
The Last 128

Kazuto Kurosawa, an ordinary high school student, lives a typical life until a mysterious and deadly virus sweeps across the globe. After collapsing at school and being diagnosed with the virus, Kazuto is placed in an Cold Sleep chamber to save his life, facing a prolonged slumber. Upon awakening, he finds himself in a transformed world dominated by monstrous creatures. Navigating this dangerous new reality, Kazuto battles fearsome mutants discovering his own resilience and survival instincts. Determined to find safety and answers, Kazuto braves the hostile environment, fighting against the creatures and uncovering the dark secrets of the virus’s origins. His quest for survival becomes a relentless pursuit of truth, as he strives to protect those he cares about in a world where danger lurks at every corner.

AnimeType · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

03. The First Meeting

After listening to what the doctor said, Kazuto panicked for a while. After calming himself down, he muttered,

"Still, this all feels like a dream, but I guess it's reality for ya."

Kazuto took the wristwatch on the right side of the cold sleep (CS) chamber, noticing its sleek, futuristic design. It looked like a normal watch, but he remembered the doctor's instructions.

"If you open the watch,"

the doctor had said,

"you will see a lot of apps like maps, YouTube, Google, and two different apps that you don't recognize: one is the synchronization app, and the second is the app named 'The Last 128'."

Curious, Kazuto opened the watch and was greeted by a holographic display that floated in front of him, much like the ones he had seen in the movies.

"Whoa," he whispered in awe.

"If I open any of these apps, a big hologram shows up. This is so cool."

He opened the app named 'The Last 128', and the hologram displayed a list of names and locations. He began searching for his family and relatives but couldn't find them among the names.

However, he did find his childhood friend's name. Surprised and happy, he exclaimed,

"So someone I know is alive at least. I haven't seen her since middle school, right? And the others... there are ten in India, huh."

While looking around, he spotted a big silver-colored locker and remembered what the doctor had mentioned.

"So this is the locker the doctor mentioned," he said, reaching for it and opening it. His eyes widened in shock.

"Ohhh, look at this! A shotgun, a sniper rifle, a pistol, and an M4A1 too. These are things I've only seen in games, but these are real."

Kazuto excitedly picked up a gun and, surprisingly, said,

"Huh, they say guns are heavy, but this feels as light as a stick. Oh, the doctor said our powers are increased or something, and about the synchronization... I guess that's why it doesn't feel that heavy."

He remembered that the synchronization percentage showed how powerful you were. With a confident grin, he thought,

"I guess mine will be at least 90 or 95," and laughed.

Then he took the wristwatch and opened the app named 'Synchronization'. A holographic display showed his stats.

"So let's see... Whattttttt? Only 76 percent? It didn't even cross 80."

With a disappointed face, he sighed,

"Huh, I guess it's true. I didn't even exercise on a daily basis. This is what I get for being lazy."

He returned to the silver locker and found some clothes in it: a black t-shirt, a black jacket, black pants, and boots. Below those clothes, he saw a little refrigerator-like thing, as big as his hand, containing food and water. The food and water were both in some kind of plastic material but were still limited.

"Food and water too! And I guess it's still edible," he said.

"There isn't much of it, so I have to use it with caution."

Below the refrigerator, he found a grey-colored bag filled with ammunition and some grenades.

"What the! This much ammunition for only one guy? The bag is full of it."

With a strange smile, he said,

"And what do we have here? Grenades!"

He chuckled and thought, "I didn't think playing battle royale and zombie games would help me like this. At least I know how to reload and fire. I just need to worry about my aim, I guess."

Kazuto put on the clothes and saw his reflection on the silver-colored locker. Shocked, he said,

"I guess I really only aged two years, huh? the doctor says that 8 years have passed. There isn't a major change in my body, but I feel like I've grown a little taller and gained some muscle."

While wrapping up, the wristwatch he left on the table started vibrating and suddenly announced,

"Emergency meeting starts in 10 seconds,"

and started counting down from 10 to 1.

Kazuto quickly picked up the watch. When the countdown reached zero, a live video call began with the remaining 128 survivors.

Everyone connected properly, but not everyone had the same expression. Some were traumatized, scared, and panicked, while others had calm and collected faces.

There was complete silence for a few seconds, and then a girl with blonde hair, big eyelashes, white skin, and a mature but cute and beautiful face suddenly spoke up.

Alice aus Vermillion, the second princess of England, took a deep breath and began to address the group with a composed and authoritative tone, her royal upbringing evident in her demeanor.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Alice aus Vermillion, the second princess of England. I understand that we are all experiencing a great deal of shock and confusion right now. The situation we find ourselves in is unprecedented and daunting. But we must remain calm and focused. We have been given a chance to survive and rebuild, and we owe it to ourselves and to those who didn't make it to make the most of this opportunity."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing.

