
The Kryptonian In The Multiverse

A Kryptonian child finds himself inside the The Boys universe. The US military is the first to respond and they take him in, train him to be the most perfect soldier with the talk of the Caught Superheroes coming to the military years before the story start. A/N: Just changed to name slightly from Kryptonian In The Boys to Kryptonian In The Multiverse. That's because they will be world jumping, each arc longer than the other.

Lutheris_right · Movies
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18 Chs

The Super Child

General Luis Cavill was quite perturbed by the nerve of his soldiers for waking him up in the middle of th night. He got into the debriefing room where he was surprised to see even the US president on the large screen, everyone looking at a camera feed. It was the SEAL boys in a mission. He was quite confused by why this was so important but still took his seat.

The soldiers were in some kind of semi arid place. They were handling themselves with most descreet, hiding their tracks and all meaning their mission was not sanctioned.

"There, it landed over there!" one of them shouted, alerting all of them. They quickened their pace to the direction the soldier pointed and saw a crater which was still on fire. They crept towards the crater till the very edge.

"Is that what I think it is?" one of them asked in disbelief. The helmet camera was turned towards what they were pointing to and everyone in the room and the President gasped in shock. Right there in the crater was a small spaceship, its hatch opened and inside was a child seen deep asleep. It was wearing a white body suit with a pentagram sign on the chest with a weird symbol on it.

"That is a baby in a spaceship!" one SEAL confirmed.

"Soldier, is there any radiation coming from it?" the president asked them.

"No, sir, otherwise we would be dead, sir," the captain of the team answered.

"Good, now, take that child and the ship if you can and get out of there before the Argentina authorities find all of you," the president commanded them. The SEALs quickly went into action. They slid down into the crater and the captain cautiously picked up the baby. Then, one man tried lifting the ship and found it surprisingly quite light. So, another came up to help, put the ship onto their shoulders and they took off as fast as they could. The child was a heavy sleeper for even with all the running, he hadn't gotten up yet. Luckily, they got to their airplane before the Argentina authorities caught up.

"We have the baby, sir, coming home," the captain reported.

"Good work, soldiers. You will land at the coordinates sent to your pilot. Remember, not a word of this to anyone outside this plane," the President said then cut the feed. He then turned to everyone in the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know you are all confused by this development. I was too an hour ago when I received a call from NASA about a possible UFO entering Earth's atmosphere. They didn't know when it appeared, just knew it was going to land in Argentina. As we all saw from the feed, this is quite possibly an alien lifeform although it looks quite human. When our boys arrive, we will conduct some experiments and if what we think is true, we might have gotten our very own alien!" the President said. "But for now, I want an EMP detonated in the site right away and the satellite conveying the feed sent to the sun. This is a very sensitive matter that if it is leaked, we will be in boiling soup." Everyone nodded just as four soldiers got in carrying the portable EMP. Without wasting spare words, one of them pressed a button and every electronic in the facility died, all their circuits fried never to be reused ever again.

Six hours later

The SEAL company of six arrived in their coordinates where they found quite a reception. The President was not anywhere to be seen which was enough to sho just how much they wanted this to be a secret. As soon as the cargo doors were opened, the people in hazmat suits streamed in, took the baby from the Captain, four of them rolled in with a gurney, put the spaceship on it and then ran out. The six soldiers were taken for decontamination and their loyalties tested.

The head scientist of the site was quite thrilled to get this opportunity to observe an alien and experiment in it. Just as the man carrying the baby was entering the room, it suddenly woke up. What came next was something they would never forget. Blue lasers shot out of its eyes, incinerating and cutting through everything in its way, the man's head included. When the corpse fell, the child closed its eyes, ending the rampage but by then, half the building was gone.

"What the hell was that?" the scientist asked himself. He was quite lucky to have ducked in time. He took the red phone which could only call one place.

"Mr President, I have quite terrifying news. The baby appears to be a super," he stated. There was silence from the other end for a few moments.

"Its abilities?" came the silent sound from the other end.

"It just shot lasers out of its eyes, destroying half the building. I'm afraid nobody will come close to it after this incident," the scientist answered. Silence prevailed for a few moments once again.

"That's okay, I have given the six SEALs that brought him a mission, the child will be out of your hands. You will only be monitoring its spaceship," the President said and cut the line. The scientist sighed in relief before looking at the baby that was looking around in curiousness.

An hour in, the six soldiers got in, took th child, got into their plane and they flew off. They were quite unnerved by what they had seen and did not think the child to be quite harmless anymore. They prayed to God he wouldn't laser the plane, killing them all. Luckily, the child seemed to trust them and they arrived at a military base safe. They were received by General Luis Cavill.

"Morning Gentlemen, you are hereby commissioned to my regiment from now onwards. We will be concentrating on one thing and one thing alone, making that child into the embodiment of the USA Military forces. Everything here and more to come is to train the best goddamn soldier the world has ever seen. Now, we have come to a conclusion that the child trusts you enough not to burn your heads off so, you all will be his guardians till he becomes independent. We will need to see just how much this child can take even if it kills him, do you understand?"

"Yes sir!" they all shouted in agreement as they saluted.

"Good, you are all dismissed," the general said.