding," the old woman managed to speak.

Before Rosalind could tell her that he was not alone, the king walked into the room. Beside him was the princess of Thule, his bride to be.

Her heart skipped for a beat, seeing the princess in the room. They held each other's hand as though they were married.

"Good evening, granny. How are you?" Alistair asked. They were standing at the end of the bed. The princess looked confident. She did not shiver while standing in front of the grand queen.

"I'm getting better, dear," she replied.

"That's good. You should meet my bride to be..." His gaze shifted to her. Rosalind hated the way he looked at the princess. It was different and that difference hunted her. "She is Arabella, princess of Thule."

"Welcome to Aerendia. Hope we are not too much for you?" The grand queen asked.

"Not at all, your highness," the princess smiled.

"You came yesterday and we are just meeting. How respectful of you, princess."