
The Labyrinth of Love

Joseph is an angel. He is the prince of the realm of angels. While completing his missions, he accidentally meets the prince of the demon realm, Theodore. The unexpected meeting turns them into best friends. Every day they'd meet up and share their daily adventures. But the unexpected turn of events makes them fall apart. To fulfill their duty in the human realm, they have to separate before confessing their feelings for each other.

DaoistJi2oUU · Fantasy
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16 Chs


Nathan had taken Joseph into an apartment. It was just 15 minutes walk from the forest. After entering the city, Joseph was amazed to see all the tall buildings here and there. Most importantly, Joseph was surprised to see humans who dressed so perfectly. It was surprising for him to see so many shops everywhere. He was in awe.

After walking for some time, Nathan and Joseph entered a building. Nathan pressed the button of the elevator, and after a while, the door opened. Joseph was confused. He saw Nathan go inside the door so, he followed behind. After Nathan made him go into an elevator, Joseph was scared. He didn't know something like that even existed. He was startled when the elevator started moving up, and he clenched his hands on Nathan's shirt. Nathan smiled at Joseph's reaction.

"Joseph, we are going to my friend's apartment. You're going to live with them together. I'll go back to the angel realm after six months. So you have to try to get along with both of them," Nathan said calmly.

"You have friends here in the human realm? Why did I not know that? And how many of them are there? Won't it be suffocating with many people?" Joseph asked.

"Yes, I made friends when I came to the human realm for completing my missions. And yes, there are two of them. They are good people. Once you get to know them, they won't feel suffocating at all. Trust me," Nathan assured Joseph.

"If you say then, I'll trust you," Joseph replied.

"Also, you can tell your real name to them. They both know that I'm an angel. You don't have to hide your identity in front of them," Nathan put his hand on Joseph's shoulder and assured him.

The elevator opened, and Nathan walked out of it. Joseph was scared, and he just followed Nathan. Nathan led Joseph in front of a door. Nathan rang the doorbell, and a tall guy with broad shoulders opened the door. The tall guy seemed a little surprised to see Nathan.

"Hi, Stephan. It's been a long time, hasn't it?" Nathan said awkwardly.

"Yeah, it surely has been. And who is this young man trying to hide behind you?" Stephan eyed Joseph.

"Oh, this is my younger brother, Joseph. He is here to complete his missions," Nathan said.

Joseph was a little shy to introduce himself, "Uh, hi. I'm Joseph. Nice to meet you," Joseph was scratching his head.

Stephan laughed at Joseph's cute actions, "Seems like you are shyer than your brother. Come inside both of you."

Stephan went inside, and Nathan followed him. Joseph was a little hesitant at first, but then he went inside. The apartment was much bigger than he had imagined.

The living room was big. It had a couch in the middle, a table in front, and a big black box hanging on the wall. There was a small kitchen next to the living room. It was enough for two people to cook. Except for the living room, there were three other rooms and a bathroom. The interior decor was very pleasing. Paintings were hanging on the wall and some photo frames as well.

Joseph was impressed to see the apartment. He had thought that it would be suffocating with 3,4 people, but as soon as he had entered the place, he had calmed down. The vibe of it was very calming.

As he entered, he saw another boy chilling on the couch while watching something in the big black box. Suddenly the boy said, "Stephan, who is it? Is it the pizza delivery guy?"

"Yes, sir. Here is your pizza that you ordered," Nathan replied sarcastically.

The boy turned behind as soon as he heard Nathan's voice. His eyes were wide from shock. He was shocked to see Nathan there.

"Wow. Is that you, Nathan? Or am I dreaming?" The boy seemed confused.

"Of course, it is him. Do you think that Nathan sent his clone from the angel realm?" Stephan teased the guy.

The boy got off the couch and hugged Nathan, "Oh my god. It is you, Nathan. Long time no see, bro. We both missed you so much. Especially, Stephan," the boy winked at Stephan.

"Stop, Harper. It wasn't anything like that," Stephan blushed a little.

Joseph was observing their interaction all this time. No matter how much he trained to be an extrovert, meeting new people always made him nervous. He didn't dare to utter a single word all this while.

"Who is this pretty guy hiding behind Nathan? Show me your face, love," Harper said teasingly.

"Stop flirting, Harper. He is Joseph, my younger brother. He is shy around new people. He needs time to befriend people," Nathan explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare Joseph like that. I just wanted to make him comfortable around us," Harper apologized.

Joseph slowly came out from Nathan's back and introduced himself, "Hi, I am Joseph. I'm here to complete my missions. And I'm twenty years old."

"You're such a cutie pie. You don't have to be formal around us like that," Harper squealed.

"So, how long are you going to stay this time, Nathan? Will you stay until Joseph completes his mission?" Stephan asked.

"No, I won't stay for that long. I'm just here to help Joseph. I'll stay with him for six months and go back to our realm," Nathan replied. Stephan looked a little sad after hearing that from Nathan. A complete silence fell upon them.

To cut the silence, Harper asked, "So what is your name going to be here? As far as I remember, shouldn't you change your name in here?"

Joseph was a little taken back. He was surprised to see that Harper and Stephan knew so well about angels. "Yes, I think I will change my name to Jacob. How does it sound?" Joseph asked.

"Hmm. Sounds okay. I like your original name, though. It suits you. But, I'm going to call you little angel," Harper smiled. Joseph smiled back, but his mind was remembering how Theodore used to call him an angel.

"So, there are three rooms and four people, which means the two of us must share a room. Who's down to sharing a room with someone else?" Stephan asked.

"You don't even need to ask. You and Nathan are going to share a room. There's no debate on that, is there?" Harper teased Stephan.

Joseph was confused while Nathan just smiled. "I can share a room with my brother, though," he said in a low voice.

"No, it's okay. We shared a room back then as well. We have no problem sharing a room. You can have a room to yourself," Stephan assured Joseph.

Just then, someone rang the bell. "It must be pizza. Let me go and get it. Tonight's dinner is going to be pizza," Harper seemed cheerful. Joseph had never heard about pizza. He was excited and nervous to see what type of food it was.

Harper brought the pizza, and the four of them sat on the couch. Joseph took a piece of pizza and had a bite. He was amazed by the way it tasted. He liked the way it tasted. He had never eaten anything like that before. Nathan smiled, seeing Joseph enjoy eating pizza so much.

After eating pizza, Harper showed Joseph around the apartment and Joseph's room. Joseph seemed a little tired so, Harper bid goodnight to him and went. Joseph was too tired to change or do anything else. So, he just jumped onto the bed and fell asleep.

Hello. I hope you're liking the flow of the story until now. I can't wait to unveil more of the chapters.

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