
The Labyrinth of Love

Joseph is an angel. He is the prince of the realm of angels. While completing his missions, he accidentally meets the prince of the demon realm, Theodore. The unexpected meeting turns them into best friends. Every day they'd meet up and share their daily adventures. But the unexpected turn of events makes them fall apart. To fulfill their duty in the human realm, they have to separate before confessing their feelings for each other.

DaoistJi2oUU · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A glint of hope

It took Joseph almost a month to get used to Harper, Stephan, the apartment, and especially the human realm. He was very much fascinated by it. Nathan had brought all the documents like their Id-card, bank account, passport, visa card, and everything needed for Joseph to live as a human in the human realm. Joseph was quick to learn about how to use everything.

The black box that he first saw while entering the apartment fascinated him a lot. He later found out that it was called TV and how it worked. In the beginning, he used to spend his time watching TV a lot. Then he got introduced to mobiles. After learning, how to use it, he couldn't leave his mobile even for a second. He was fascinated by how the small device could be used for so many purposes. He could call people far away from him through the phone. He could search about different things using the Internet. He liked the advancement of the human realm.

After getting to know how the human realm worked, he became more interested. Meeting different people made him realize that not all humans were as good as Haper and Stephan. Most of them were selfish and only wanted money. Once, he even fell for a person's trap. And all his money got stolen on his way to the apartment.

Since then, Joseph knew how evil humans were, and to live there, he had to make himself stronger. So, he decided to look tough on the outside. With this, humans wouldn't dare to look down on him.

First, he decided to get tattoos on his arms. He tattooed the face of the tiger on his right arm. He also had written Theodore's name in small letters in between the tiger's tattoo. He made it hidden well so no one would be able to see it unless he pointed it out himself.

After that, he decided to get piercings. He got a piercing above his right eye and multiple piercings on both of his ears. He loved wearing small hoops and earrings. And then he got a buzz cut. By his appearance, everyone would have surely thought he was into a mafia or something like that. But he did it so no human would look down on him, and he was proud of himself.

He found out that the most important thing for humans was money. Without money, no one would be able to survive in the human realm, not even angels. So Joseph had to get a job to earn some money as well. Though Nathan, Stephan, and Harper told him that they had enough money to keep him, he didn't want to be a type of burden on them. Joseph wanted to be independent. So he decided to get a job anyhow.

As per Harper's suggestions, Joseph applied to small modeling agencies. Harper advised him to get into small agencies because it would be good for him to not be a famous model as he has to go back to his realm in some years. Joseph liked the idea. So, he applied for small clothing brands and got accepted. Joseph modeled in the daytime while he got a part-time job in a nightclub. Like this, Joseph got to earn more money and enjoy the club as well. Joseph was satisfied with whatever he was doing.

He was living his life to the fullest. He had no worries about the missions because they would start only after his sixth month in the human realm.

For Joseph, the hard part of living in the human realm was being called Jacob. That name was very foreign to him. He didn't like it that much. He still wasn't used to people calling him Jacob. So, even while modeling, he decided to go by the nickname J. Even on his Instagram account, he didn't put his name. He just kept the letter J. Everyone at the club used to call him J. He was more comfortable with it than the name Jacob.

Except for his name, the thing that worried Joseph was finding his best friends. Every new place he went, he searched for Theodore and Joshua. Joseph would sometimes sit at a cafe and look at every person's face that came inside. He tried his best to find Theodore and Joshua. But Joseph couldn't. He neither had a photo of them, nor he know if they changed their name or not. He was helpless.

He wanted to meet Theodore and Joshua. He longed for them. He wanted to know their experience in the human realm. He wanted to see how much they had changed. But he just couldn't get any hint about their whereabouts.

So, one day he went to the Divine land to talk with Yuki. Yuki was surprised to see Joseph in front of him.

"What are you doing here, kid?" Yuki asked.

"Can you please tell me the whereabouts of Theodore and Joshua? It has been months since I've been trying to find them. But I haven't got a single clue," Joseph was perplexed.

"Kid, I cannot tell you about their whereabouts. Fate will tell you about them soon. Just be patient. What's meant for you will always come back to you," Yuki assured Joseph.

"How much more patient do you want me to be? I've been patient for more than three years. I've been waiting for them, but there's no news," Joseph was frustrated.

"Okay, then I can tell you one thing. All three of you are in the same city. I cannot tell you anything more than this. Time will take you to him," Yuki said.

Finally, a glint of hope sparked in Joseph's eyes. He was finally relieved to hear that Theodore and Joshua were in the same city as him.

"Thank you so much. Even though it's not a definite hint, I'm glad we are near," Joseph thanked Yuki.

Yuki just smiled at Joseph in response. Then Joseph decided to go by the plum tree since he was on the Divine land. Joseph had missed the place very much. Especially the memories he had made by the plum tree. He caressed the plum tree, on which small buds had grown.

"I just hope we will meet soon, Theodore. I want to express everything I have in my heart for you," Joseph leaned on the plum tree.