
The Lands and Whites

The Lands and Whites is about a contractual pre destined marriage arrangement made by two prominent families with totally two different ways of living made on behalf of their not yet birthed children so as to seal a business deal.The irony of the story is that though the business deal is sealed , are we certain about the deal being a continuous success following the twists and turns coming from the successors of the business deal made that is Diana Lands as the heiress and Alfred White as the heir to the empire.Let us watch and explore these two people's lives together for a positive outcome. This book has dramatic dialogue and so just Incase you are not interested in it's format of writing you can kindly skip it.

Katas · Urban
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41 Chs


Chapter 3

At the Whites Residence.

Santana: Hello ,White sheep

Macdonald: What exactly gets you to call me especially during this time?

Santana: Did I interrupt your family reunion or your pleasure time with your wife?

Macdonald: Even up to now you still reek dirt after years of growth.

Santana : Says you who would not even strike a business deal without selling his son.

Macdonald: I do not want to waste my time with people who do not understand the language of business, so don't expect me to teach you that in all deals or proposals , to be successful you lose some and win some.

Santana: Laughs out loud hahahahhah, how I missed annoying you even in the slightest.

By the way the reason for this call is to let you know that Diana Lands is in the country .

Macdonald: What does your daughter's return have to do with my life.

Sanatana: Don't play me for a fool, White, remember the last condition I gave to you for the merge to happen, do not make me repeat myself because it is not my style.

Macdonald: Listen , don't you have any remorse or care even towards that daughter of yours , I mean what if she is against you setting her up with my son won't she do anything extreme to herself ?

Santana: Before I made the deal I knew what the possible outcome would be so I do not expect you to take up a role of advisor in my life, do you get me White?

Macdonald White; You are right , I don't deserve to lecture you but thought that since you were now a parent, there was now a slight change in thinking , guess I was wrong.

Sanatana: This is the plan , I want you to tell your son of the contractual marriage agreement we made so that he is aware about it and we start planning their settling down.

Mac White: Even up to now you are still making the decisions , when will you out grow this habit of yours? OK, what if my son rejects it , then what happens?And yes , where am I to get my son, he is not yet back, white decides to lie to prolong the agreement.

Santana: I am going to answer all of your questions, one , if your son rejects this proposal, then I would prefer he dies because at least that leaves my daughter the sole owner and because of this pain, you will get devastated and i shall buy your shares making Lands the sole owner of HL Group of Companies hence my daughter a heiress to the biggest company in country C.

Two, you have started lying to me, I see, do you think I am not aware of your sons arrival in country C , do not forget I have my eyes everywhere, by the way he looks like you but more serious than you I suppose.

Three, I want you to discuss with your son so you prepare him before hand so we avoid destroying each other's reputation with lovers that require us spending money on them to buy them off or to hurt our children with broken hearts.

I hope with all the above given reasons, I qualify to be your son's father in law.

Hahhhhaaaaaaa, a loud laugh is heard from the phone.

Mac White: Father in law, my foot!

Santana: If there is nothing else to say , I guess I am safe to say that we have agreed and have a very fruitful day. After the phone call, Mac White leaves the phone stressed which prompts his son to ask , dad , are you okay, you look so stressed after the phone call.

Dad: It is nothing serious, do not mind my looks.

Alfred White: You know what dad , sharing is caring, so rather than carry a heavy burden , break it down so it is easier solved.

Dad: I am afraid this will cost us a lot even when shared it is predestined to happen so it will be. Though it is going to break each of us badly.

Alfred White: Dad I am not the small boy you thought I was before, right now I am a mature man with a company of his own that can make his own decisions and do not need to fear for sooner or later i have to stand independent in every decision I make.

Dad: Well you asked for it ,so let me get straight to the point, I was just talking to Santana Lands right now and we were discussing your marriage to Diana Lands.

Alfred White: Whaatttttt!, what is with this marriage thing you are talking about ,do you mean the devil in your phone is the mafia lord Santana?

Dad: Yes , son exactly, and he was reminding me about the agreement we made 22 years ago about my off spring just in case I have one gets married to his offspring as long as they are of different gender.

Alfred White: So should I say that dad you already sold me right before my birth?

Dad; I can not say I sold you but I used your predetermined existence as my road to success which is not fully my fault but because back then the shareholders pressured me to make sure the business deal we were to have for HL group of Companies got through otherwise they would withdraw their shares so with this I had no choice but to take the worst decision of my life.

