Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)
Cross and Daphne got back to the house and opened the door. Cross was immediately tackled to the ground by Astoria. Daphne looked over and said "I'm back too..." Astoria stuck out her tongue and said "Hey." before going back to Cross and saying excitedly "You're back!!" Daphne's face turned black and Cross laughed.
He felt completely at ease at home, finally allowing himself to relax. Though he still kept his clone in the Room of Requirement at Hogwarts. He was gone for a week, that was precious learning time that couldn't be missed!
Marcus smiled and said "Welcome home you two." Cross and Daphne smiled, Cross got back up and Astoria clung to him like a koala as they walked into the house.
Marcus asked them about their time at Hogwarts and Daphne went on a long rant about all her classes and friends, either forgetting or keeping quiet about the potions in the food and the mind intruding hat.
Cross, however, mentioned that he was being cautious at the school because he thought something was up. Though he didn't go into details, Marcus understood that something must be happening for Cross to be this cautious.
Daphne surprisingly didn't out Cross for his loner behavior at school. Cross looked at her and she giggled with a smile as if to say, why would I say anything? Cross immediately knew he was fooled and decided to clamp her mouth shut next time when someone asked if anybody wanted to be in the spotlight.
He was a bit angry with her, but then again she was , first of all, his sister and second of all, she didn't know about his Elf origins. To her, her brother was changing for the worse and she just tried to help him 'come out of his shell' so to speak.
Although he was angry, he didn't blame her. She didn't understand the constant danger he was in, and he wouldn't tell her either. The strongest strength was his own and the less people who knew the better. If him telling her his secrets and her getting targeted because of him were to happen, he wouldn't even have time to cry.
Throwing this to the back of his mind, he had fun with his family, finally relaxing his nerves after being on guard for months.
It was a well needed break.
He played with Astoria, talked with Marcus and Alyssa, and helped Daphne practice her spells.
Christmas arrived and Cross got picture of Astoria, from Astoria, and a new top of the line broom. Daphne chuckled and Marcus said "I heard you're an amazing Quidditch player." Cross held the new broom and smiled wryly as he replied "I'd rather not be..." Marcus laughed and shook his head before whispering "Make sure you don't cheat next time."
Cross turned green and his smiled became forced as he said "I don't know what you're taking about." Marcus laughed again and shook his head with a knowing smile. Cross scratched his cheek, he had already been found out. Maybe he should openly cheat next time? Then he would be banned from the game!
Thinking he just had an amazing idea, Marcus immediately shot it down saying "Don't even think about it." Cross choked and looked at Marcus, completely aggrieved.
Time passed and the duo went back to school.
Cross separated from Daphne, who went with her friends, and went back to his room. His clone teleported to him and merged back, a whole week of memories and information flooded into his mind. He felt refreshed and happy, summoning the clone back and telling it to keep reading, moving on to the advanced books.
The clone nodded wordlessly and disappeared.
Cross sat on his bed and looked over at the egg and Carl's blood cocoon once again. Carl's cocoon was noticeably smaller now and looked like it would seep back into his body at any moment. Then Cross turned his attention to the egg.
Cross was surprised to see, the egg shaking and cracking. He got up and walked over, taking the glass case off and holding the egg in his hands.
The egg kept shaking and a beak poked through the egg. The rest of the egg crumbled and a blue bird, the size of a squirrel was revealed! It was completely light blue with a long tail at the end, it's whole body covered in soft crystal-like feathers.
The only part of it's body that wasn't blue were it's bright red eyes that shined like rubies in the night.
The Ice Phoenix chirped and flapped it's wings, but ultimately fell flat on it's face. Cross laughed and the bird got up before jumping onto Cross' head and slumped down before falling asleep and snoring.
Cross smiled to himself, then his smiled turned wry. He realized he had no idea how to take care of an Ice Phoenix, he rubbed his chin and decided to go see Hagrid. Maybe he knew something, seeing as he was the magical beast caretaker of the school.
Cross took the bird off his head and held it in his hands, the bird woke up and chirped again. Cross looked into it's eyes and said "You're new name is Blue." Blue almost chirped out blood, if it could speak it would most likely say 'What kind of fucking name is that?!'
Cross chuckled and couldn't care less what Blue thought, he directly left the room and walked out of the Slytherin house common room, going to Hagrid's. Though it was completely pitch black outside, Cross had no problem seeing, his eyes really were too convenient.
He made his way to the shack where Hagrid lived. He was about to knock on the door when he heard voices saying "Hagrid, where did you get that?!" Cross was confused, why was Harry here too? Did he also have a magical creature to take care of?
With that thought he walked into the shack and was surprised again. Hermione, Ron, and Harry were in the shack as well as Hagrid.
They all looked over and Cross looked back before focusing on the little lizard on the table. Blue popped his head up and chirped at the lizard from Cross' head. Cross twitched his ears and said "A wyvern?"
Hagrid said "What are you doping here, little fellow? Don't you know that you're not supposed to walk around at night?" Cross was about to speak when Ron said "He's probably with Malfoy." Cross ignored him and pointed to Blue as he said "I hatched an Ice Phoenix."
Hagrid almost fell off his chair and shouted "YOU WHAT?!" Cross said "Blue." as he held out his hand, Blue jumped down and landing on his hand, looking graceful and elegant.
The little wyvern roared cutely at Blue and Cross said in Draconian "Shush, little wyvern. Next thing you know you'll end up in a pot." the little wyvern was frightened and barreled into Hagrid's hair, hiding from the big devil who said he was going to cook him up.
