
Dawn of a new day

This is the starting of the end. The war has already begun, who shall wave the flag of victory an who shall fall an never see the face of light again, it all begins now

Kluas has been on the run ever since he escaped the clutches of kimuah. While he was on the run he met up with some the resistance members, but he told them that he was not going back, so they all parted ways except akena she didn't have anyone else so she and Kluas left together. After two months of running they finally found a village of the east coast of the kingdom and decided to start a new life there. But that new life was shortly lived. The king had send out men his men. The royal guards the elite soldiers of the kingdom.

" kluas there here." Akena said with a worried tone.

" They are, we have to move akena we can't let them catch us else were dead"

" What about the people are we just suppose to leave them"

" akena don't be stupid. So what if a village gets sacrificed. I made a promise and I'll run an won't look back if I have to"

" what happened to you, how can you say such a thing, your not acting like your self"

" that's because he's gone this is me now come on"

" no! I won't go, I'll fight and I won't run, that's not me so go without since you only care about your promise to your dead sister"

" oh ok you gonna play that game, now you don't hate a choice your coming with me" he hit here in the head and took her up an ran. He didn't look he couldn't he heard the screams of the people he had left to die. The thought of it haunted him, but he couldn't lose her. After hours of running he found a cave, it looked dormant so he went to seek refuge. He finally laid her down to rest. She finally gained consciousness. She looked around and wondered were she was she saw kluas and asked " where are we?"

" um in a cave isn't that obvious"

She looked at him with a frighten look " what about the villagers"

" You ask too much questions"

" Kluas, what happened to them?"

He didn't want to answer " there dead"

" you made us run, not even us, you didn't give me a chance to decide and for what so that we would live an they would die"

" I'm sorry but it's what I had to do"

She got up an looked at him with discuss " I love you, did you know but now I don't even know who you are anymore and I don't know how to feel. Just stay away from me."

" You what, wait where you going to go?"

" Somewhere far from you"

Then they heard a shuffling sound in the cave, kluas ask " what was that you heard that right?"

" yes I did, where is it?"

Kluas got up an started to look around when something jumped out on them. They fell on the ground and hurriedly got back up

" what was that?" kluas said

" sometimes your really dumb, how am I supposed to know"

It jump across there faces again. She grab kluas and held him with a firm grip. He looked at her " get off me you trying to get us killed"

It then then grab kluas an they both fell to the ground it started to hit him an the man realize that kluas wasn't hitting back. " oh shit I'm sorry I thought you was murderer, I'm minus"

" Oh my, my face uh, man you hit hard"

" well it's not everyday you see people wondering around your cave, you people who are you shit forgot my manners again welcome to my home"

" The words that are coming from your mouth, I'm not familiar with it, what is shit?"

" Oh your not familiar with the ways of the old world are you, oh well I'll take you there, wait do you wanna be friends"

" Friends what does that mean?"

" it's like we're partners"

" you mean you'd be my woman, cause I don't think that's how it works, isn't it suppose to be a man and woman"

" not a relationship"

" what is a relationship"

" When a man and woman are together"

" Oh so when we are friends what do we do"

" Talk, play whatever, wait where's your friend the girl"

" What girl, oh, oh my akena."

They ran outside the cave to find her when they saw the royal guards kluas yelled " let her go!"

" why don't you make us" one of the royal guard said

He froze contemplating his decision when minus ran off to help her then he decided to move they ran to her when the guards started to attack. Minus was a great fighter he quickly disarmed the guard and grab one of his swords. Kluas was fending off the others. Minus killed the others, then he ran to help akena, he hit the guard who was holding her captive kluas gave the final blow sending him to the ground. Kluas turned his attention to akena " are you ok"

She chuckled and said " I thought you said you were done fighting"

" what you said earlier today about being in love with me was it true" the guard that he had knock to the ground had got back to stab him in his back that's when she threw him to the side and the blade pierced her chest an she fell. Minus ran an places his sword through the guards chest. While kluas was crying over her body but the rest of the guards were coming an they had to move songs had to leave her body. They ran an ran till they were at a safe distance. Kluas sat on a rock and started to cry " why does everyone I love die, everyone I come close to die"

" well my friend now you have someone else. You have me, now what do you plan to do"

Kluas look to the sky and said " I'm going to find the Devine blade an kill the king of thorn, but first I have to find father first"

" Luckily for you I know a lot about the Devine blade and also I'm a black smith so let's get you some weapons" they both got up an started to walk

Meanwhile in the kingdom of thorn

" bring her body" the king commanded " seris nos do cintra un volar bru" he then chanted

She gasp and got up " I am here to serve you my king" akena said

The king laughed and said " of course you are"

To be continued