
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict ========== Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. This is just a fanfiction.

The_Book_Addict · Movies
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106 Chs

New Strength

Royce and Isabel had encountered some interesting occurrences during their time in the valley. One day, while Isabel was on patrol in the valley, she found herself in the original Snake Valley. "I used to come here for nothing," she muttered to herself. Unfortunately, the weather was scorching hot that day. As she walked, she stumbled upon a large python confined in an iron cage.

The sight startled her, but she was relieved to see that the cage was incredibly sturdy, despite the python's attempts to break free.


"You mean the snake in the valley? Did you see it?" Bill chuckled with amusement.

Isabel nodded, still slightly shaken. "Yes, I was almost scared out of my wits. I've never seen such a huge snake before."

"Don't worry. Haven't you ever wondered why we don't let other creatures come here to steal blood orchids?" Bill asked.

Royce frowned, intrigued. "You mean they grow larger after consuming blood orchids?"

"Exactly," Bill confirmed. "And there are plenty of giant pythons in the forest now."

Isabel shuddered. "No wonder you always carry a Gauss rifle when patrolling. But if these creatures are out there, why not eliminate them? Why keep this hidden danger?"

Bill shook his head. "No, keeping these giant pythons helps us fend off some troubles. You see, outsiders still try to come in and test their luck from time to time."

So, these giant pythons served as a natural defense line?

Just then, a beep from the communicator hanging on Bill's waist interrupted their conversation.

Bill answered it and listened for a moment before responding, "Understood. We'll head to the laboratory right away."

Bill looked at the two and said, "Come on, maybe the boss is going to give you something nice."


"Yup, You know we are very strong it's because this thing." Bill said while pointing to a crate full R1 potion.

Seeing what they were thinking, Bill tapped Royce on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, we've all had injections. It's alright. It's easier than your vaccinations. Thinking that you're about to become a Superman, are you excited?"

Ha ha…! With a sneer, who knows if there are any sequelae?


Varion didn't lift his head when he heard the sound, and pointed to the tray on the other side, where two green potions were placed.

"Well, teach them to use it."

Bill picked up the tray and put it in front of Royce, motioning him to use it himself, anyway, just press it on his shoulder, what's the difficulty.

After that the sparing section started.

Gritting his teeth, Royce landed a punch on his friend's shoulder.

Isabelle watched as Royce hit her wondering how she could dodge it. But before she could react, the liquid from the injection flowed into her veins, chilling her to the bone, yet she felt nothing.

"Alright, game's over! Let them get some more practice in," Bill chuckled.

He couldn't forget that he had also been trained by those Kryptonian warriors. It was brutal!

"Oh no, seriously?"

"Hey, what are you doing," Isabel urged, fear creeping into her voice. She knew the power of the Gauss rifle all too well.

Bill's expression turned serious. "I'll give you something to run from." With that, he raised the Gauss rifle and fired at the nearby river with a loud bang.

A swarm of crocodiles emerged, sending the two running for their lives.

Training people turned out to be pretty satisfying.

For another month straight, Royce and Isabel underwent the R-2 potion treatment, boosting their strength once again. As for the Type 3 potion, Varion had no plans to distribute it.

The human body had reached its peak strength. Continuing with the Type 3 potion risked destabilizing their genetic makeup, a gamble not worth taking.

Ping! Bill grabbed his communicator.

"This is Bill."

"Mr. Bill, the boss has a task for you."


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