The rest were shocked and Hagrid said "You can speak Draconian?!" Cross nodded and said "Do you know how to take care of an Ice Phoenix?" Hagrid calmed down and said "Of course, may I see her?"
Cross walked over and put Blue on the table. Blue looked around and chirped angrily at Ron, who was dumbfounded. Hermione said "Did you train all your pets to hate Ron?" Cross shook his head and said "No. Blue just hatched not even half an hour ago."
Hagrid looked Blue over with glasses on, occasionally touching her feathers and nodding saying "She did just hatch! Extremely healthy for a hatching too! Boy, where did you find her egg?" Cross looked to be in a difficult position and just said "I got it as a gift from a friend."
Hagrid understood that Cross didn't want to go into details and didn't push it. He looked at Blue and said "Per chance, do you still have the egg shell?" Cross nodded and took the remains out of his storage pouch, Hagrid took the shells and gave some friendly advice "Don't go showing people that bag. It's illegal."
Cross asked "Really? Why?" Hagrid shook his head and said "Ministry things, I could never understand them." Cross just nodded and smiled saying "Thank you, Hagrid." Hagrid smiled and explained "The egg shell of the Blue Luan can help it's infancy period if you stew it up and feed it to her."
The other three looked at Blue and Ron said "Beautiful creature ain't it?" Harry nodded and said "What does it do?" Hermione said "I read that some magical creatures can bond with a Wizard or Witch and give them boosts as well as affinities withy whatever element they excel in."
Hagrid was surprised and said "That's right, little girl. This cute little girl can share her ice affinity with her bonded Wizard." as he scratched Blue's neck, Blue chirped happily and Hagrid smiled.
Cross smiled and asked Hagrid "What does she eat? Surely the egg isn't supposed to last forever?" Hagrid sighed and replied "That's the tricky thing about them, they haven't been around for so long many people don't have their food anymore. Lad, my best advice is to leave her with me but I can tell she won't like that..."
He got up and threw the egg into a pot as he continued "So I can make the food for you. Unfortunately you can't just feed her bird seed. They need ice element herbs in their food to grow, you're very lucky it was just snowing. I have lots of materials to make food with."
He crushed the egg shell into dust and mixed in with other herbs using his wand to cook the food into a bird seed looking food. He continued to make the food for Blue, until a big bag was full. He handed the giant sac to Cross and said "That should last you a while. Come back if you need more. Also if you ever need a babysitter, I'm more than happy to help!"
Hagrid smiled and rubbed Blue's neck feathers.
Cross put the food in his storage bag and thought for a moment before saying "Hagrid, would you like to own a basilisk?" Hagrid almost died as he said "Why would you ask such a question? Do you know how dangerous Basilisks are?!"
Cross nodded and said "I can't just take your food for free." Hagrid shook his head and said "It's illegal by the Ministry of Magic." Cross rolled his eyes and said "What isn't illegal by the Ministry?" Hermione and the other two laughed and Hagrid shook his head saying with a smile "You young ones show be wary of breaking the law. Azkaban is a terrible place and they won't think twice before throwing you in there."
Hagrid shoo'd them out of the shack and said "Go back before you get into trouble." Cross smiled and said quickly "Hatch a chicken egg under a frog." before turning around and leaving with Blue sitting on his head.
Hagrid smiled and shook his head before closing the door.
Cross looked at the other three and said "So.. What were you guys doing there?" The three were silent and Cross shook his head as they walked back "You guys are gonna get in trouble if a teacher-" a voice startled them all by finishing Cross' sentence "If a teacher what, Mr. Greengrass?"
Cross looked up at McGonagall and cursed his bad luck. Why was she here, this was attracting too much attention again! McGonagall snorted softly and said "Too late for regrets, follow me you four." they all followed McGonagall into her office.
Cross looked at Draco and slapped his forehead as he said aloud "I was shot in the crossfire!" Draco coughed and turned away, while Hermione looked down and giggled.
McGonagall was amused but still said coldly "You four were out after dark, as such you will be sent to detention." she turned her head to Draco and added "You as well, Mr. Malfoy. Don't forget you were also out at night." Draco turned green and McGonagall waved as she said "Go. Detention is tomorrow night."
Cross scratched his head and wondered 'They weren't allowed out at night but they were punished to go out at night anyway?' This didn't make any sense at all. Still, he didn't say anything and left, going back to the Slytherin house with Malfoy.
Cross looked at Draco, who said "Sorry, I didn't know you were there..." Cross shook his head and said "Why bother? Are they really worth going out of you way? Seems like it's more trouble for you." Draco shrugged and said "I just don't like 'em" Cross shook his head again saying "Can't argue with that I suppose."
The next night
The five were walking with Filtch, who was talking about the old detention in the dungeons, but Cross' attention was on his cat. The cat looked at him curiously and Cross patted his shoudler, the cat jumped onto his shoulder and Cross whispered "Why do you stay like that? Do you just not want to be human again?"
The cat meowed in shock and Cross whispered "So strange, all these Maledictus don't cure themselves..." The cat meowed a bunch and Cross whispered the way to turn back into a human right into her ear.
The cat meowed in doubt and Cross said "That's the way. Believe it or not. I don't really care either way." The cat tilted her head and patted Cross on the cheek before jumping back to Filtch and meowing.
Filtch grunted and said "Go on then." The cat licked his face and meowed happily before running off towards the castle.
Filtch brought the five to Hagrid's shack and said "Enjoy!" before cackling and walking away with his lantern.