
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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Ignoring Varion's attempt to embrace her, Selene felt a twinge of revulsion at Michael's demeanor. She had encountered Michael in the human world initially. Victor had sought to exploit this direct descendant of Alexander, hoping to utilize his blood to cure him. Yet, he had ultimately transformed into a werewolf—a hybrid of vampire and lycanthrope. But alas, she lacked the compassion to harbor any sentiment for him.

Varion lifted Selene's chin, his expression inscrutable. "It appears you're not particularly fond of this individual, R-BS-04. What do you suggest I do with you?"

"I have a name," Selene retorted coldly.

Varion's smile vanished as he moved away.

"Mousse, prepare the R-TX-03 for our R-BS-04," Varion ordered, turning to his aide. "Our R-BS-04 will appreciate it."

Mousse cast an intrigued glance at Michael. "Very well, sir. However, from a pragmatic standpoint, what about switching to the Mr. R-YX (alien) series? They're at least reusable."

Varion's eyes gleamed. "An excellent suggestion, Mousse."

Meanwhile, Michael found himself immobilized by the Kryptonian warriors, Alexander remained silent, and Selene regarded him with icy detachment. Panic gnawed at Michael's heart as he struggled to comprehend the numerical designations spilling from Varion's lips.

"Welcome, everyone, to the Mars base. I trust you'll find it to your liking," Varion declared, leading the way towards a massive gate nestled beneath the mountain in the distance—the entrance to the base, accessible via a special tram.

In the tram, Storm Shadow observed with keen interest. These marvels far surpassed anything he had encountered during his tenure with his former employer, The McCarran Company: a spaceship capable of interstellar travel, an alien base, and an R-2 potion.

As they descended into the underground base, Kryptonian warriors awaited their arrival.

"Commander, everything is prepared," one of them reported.

"Excellent. Let's proceed, if only for those boys to witness," Varion replied, eyeing Michael skeptically. Was this truly the individual they sought? He hardly seemed the part of a warrior.

The venue was vast, encircled by rows of seats, with a recessed area at its center covered by a protective blue layer that didn't obstruct the view. Projections adorned the surroundings, displaying data about a towering figure within the recess.

At the top of the display, the name read R-TX-03, TX representing Predator, and 03 denoting his identity. Across from him, a burly figure pounded against the confines of a cage—a clear indication this was a Colosseum.

As Varion entered, a group of young Kryptonian warriors rose from their seats, gazing at him with reverence and admiration. "Please, be seated," he gestured, then turned to the others. "Oh, nearly forgot about you, Mr. Alexander. Please, take a seat. Selene is here too."

Storm Shadow found a spot to stand, his first time in such surroundings.

Selene, somewhat uncomfortable with the attention, furrowed her brow. "Are these children?"

"They're Kryptonian warriors, the future of our civilization," Varion explained.

Alexander remained silent, his expression sour as he took in the scene. After centuries of existence, he found himself at a loss regarding the purpose of this spectacle. In the Middle Ages, such events were commonplace in Northern Europe, but they seemed utterly senseless to him.

"Commander, are you ready to begin?" inquired one of the warriors.

Varion nodded, and the Kryptonian warrior released Michael, who stepped hesitantly into the Colosseum. As the doors closed behind him, he beheld the Predator awaiting him, mask removed, a grim visage sending chills down his spine.

"If you can defeat the next opponents I'll grant you freedom," Varion declared.

The Predator's golden eyes narrowed at the challenge. He understood the power of Varion's civilization but couldn't predict if Varion would truly honor his word. For now, he had no other choice.

"Listen, we can team up. Together, we can take him down and get out of here," Michael urged, his mindset still that of an ordinary person despite his transformation into a werewolf and vampire. Changing perspectives wasn't easy.

The Predator let out a mighty roar, pacing beside Michael. Panic gripped Michael's heart. This thing didn't seem like it hailed from Earth.

Even before the clash, the Kryptonians was already chattering away.

"You guys reckon TX-03 or BS-04 is better?"

"TX-03, for sure. Elite warrior of the Predator Civilization. Hundreds of battles under his belt."

"I'm putting my money on BS-04. Shapeshifting race, packing serious strength and self-healing. In a face-off, BS-04 with its self-healing has the upper hand."

Opinions flew around. Without weapons, Michael did seem to have the edge, but the Predator's solo combat experience was something Michael couldn't match.

The outcome hung in the balance.

Varion glanced at the Kryptonian kids and explained to Selene, "They're born fighters, instinctively drawn to battle. So, don't be surprised."

"So, you had them take the blood at such a young age?"

Varion didn't respond. If he had a choice, he wouldn't have done it. But advancing power early would benefit Kryptonian civilization more. Plus, these cultivated Kryptonian warriors were programmed to be loyal. It was bound to go wrong.

The screen shifted, Predator and Michael parted ways after sizing each other up. Fangs on Predator's mouth started to curl. Michael could see every detail clearly. Despite growing taller and developing longer claws, the he lacked battle experience.

Roaring, it charged, slapping Michael with a mighty blow.

Caught off guard, Michael was sent flying, bloodstains marking his shoulders, but healing in the blink of an eye.

Unfazed, Predator extended its palm, inviting Michael to attack, brimming with confidence, maybe even arrogance.

Michael's mind raced. He couldn't afford to falter, or he'd meet his end here.

With dark determination, he lunged towards the Predator like a beast, leaping before it. Their heights matched. Michael soared, aiming for the Predator's neck. If he could land the blow, he was confident he could slay the monster.

But he didn't catch the amusement gleaming in Predator's eyes. Before Michael's descent, Predator crouched. As Michael fell, it sprang up, knocking him into the air.


With a cry, Michael's fingers were ensnared by a blue light net mid-air, agony rippling through him as he tumbled.

No wonder when he'd told Predator that grabbing Varion offered a chance at escape, its eyes had regarded him like a fool.

"Chatter..." Predator bellowed wildly.


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