
The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat reon.com/MonkeyGodking (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)

Monkey_Godking · Movies
Not enough ratings
259 Chs

The God Realm of Absolute Beginning!

Cross ran threw a forest for a while, not finding anything. Where the fuck are all the beasts!? He wasn't sure, but he was getting angry! He stopped and made a small fire before starting to cook. He was beginning to regret coming here. It wasn't dangerous at all!

If any of the Divine Masters heard this thought, they might just cough up blood and slap him to death! It's very dangerous, okay?!

Cross clicked his tongue, while chewing on a dragon steak and walking through the forests. He sniffed himself and sighed, he had been here for a month and hasn't taken a bath. He was starting to feel dirty.

He came across a lake and smiled a bit, there were beasts here! A lot of them, too! He gobbled up his steak and cracked his knuckles, he decided to use his fists throughout this whole training session!

The beasts were alerted and turned to Cross, growling threateningly. Cross gave them all a predatory grin, his sharp canines gleaming in the darkness before he charged into the beast horde with a crazy expression on his face.

He really was a maniac!

At least the beasts thought so, though they didn't run. Instead a massive brawl ensued, it was completely brutal! Cross wasn't behaving like a person, but more like a beast! Using only his body to punch, claw, tear, bite, and kick his way out.

There was even a moment he was on all fours! He growled! GROWLED!

Cross shot forward, jumping on a panther-like beast's face and punching it in the eye, popping it like a balloon before crushing it's brain and tearing a chunk of it's flesh out with his mouth. The other beasts started to question if Cross was a beast as well!

What kind of maniac did they meet today!? They just wanted some water!

Cross didn't let any of them go, lunging at another beast, smashing a fist on it's head, slamming it into the ground. What happened next... Was a slaughter! The beasts were scared and started to flee, the most ridiculous this was, Cross chased after them!

The beasts started running even faster, cursing their bloodline for only having 4 legs! Wouldn't speed be nice? Why not give me wings, mama!

Needless to say, some of the beasts didn't make it out alive.

Though they were all in the Divine Spirit and King Realm. Had he jumped into a ground of Divine Master beasts... Hehe, who knows what would have happened?

The battle lasted for 3 days

Cross was the only one left standing, surrounded by corpses and covered in blood and sweat. He took off his shorts and jumped into the water to clean himself.

Once again, if anybody saw him they would cough up blood and die. That was Divine Water of Absolute Beginning! Not bath water!

To be honest, Cross didn't care what kind of water it was, but he did notice that he was being cleaned while the water was still fresh. He tasted a bit before muttering "Not bad..." he took out his space gourd and sucked up the entire lake into it. Unfortunately, all of Xiao Lie's wine was gone.

Though now he had some refreshing water to drink. Perhaps he would be hunted down by the entire God Realm if they knew it was a Lake of Divine Water of Absolute beginning. They they would capture Cross and squeeze the rest out of his body before dragging him along with them to the God Realm of Absolute Beginning as a lucky charm.

Cross put on a new set of shorts before grilling the beasts and calling out Levi.

Levi came out and he was gigantic! A true Leviathan! He was huge! Cross threw him a dozen grilled beasts along with a drop of Turtle Origin blood, a drop of Dragon God origin blood and some 'water' from his gourd. Levi ate and drank it all, roaring tenderly, shrinking down to a small Leviathan and rubbing himself on Cross' face cutely.

Cross smiled slightly and rubbed Levi's head with his finger. Levi closed his eyes and his back shell-like thing turned black, while his eyes became slitted. He had draconic pressure coming off him now! What a little monster!

Cross felt Levi was at the Divine King Realm. He wondered what happened to his other beasts. They better be working hard, or maybe he would have a nice 4 symbol soup when they came back.

All his Beasts spread around the God Realm shivered and started working harder, feeling like something might happen if they don't.

8 months passed

Cross and Levi walked around the forests, leaving a trail of carnage wherever they went. They even killed a Divine Sovereign Realm beast by teaming up! Cross took a swig of Divine Water of Absolute Beginning and poured some for Levi, who opened his mouth and gulped it down before releasing a satisfied 'Ahh~'

How cute!

Cross felt that this water must be special because his entire body underwent a massive change! His blood was extremely vigorous, his muscles were like steel, his bones were as hard as diamonds, and his soul was thicker than the earth!

After 6 months of consuming the water, he felt it had no effect on him anymore but it tasted good so he kept drinking it. He still had a lot anyways, he took an entire lake! He had enough for a 1000 years! Let alone 6 months.

He rubbed his chin and theorized that the wine made with his water should taste amazing... He sighed at the fact that he hadn't kidnapped Xiao Lie when he left the Blue Pole Star. Maybe he should go back and get him?

He shook his head, he just didn't have the time!

Cross continued through the forests before coming across a cave! He was suspicious, what sort of cave would form in here? Anyway, he was here to die so he jumped right in!

An idiot for sure.

