
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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Jill's Mission

In the Las Vegas facility, Varion watched the unfolding catastrophe with a heavy heart. This was a deliberate purge initiated by humans themselves, not some accidental disaster. It was an unimaginable act to him. Under normal circumstances, self-destruction was a behavior that life, whether individual or collective, vehemently avoided.

Consider personal self-destruction, for instance. Convincing oneself to end their own life was an immensely challenging task because the fundamental principles of survival, reproduction, and evolution were ingrained in the very genes of all living beings. These were instincts that governed every creature, irrespective of personal character or perseverance.

Now, in the context of this massive plan for racial cleansing, Isaac had violated the very survival instincts of his own kind. While war brought destruction, there was still hope. Isaac, however, was pushing all of human civilization toward the abyss for his own selfish motives.

But what concerned Varion more was something else—the existence of an antidote to the T virus, which Isaac had clearly kept from him.

"No one will believe this old dog, and he must be wary in the end," Varion muttered to himself.

"Prepare a team of operatives; we need to gather some supplies, Andre."

"Yes, Doctor," Andre replied.

As Varion surveyed the nightmarish scene resembling hell on earth in the hive, he couldn't help but feel fortunate that he had seized the opportunity to come to the Las Vegas facility. Here, he could obtain the precious R-1 potion, even more valuable than it was within Umbrella, and avoid the dangers that lay within.

A fully equipped team set out from the base, and this operation went unnoticed by the Red Queen, ensuring their actions remained a secret.

"Doctor, the virus in the hive facility has fully erupted. Raccoon City may no longer be safe. Should we take defensive measures?" Andre voiced his concerns; one misstep could be fatal.

"No, let's not enter Raccoon City. We'll wait outside the Arklay Mountains," Varion decided.

A fleet of gunships sliced through the night sky.

When they arrived, it was already dark.

"Prepare yourselves; we may need to bring back some supplies," Varion instructed.

"Understood, Doctor."

Meanwhile, in Raccoon City, Alice and her companions had emerged from the underground base, but Umbrella's protective umbrella did not spare them, as they were valuable experimental subjects.

Anyone who exited the hive could potentially be infected with the T virus, whether they were in the incubation stage or harboring something abnormal within their bodies—perfect experimental material for Umbrella.

Matt had already started showing symptoms, with granulation forming around the wound on his left arm, as if something were sprouting from within. As soon as they emerged, they were taken in by the waiting researchers.

Matt was transformed into a tracker, while Alice was directly injected with the T virus.

A plan involving the 'Nemesis' was set in motion between the two subjects. Dr. Kane believed that these were the two avenues for studying the T virus. The primary goal now was to determine which one would yield a more perfect outcome.

"Doctor, should we go in?" Andre asked.

Varion shook his head, responding, "No need; we'll wait here. They'll come to us."


As night fell, the ominous events in Raccoon City unfolded.

"Doctor, they've initiated a cleanup operation for Raccoon City. We might feel some energy waves here. Should we take precautions?" Andre voiced his concern.

But the doctor remained unfazed. They were positioned on the mountainside, far enough from the impact zone of a precisely targeted strategic nuclear bomb, equivalent to 5,000 tons of TNT. It wouldn't cause any harm here, just a few bumps.

"Prepare," Andre barked, and everyone began bracing themselves for the impending shockwave.

However, a sudden interruption occurred. A soldier responsible for aerial reconnaissance urgently reported to Andre.

"Sir, we've got a situation."

Andre hurried over. "What's going on? Speak."

"Sir, a helicopter is approaching from the direction of Raccoon City. It appears to be the company's aircraft."

Andre's eyebrows furrowed. Was this why the Doctor had chosen this location? Regardless, he knew he had to handle this situation.

"Doctor, there's a company helicopter heading this way, but it seems they might crash in...in a valley a few meters from here."

Andre grew even more suspicious. Had the Doctor orchestrated this too? This location was dangerously close to the crash site. How could this have happened?

"Andre, get ready. Our guests are arriving."

With a wave of Andre's hand, a group of people rushed towards the nearby valley. In the sky, they could already see the helicopter billowing thick smoke and descending irregularly.

The helicopter made a rough landing, and its occupants faced an uncertain fate. Fortunately, this area was a mountainous forest with plenty of trees to cushion the impact, reducing the severity.

"Quick, get out, the plane's about to catch fire," urged a man inside the helicopter.

Carlos grabbed Alice's hand and struggled to pull her out. Behind them was a child and a tall, slender woman—Valentine, or Jill Valentine to be precise. She was a member of Raccoon City's Special Tactics and Rescue Service (STARS), part of the Alpha Squad. Agile but known for causing trouble, she had recently been demoted.

"Sorry, if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't be like this," Anna expressed her guilt. During the flight, a tube had been dislodged due to the shockwave from the nuclear bomb, and it had been aimed at her. Alice had shielded her, resulting in a punctured abdomen and no signs of life.

Jill gently rubbed Anna's head. Blaming her wasn't the answer. Perhaps, this was the best way to go.

"Wait." Suddenly, Jill's arms rose, signaling something unexpected on the horizon.


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