
The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat reon.com/MonkeyGodking (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)

Monkey_Godking · Movies
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259 Chs

Lotus battle

They continued until they finally arrived in the Dragon Region, where Long Chen was supposed to build the 7th Academy Branch.

They found two beasts fighting, Long Chen made a move after one of them was killed and killed the other, now he got 2 Immortal King beasts! What a boon!

Suddenly an arrow flew at Long Chen's neck, he blocked it and saw 100 people with crossbows. Cross shot and killed 99 of them, leaving the leader who was about to speak when everybody around him died.

Long Chen chuckled and said "You have big guts to dare to kill us." He started interrogating the man while Qin Feng and Qi Yu, took out the cores of the 2 beasts and skinned the python's skin. Long Chen took the corpses and forced the man to bring them to his leader, he was from the Qinglong Gang.

They followed the man deep into the Dragon Region.

They finally arrived at an ancient city and Bai Xiaole shouted "Scram out for Third Master Long!" Cross looked at Bai Xiaole with an amused expression, this guy was getting more arrogant as the days went by.

A cold voice sounded "So bold?" as a group of people appeared. Long Chen looked at a man, who he found out was named Zhao Qinglong from the captured guy. Next to the leader was a nice looking guy named Qiu Yang, he was kicked out from Lingxiao Academy 1300 years ago.

Qiu Yang opened his mouth and Long Chen slapped him flying. Zhao Qinglong said "Friend, who are you? Why are you here?" a sweet voice sounded "Zhao Qinglong, you're still so afraid of death?" a sexy woman appeared and said "Little brother, if you want to destroy the Qinglong Gang, this sister supports you."

Cross looked at the woman and smiled as he said "Oh? You're ready to warm his bed at any time?" The woman smiled seductively and said "Why just one? I can warm you both up at the same time~" Cross smirked and Long Chen choked, this woman was too crazy.

Cross tilted his head and said "En, crawl over to me and I'll think about letting you warm my bed." the woman went cold and Cross' smirk turned into a sneer as he said "A poisonous slut like you, I think maybe if I sleep with you I'll contract 12 diseases and lose half my lifespan. Who you trying to lure into a honey pot? Every single one of my women is 10,000x better than you."

He looked at Long Chen and said "You really like to play around, eh? Can we either kill them or subdue them already? Why so much talking?" he blurred and suddenly Qiu Yang's head was in his hand as he said "Traitor's dead." he looked into the sky and said "Two little ants, roll out for daddy or this daddy will gift Lucifer a bunch of souls today!"

Two men appeared with gloomy faces and Long Chen smiled as he said "Alright, no more fooling around." he took out a table and said "Sit or die." the 4 leaders sat at the table and a barrier appeared around it, Long Chen smiled and said "You'll bring me to the Ruins of the 7th Branch Academy, and I'll give you this." He pushed out a box with a pill inside.

The 4 looked at the pill and said "Lingxuan Pill!" this was a super pill of heaven defying proportions! Basically when you reach Immortal King, your spirit root turns into a crystal and the crystals are ranked into 4 ranks; Heaven, Earth, Spirit, and Human. If you have a Human ranked crystal, congrats you're the weakest of Immortal Kings and you'll never advance past it in your life.

But with the Lingxuan Pill you could directly promote your Crystal! Never again will you be called a trash! Being bullied? Your fiancée broke off the engagement? You're being ridiculed? Now with the Lingxuan Pill, you too, can be a hero!

They 4 suddenly realized where Long Chen wanted them to take him and paled in fear. they all said "No!" Cross tapped on the table and said "How about this, you get to keep your lives and I'll protect you along the way. This way you get the pills and we get the directions, everybody wins and I don't have to waste energy turning you into my slaves. Good deal? The other option is I reluctantly make all four of you my slaves, kill everyone else and you become walking bombs as you lead the way to the 7th Academy."

Cross smiled warmly and said "I think an Immortal King detonating will be a very nice fireworks show~" the 4 trembled in fear and Cross looked at Long Chen who didn't seem to have any problems.

The 4 agreed and the group set off, not wasting a moment in fear that Cross would change his mind. They traveled into the depths, Long Chen and Cross took care of the dangers as they traveled under the guidance of the 4 Gang leaders.

They picked up treasures along the way, there were Dragon eggs, rare herbs and ores, too many treasures! Cross ignored them all and sniffed the air, feeling it to be very dragon heavy. This was simply a holy ground for dragons! He decided he was going to leave Selena, Grey, and their kids at the Academy when they rebuild it.

Long Chen made Bai Xiaole catch a dragon and they flew through the Dragon Valley all the way to the end. They entered a dark forest and Long Chen handed out pills to help them resist the Demon Qi.

One of the Immortal Kings said "This is the site of the 7th Branch." Long Chen threw him 2 boxes and said "Let's go down and take a look!" as he looked at the Abyss. Cross looked into the Abyss and said "Heh. Feels like home." Yuanyuan was already sent back into the Inner World, because Cross didn't want her outside, contaminated by the Evil Qi here.