"We need to work together, support each other, and utilize every resource and skill at our disposal. Each of us brings something unique to this group, and it is through our collective effort that we will overcome the challenges ahead."

Alice's eyes scanned the faces on the screen, filled with determination.

"First, we must ensure our immediate survival. Dr. Sai Kashizawa mentioned a safe bunker in India. This will be our primary destination. We need to gather at the nearest airports and coordinate our movements carefully."

She took a deep breath and continued,

"For those of you who are pilots, your mission is critical. Ensure your survival and make your way to the nearest airport. Once there, we will coordinate flights to the safe bunker in India. The bunker is located at an airport and is underground, providing us with the security we need."

Alice's voice softened slightly, showing empathy and solidarity.

"Remember, you are not alone. We are all in this together. We have a responsibility to each other and to humanity. Let's rise to the occasion and prove that we are capable of more than just surviving – we are capable of thriving and rebuilding a new world from the ashes of the old."

She finished with a resolute nod.

"Everyone who is not in India, make your way safely to your nearest airport. The pilots from England and Japan will coordinate with each other to transport everyone to the bunker in India. Stay safe, stay strong, and stay together. Now, let's get to work. Together, we can face whatever comes our way."

As she concluded her initial instructions, Alice looked more serious.

"To coordinate our efforts effectively, we need strong leadership. I am willing to step into that role. Given my background and the current circumstances, I believe I can help us navigate through this crisis."

There were murmurs of doubt and questions from some of the survivors. Alice anticipated this and addressed their concerns head-on.

"I understand your reservations. Let me assure you that I am prepared for this responsibility. My synchronization percentage is 98%."

There was a collective gasp from the survivors, their faces reflecting surprise and a mix of admiration and disbelief. The high percentage indicated a significant level of compatibility and potential, far above the average. This revelation made them see Alice in a new light, recognizing her as a capable leader in these dire times.

Alice continued, taking advantage of the stunned silence,

"This indicates a high level of compatibility and potential, which will be crucial in the days ahead."

She gestured to the screen, where a serious-looking guy stood behind her.

"This is Arthur Lewin, my guard, who has also survived and is one of the last 128. His synchronization rate is 99%. Together, we will ensure that we all reach the bunker safely and can start planning our future from there."

One of the survivors, Warren Ivy Lancer, a noble from scotland, stepped forward with a sneer.

"And why should we follow you? What makes you so special?"

Alice met his gaze firmly. "Because I have the highest synchronization rate among us, and my guard's is even higher. We have been trained for leadership and survival. We need a strong and coordinated effort to make it through this, and I believe I am the best person to lead us right now."

There was a moment of silence as the survivors considered her words and it feels like everyone have accepted her as a leader. Finally, Alice continued,

"To further organize our efforts, I will assign leaders for each region. These leaders will provide systematic reports and ensure everyone is accounted for and safe."

She began calling out names and synchronization rates, making her decisions based on their backgrounds and current conditions.

"For England, I will lead. For India, Hayama Hoshino, 22 years old, with 2 years of army experience and a 94% synchronization rate. For Japan, we have two leaders: Mahiru Kirisaki and Chizuru Kirisaki, both 18 years old with a 95% synchronization rate."

As she continued, she called out more names and synchronization rates, ensuring each region had a capable leader.

"For scotland, Emilia Que Aoutorious, a noble with a synchronization rate of 93%."

One by one, the survivors shared their synchronization rates. Kazuto stepped forward confidently and announced his synchronization rate.

"76%," he said, a bit disappointed.

After a few more people, a familiar name caught Kazuto's attention. His childhood friend, Kurumi, stepped forward, visibly shaken and scared.

"M-my synchronization rate is... 120%," she stammered.

The room fell silent in shock. Alice's eyes widened.

"120%? Are you sure? Please recheck it."

Kurumi nodded, still trembling.

"Yes, it's 120%."

Alice thought for a moment.

"This is unprecedented. The doctor said it can't go above 100%. This could be a special case. Kurumi, you might be a great help in the future. Kazuto,"

she turned to him, "your hospital is closer to hers and by looking at you, you seem a bit calmer than her. On your way to the bunker, get to her and bring her and yourself safely to the bunker."

Kazuto nodded, determined. "I will."

Alice gave a final look at the group.

"Let's stay strong and support each other. We have a long road ahead, but together, we can make it. Now, let's move out and meet at our respective airports. Stay safe, everyone."

As the holographic meeting ended, Kazuto took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts.

The responsibility of finding and protecting Kurumi weighed on his mind, but he was determined to see it through. He packed the essentials into the grey bag, ensuring he had enough ammunition and grenades, and slung it over his shoulder.

"Alright, time to move," he muttered to himself,

glancing at the holographic map on his wristwatch. The path to the bunker will be hard , but first he had to find Kurumi.

Next chapter's name is 'The Journey Begins' so stick to it.

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