Cross looked around to see a pitch black pearl with a white slit in the middle. He was confused, it looked like an eye but at the same time not? He walked forward and picked it up, he heard a voice in his skull say "Eye of the Void..." before disappearing. He said to himself, of course it was something grand. Couldn't he find a treasure that was like a rock or something?

He looked at the eye and had a crazy idea. So crazy, in fact, that it just might work!

He sat on the ground and floated the eye in front of him, he took out the Phoenix eye and bit his thumb throwing in a drop of his own blood before spiting out a sliver of green crystalline liquid. He made runes and they floated around the items as they started to merge together.

A while later

The runes sank into the eye and it flashed before becoming liquid and sinking into Cross' eyes. He felt a cooling sensation, his eyes flashed black before becoming bright red again. He closed his eyes briefly before opening them and seeing much better.

He could see everything now, pockets of space, true appearances, souls, blood vessels, etc. He could see whatever he wanted to see! He smiled to himself and looked around to see another hidden cave that he couldn't see before!

They're already useful!

Cross walked into the cave and saw a ton of plants, mostly lotuses. But all the Lotuses had 9 different colors! Cross touched the lotuses and they 'waved' to him. He smiled and threw all the lotuses on the lake in his inner world, keeping one for himself.

He continued looking around and found more and more herbs, he didn't even fucking know what they were! But they must be treasures! He threw all the herbs into the, ever expanding, greenhouse, keeping none of each herb to himself.

Unfortunately, his new eyes couldn't identify things he didn't know. Well, he didn't expect a name to hover over new things anyway. What was this? A videogame? Nonsense! This was real life!

Thus, he kept a single herb each before walking out of the cave after he made sure he took everything the cave had to offer! He almost took the stones inside as well! He was a greedy fellow for sure.

Cross walked out with Levi and went on the hunt for a breakthrough. He had a ridiculous plan, they all seemed to work out for him up until now... For some strange reason, the words 'Plot armor' came to his mind. He had no idea what that was so he forgot about it and attacked a lone Divine Master beast with Levi, who grew up and charged at the Whale-like beast.

Cross jumped on Levi's head and lunged at the whale when he got close enough. Throwing a 'Void Shattering Strike' at the whale, smashing it in the face. The whale roared angrily and used his full power. Cross chuckled excitedly and took out Artemis for the first time in a year, he didn't use his armor and charged at the whale like a mad dog.

The Whale blasted him away and Cross spat out a mouthful of blood before charging back as Levi bit on the whale, tearing out a chunk of flesh. Cross smashed Artemis into the wound, using 'Void Shattering Strike'.

The Whale cried in pain and spat out a blue beam of condensed energy. Cross grinned with a sweat and smashed the beam shouting "Return to the Abyss!" the Beam inverted on itself and smashed the Whale in the mouth.

Cross flew backwards and blew out chunks of what could only be organs. He circulated the 'Great Way of the Buddha' as he charged at the, now covered in blood, Whale. Levi clawed at the Whale, biting and tearing chunks of flesh as Cross fought it head on, feeling immense pressure.

The Whale suddenly charged forward and smashed into Cross, sending him deep into the ground that, up until now, had absolutely zero damage done to it.

One can only imagine how strong this dumb fish was, but the same could be said for Cross' body! He didn't splatter on the ground! Which was good news!

Cross climbed out of the hole, covered in blood. The whale slapped it's fin at him and Cross roared to the sky, smashing Artemis at the fin and blasting it to pieces! The Whale was stunned! The ant it was fighting suddenly blew up his fin!

This ant wanted to ascend to Heaven today!

Cross' eyes were completely red and the 'Great Way of the Buddha' kept circulating faster and faster as he smashed the Whale, causing minor damages but they started adding up. The Whale was starting to get scared, what kind of ant was this! So tenacious! He felt like a wild, ferocious animal!

It looked to the sky and it's pupils shrank, before 'swimming' away as fast as it could, disappearing into the sky in a blink.

Levi looked up and immediately returned to the Inner world.

Cross looked up and burst into joyful, crazy, maniacal, laughter. Pitch black clouds covered the skies as far as the eye could see! Spanning countless miles!

The entire God Realm of Absolute beginning was cloaked in pitch black darkness, with only the sound of wild and crazy laughter echoing from all sides.

Just so you know, the God Realm of Absolute Beginning was massive. Bigger than an entire Star Realm. Which meant, Cross' talent was absurdly amazing. Just think, the largest ever recorded was under 100 kilometers.

Cross' covered the entire God Realm of Absolute Beginning! The entire thing! If he could even get out alive, he would be more than a legend. A fairytale! A fantasy! A god! An insurmountable mountain, looming over the entire God Realm! This was never seen before and would probably never happen again.

Cross looked at the clouds and shouted wildly "You want me dead!? Hahahahaa! Come and fucking get me!" A massive black lightning bolt slammed into Cross' body and the clouds shook, as if angry at the provocation!

You gonna eat your Power Stones?

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts