
The Lands and Whites

The Lands and Whites is about a contractual pre destined marriage arrangement made by two prominent families with totally two different ways of living made on behalf of their not yet birthed children so as to seal a business deal.The irony of the story is that though the business deal is sealed , are we certain about the deal being a continuous success following the twists and turns coming from the successors of the business deal made that is Diana Lands as the heiress and Alfred White as the heir to the empire.Let us watch and explore these two people's lives together for a positive outcome. This book has dramatic dialogue and so just Incase you are not interested in it's format of writing you can kindly skip it.

Katas · Urban
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41 Chs


Alexa is walking down a street called the" you never wish street "with her bag pack huge and all placed on her back when she sees a black Audi parking in front of her .At first she is frightened but once she notices the person in it she becomes relaxed and that person happens to be George Connor.

George: What are you waiting for, get in!

Alexa: But you do not know where am going.

George:Am yet to find out it is not like I can not ask you.

Alexa gets in the car but she still feels kind of awkward around him because she only met Connor once and after that day at the celebration, she never met him anywhere and much as they talked it was just for a short time so the relationship is still weird.

Alexa: Well I just think that where I want to go does not suit your standards.

George: Human beings don't cease to amuse me ?

Alexa: Why?

George: Because of the way they judge books by their covers.

Alexa: Well atleast much as I have judged you I am glad that I spoke what was on my mind. Yes, right, where are you heading to ?

George:I am going to Goodwill.

Alexa: Do you mean the orphanage?

George: Yes please.

Alexa: A man like you who has a wife and daughter, why would you go to the orphanage?

George: A WIFE AND DAUGHTER! what are you talking about.

Alexa: Don't you remember sitting with a beautiful lady and a girl around the age of 4 years?

George:Oh, that was my sister and her daughter my niece.

Alexa: Okay.

George: I love spending my alone time with the children at the orphanage because being with them reminds me a lot about my younger self ,the only difference though is that most of these children receive very little love, care and affection because they miss out on parental love which I didn't miss out on .

Alexa: That is good. You are a kind human being, few people tend to have such hobbies that involve mixing levels.

George: I appreciate the compliment.

Alexa: For how long did you start having this hobby of yours?

George: From the time I was 10 years old , I always asked my dad to take me to Goodwill and when he asked why I loved doing it, I told him I missed on having real friends because from the time I was three to 12 years, I was always being homeschooled and I had no friends i would spend time with so i opted to become acquainted to the orphanage and i tell you what, i am one of the big sponsors of goodwill responsible for ensuring food is in plenty as well education.

Alexa: Does any of your friends know you are so attached to this orphanage?

George: Only you know about it .

Alexa: I am also heading there .

George: Why?

Alexa: Because I am going to do immunisations for the tender ones .

George: So you are a nurse.

Alexa: Yes, for now I am a nurse but overtime I want to become a doctor.

George: That is a good plan, good for you.

Alexa: Thanks.

George: Which hospital do you work in?

Alexa: Alexova Lifeline Center.

George: That is the hospital with which we get sickness insurance.

Alexa: What company do you work for?

George: Not work my dear but own?

Alexa: I tend to forget that there are always levels now am dealing with the upper class and yet here I am asking low class questions, please forgive me . I have a very weak brain when it comes to analyzing some situations.

George: It's okay I actually like the fact that you are inquisitive to know about my life it shows that you are not only a cautious human but also smart .

Alexa: We have arrived .

George drives till the middle of the compound and on arrival, a group of children run towards them and hug them as a sign of welcoming visitors to make them feel at home.

Alexa and George hug the children as well and Alexa gives the children some sweets and some groceries but while at it, she sees George carrying blankets, shoes , toys and drinks such as fresh mango juice along with some sodas.

Because of the sight seen the children start dancing and celebrating about the things seen and with that Alexa gets out the injections with the immunization medicine

against diptheria and tetanus for the babies at 6 months and above. The children are given some biscuits as well as cakes by Alexa so as to keep them busy. However as they are all working,a young beautiful girl with grey eyes in a white dress comes with blonde hair and her little thumb in the mouth pulls at Alexa's dress and says:

Child: Mummy ,is that my daddy?( pointing at George)

Alexa is shocked and amused at the same time but she understands the level of loneliness the children at such ages tend to have. While in thoughts of how to answer the question, the conversation is interrupted by the matron of the orphanage who starts pulling away the child but she is interrupted by George who tells her that there is no offense in what the child has spoken and with that George carries her in his muscular hands making her to stop crying. However it seems like everything is just starting because the child starts again the questioning.

Child: Are you my daddy?

George: Do I look like your daddy baby?

Child: Yes.

George: Yes , I am your daddy.

Child: Where have you been I have been waiting for you.Dont you remember you said I should wait for you at the road side but ended up not coming for me.

George: I am sorry but now am here.

The child hugs George so tightly by the neck and tells him how she missed him amidst sobs . George slightly pats her back to make her relax and Alexa moves closer to her and gives her a sweet which makes her relax.

After being handed the sweet, the child opens her hands widely as a sign for Alexa to carry her and once she is in Alexa's hands she taps George.

Child: Daddy ! is this my mummy?

Alexa: Well baby uhh.....

George: Yes, she is.

Child: Mummy! mummy!( the child is so excited and starts screaming showing The other children mummy and daddy.)

Alexa asks George why he confirmed that he was the dad to the child but he says to him there is nothing beautiful like seeing someone being happy about something even if it is a lie so Alexa tells him that with this confirmation to the child, things are to be complicated considering the fact that they are to leave the child behind when it is time to go and she will feel neglected.

George confirms to her that he has the right solution to that and so they go to meet the matron to explain what is the story behind the child.

The matron tells them that the little girl is called Imelda and she has just been with the other kids for 6 months and she is 3 years old but has not yet got over the fact that her father left her by the road side claiming he would return but unfortunately it never did but the matron assures them that the child is so brilliant and amongst all of them she is extremely intelligent and not easily fooled and the act they put on could affect her once Imelda doesn't see her acting parents George and Alexa. However the matron advises the two young people not to worry for they are to use the secret exit to escape the children's eyes in order to avoid commotion. Because of what is discussed,George leaves his phone number with the matron just incase of any news that is alarming . George and Alexa get done with what brings them and they leave each heading to their places of work to finalize pending assignments but few hours after their departure, a phone call is heard .