Although Yuanyuan was even stronger than him now. She never said anything but Cross felt she was an Immortal King, he was honestly stunned when he found out but he never said anything. His baby was grown up now.

They slid down into the Abyss and Long Chen collected a flower as they came to a giant lake that was black as ink. They crossed the lake/swamp and came to a giant rock, but it wasn't a rock! It was a Bone! The 4 Immortal Kings almost pissed themselves in fear. Long Chen led the group saying "We need to get to the head. That's probably when the Dragon's Lair is, as well as the Academy!"

The group followed him and they came to a giant skull, there was two giant holes for the eyes. They walked to the holes and a giant dragon flew out of the hole, startling the group., They looked in the hole and saw thousands of black dragons, along with 12 Dragon eggs and a Lotus.

Cross looked down before looking at Long Chen, who also looked over. They communicated silently before nodding their heads and diving into the hole, Long Chen gave the rest directions while Cross sneaked over the Dragons.

Long Chen went for the Lotus and attacked as Cross cut a dragon and threw out a drop of pink liquid. It was an Aphrodisiac! Bai Xiaole stole all the Eggs, Long Chen stole the Lotus Pod and Cross threw up a terrifying Blackhole, dragging everything into it. The Horny Dragons were going insane and started fighting with the giant lotus as Cross flew out of the Skull with the rest.

Cross looked at the group and shouted "Don't resist!" before they all disappeared, he turned around and looked everywhere. His eyes turned and Black flames erupted on all the dragons and the Lotus as Cross stomped on the air and flew away.

Long Chen was let out and said "Light up the Pagoda!" Cross threw him at the ruins site along with a glowing white ball, that lit up the entire Abyss. Long Chen went for the Cornerstone while Cross fought against the Lotus, slashing vines and firing black beams from his eyes.

His eyes turned and the giant dragon armored figure appeared slashing and thrusting at the Lotus, smashing it back into the Dragons, good thing their bodies were strong or they would've exploded into blood mist.

The Lotus was angry and fired off vines at the Figure, Cross was inside and when the Lotus 'opened' it's mouth, Cross lit it's insides on fire. The Lotus shrieked in pain, Long Chen grabbed Cross and flew away, as vines exploded from the Lotus everywhere.

Cross was being dragged by Long Chen and the figure disappeared, Cross made a rune with his hands and fired a black beam at the Lotus, smashing it into the ground. He looked at all the dragon corpses and they all disappeared as his eyes turned.

The Lotus thrashed wildly as Long Chen ran to the city. Cross let the others out in the city and a huge pile of dragon corpses was given to Long Chen, he wanted the Lotus for himself or rather Die Wu.

He cursed "Fuck! I wanted to kill it!" Long Chen said "It's too strong, wait a few days then go back." The next day, Long Chen made an altar and told everyone to burn bones for a sacrifice, he walked around it 3 times and spoke words nobody understood.

Then they went inside the boat to relax. They flew out of the Dragon Region and Long Chen started laughing, Bai Shishi was confused and Long Chen said "9/10 Enpuda is watching us behind our backs."

Cross shook his head and said "I can't believe that moron Zhao Qinglong has lived so long." Long Chen replied "Well, Enpuda needs him. He's a good spy, unfortunately he couldn't cover his tracks good enough." Bai Shishi said in shock "Zhao Qinglong is a disciple of Enpuda!?" Long Chen nodded and said "Obviously. Enpuda knows everything we did these few days."

Cross chuckled and laid back, falling asleep right then and there. He sent 3 Dragon eggs he stole into the blood pool and they melted into a golden liquid. What mounts? He doesn't need them. Feng Xue'er was excelling at Alchemy and from the 5 Sky Fire seeds, her flames were extremely powerful.

She was like a goddess of fire, truly beautiful. The rest of the girls and kids started practicing inside the Inner World, it was much better than outside, they had almost everything they needed here, except competition and the threat of death.

Even if Cross kept them in the Inner World forever, their cultivations would never rise quickly. They would be waste materials, easily killed against real experts. They needed to find their own way. The Sect/Castle was great, but if they wanted to be experts it was a super crutch.

Cross wasn't going to let them stay for too long, but he also wasn't going to throw them out in dangerous places. He had a list and he was going to find the best places for them. He still didn't have a direction for most of them but Selena and her family were already set. He was thinking of leaving Yuanyuan with Bai Shishi at the 7th branch before he left.

He was undecided, after he found out Yuanyuan was an Immortal King, he decided to leave her like the rest. She needed sharpening too, he would clip her feathers if he held her too close. Bai Shishi would be able to show her the world and make her less naïve.

He sighed in his heart, Yuanyuan didn't deserve to be tainted my this shitty world. But it was a must, he would rather her be sad and upset than dead. He rolled over in his sleep, disgruntled, as the boat traveled.


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