Alfred White: Dad, does this agreement of yours have a contract in writing or it doesn't.

Mac White: Yes it is stipulated in the contract where we merged both companies and it is a special clause stating that once the contract is terminated under any un certain circumstances not known to Lands, then the consequences are to be severe including taking your life as well as the shares too so i had no choice son.

Alfred White: Does Mum even know about this stupid agreement that got her son no freedom of speech?

Dad: No, she doesn't know because I do not know how to even start this conversation.

Alfred White: Clearly if she had known ,I would prefer she aborted me herself rather than me being linked to the dirtiest group of people I know.

Dad: Do not worry, we shall definitely find a loop hole we shall use to get out of this.

Alfred White : Look who is speaking, the father , that failed to find the solution and now it's 22 years still no change.

Alfred White: So you know dad, I am not ready at all and am not any near to being ready so whatever the consequences, be ready to receive the shock of your life in handy.

Dad: I am sorry , son, there is nothing I can do and I regret my decision but can not turn back time regardless.

Alfred White: Dad this is way out of your values , you should know that and right now you are not any different from thatttt so called Mr.Lands whatever he calls himself .

Alfred White walks towards the house where he left his mom and exposes the dark secret that his dad had kept from his mom all this while and in a few minutes a scream is heard;

Jasleen: Babe! Babe!, what is this I have heard, what did my son do to deserve this? I mean of all people you knew I cared less about the money and right now I regret having met you or even married you because I can't imagine the life he is going to lead, can you imagine living the remaining days as a slave and yet he is barely 21 years old.

Mac White: My apologies Hun, but what is done is done ,I accept my fault and what I want is to find a proper solution please.

Jasleen White: You are right about that , so ,much as am annoyed, we have to get a way out of this mess.

At the Land's residence

Diana Lands: Dad, why are you laughing so loud?

Santana Lands: It is nothing serious dear, since you are home , enjoy yourself.

Diana: I hate it when you try to act all mature dad, what is with this attitude of yours?.

Santana : Relax girl, haven't you stopped that bad habit of eavesdropping every where yet?

Diana: Well dad, let us just say am the exact product you expected of my mum after manufacturing me.

Santana: Since you insist, I am yet to give you the shock of your life be ready for it.

Diana: Spill it old man , I hate riddles you know.

Santana: I am excited about a wedding that is yet to happen in my own home moreover.

Diana: I hope it is not what am thinking dad!

Santana: Oh baby, do you know what I like most about you, it is the bit of being extremely sharp, I am sorry to burst your bubble but I have to let you know that you are a mature girl and so you need to settle, and do you know what is more exciting child, it is that I have already selected for you a groom who is more than willing to have you in his embrace. This is strictly un debatable, do you hear me girl?

Diana : Old man!! , I really hate those guts of yours , what makes you think I can marry him?

Secondly, why did you come up with this so called marriage agreement without consulting me?

Sanatana: When I gave birth to you I did not need your consent and will not need it even now you either do it or do it .

Two, who the hell in this world can marry an uncultured woman like you , I mean you are the sort of person who learnt to kill at only the age of five, started shooting arrows at the age of 6 , took over my drug deals and prostitution business at the age of 15 what is most intriguing is you made it even boom and got even all my managers to fear you more than me because of your ruthlessness , some even said I was more approachable than you are so which brings me to answer you that no man I know of can ever come to woo you out of wish in Country C unless he is one that is arranged or is one that is to benefit from having you as a wife .

To top it all up this marriage is to be beneficial to me because I do not need to worry about splitting my assets to some man i am uncertain about whether the relationship will last or to worry about explaining about your character.



Santana: You are quite impatient darling , if I tell you then WHAT!!!!

Diana: I will reap out his eyes, break his legs , cut him bald and make sure I display him so everyone knows that I am your daughter.

Santana: That is more like it, but whatever you do , you must KEEP HIM ALIVE do you hear me?

Diana walks towards the house and screams

Diana: Mommmmmm!

Jemimah: What is with the noise ,she asks?

Diana: Your husband is crossing all of my boundaries and do not blame me when I turn red.

Jemimah: What happened to you dear?

Diana: It is dad, he says he has already found me a suitor can you believe the nerve he has?

Jemimah: Whaatttttt? Wait ,did you just set up my daughter's marriage without her consent SANTANA? ,what more worse can you do? huh!

Santana: What is so alarming about being in a pre arranged marriage, some even last more than love marriages , I do not understand the farce of this situation.

Jemimah: You really should have been called Satan not Santana , don't you think so?

Santana: Now that I have been baptized by my most loved woman, why should I complain, mind you, I love the name already.

Jemimah: I should have thought about the repercussions of this so called forced marriage I had with you, and by the way what I regret the most is giving in to your sweet nothings and money, Shit, you are unbearable.

Had you told me much earlier about this deal, I would have aborted her there and then maybe given even birth to a boy so this contract of yours turned null and void .

Diana Land: Mum, don't you think you have already gone over board speaking of abortion.

Jemimah: Let me speak my mind kid ,alright!


Diana Lands: I barely settled in and I am hearing a lot of nonsense, I am moving out tomorrow, so do not look for me .

And yes, dad, I am actually disappointed in you for what you have done, I thought with age comes brains but I think for you it's with age we maintain consistency.

Jemimah: I am sorry you had to go through this child but as you can see once a mafia always a mafia so we can not change your father any sooner.

Diana calls John, her driver.grrrrrrr

John : Hello mom,

Diana: Where is your sketch?

John: I am sorry but I do not get the language your using.

Diana; Oh the old generation baffles my understanding she murmurs to herself ,I AM SAYING, WHERE ARE YOU RIGHT NOW?

John: Oh am heading to the Lands mansion right now.

Diana: Make it as quick as possible because I can not stand being with these two problems.

Jemimah: Problems?

Santana: Problems? you ungrateful child , I pity your spouse then Santana Laughs it off.

In the Land's compound, a black car arrives and a call is heard, madam, I am right outside the door waiting please come.

Diana leaves in a fit of anger in her high heels with her stilletos clicking, kkkkkkkk, and as her figure is almost disappearing from a distance , the voice of her father is heard saying , Make sure you do not lash out on my employees whatsoever because i do not enjoy always cleaning up you mess young lady. Diana replies with her back towards her father saying much as am a disappointment, old man I still got pride in me like that of a male peacock so I leave it to you to see the beautiful colors i leave behind, peace.And she is no longer in view at the end of her speech.

In the compound, John opens for Diana the door to her car and she steps in to get ready for the drive.

John: Excuse me mum, where to?

Diana: The usual

John: Club Olsen here we go madam.

Diana: What is it with you John ?

John: I do not understand your question please elaborate?

Diana: Exactly my point, you are always too slow to understand and yet also like talking to yourself so much, when will you change this habit of yours ?

John: I am sorry madam, but this is my nature and I find you two similar , your father Santana Lands and you because you get agitated by my habits so easily.

Diana: Do not mention that man's s name in my car , are we clear John?

John: Yes mum.

After this conversation, there is dead silence in the car that can kill because by the look of things John is totally aware that the family is falling out and worst of it all, his master has to go ahead and tempt the she devil, Wow, he murmurs to himself , I do not know when this day will end but by the look of things, it is just starting and with every little fire coming from this father- daughter duo, it is very evident that this day is not going to be the best at all for anyone involved in the Lands business.

At the Whites Residence.

While the family of three is pondering on how to deal with the problem on ground, Jasleen comes up with an idea of exposing all the dirty linen of Diana Land so as to let her son off the hook , but this plan is to remain strictly among three of them ,however Mac White does not agree because he has a clear picture of who he is dealing with , and two if he continues with this plan of his ,it totally makes no difference between him and Lands but as he is still putting his point across,

Mrs. White: Shut up , will you White!, you are always justifying your actions no wonder it is difficult for you to identify right from wrong.

Mr.White: I am just not comfortable because this might cost us our lives, and besides who would have thought that you my innocent wife would start to think like the filthy beings.

Mrs. White: For all the years we have been married, you have just not yet seen all of my colors so you know only the good side but when it comes to my family and those I love, I will gladly carry all the weight on my shoulders including all your problems Hun.

Alfred: Mom and dad stop playing this blame game and let us start with the plots to set me free , failure to work together will lead to me making my own plans and carrying my own cross.

Mrs. White: Baby , how can you say such harsh words, I do not want you to carry anything that does not belong to you and moreso not be apart of it so we are doing this together.

Mr. White: Stop rubbing the wound with salt, ok , I am in.

Alfred: Once you are in, there is definitely no going back or even looking back . Once family, always family as the family motto states, Alfred says in a loud voice.

Mr and Mrs . White: We are all in 100%.

Hello readers, the book becomes tense and tense for each chapte, tighten your seatbelts and let us see what awaits us in the next chapter.

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