
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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A Walk In The Park

The samples were secured, and they trailed the hired team from WH Company. Signs of the team's struggle were evident as a body was found in the python's stomach, indicating losses among the group.

After half an hour, they caught up with the WH's team near a small village, but the situation was dire.

A colossal python held a person in its mouth, fixating its eyes on them as if sizing them up. The intensity of the snake's gaze was uncanny.

"Commander, should we take action?" asked a member of Varion's team.

Varion shook his head, "Wait and see."


The WH's team observed as their teamate was swallowed by the python. Unbeknownst to them, one of their companions had quietly rowed away on the bamboo raft they had constructed. Survival in the jungle without this raft seemed perilous.

"Observing this giant python, its intelligence seems quite evident," Varion remarked.

The creature's eyes radiated wisdom, a sight both astonishing and unnerving. The python viewed WH's team not as prey but as playmates.

"Bill, do you think it'll still attack us?" asked Sam in horror.

Bill shook his head, "I don't know, but we better leave if we don't want to become its playthings."

Except for Bill's deputy, who remained somewhat composed, the others were on the verge of breaking down, wishing they had more legs to run.

"Damn... run!"

Bill threw a torch into the python's circling thatched hut, attempting to deter it. Unfortunately, the python paid them no heed now.

Sam, Geer, and Heckler had already fled. Bill followed with a machete, fearing that the giant python might chase them. The jungle, they realized, was a death trap for them.

"Damn... Where's the boat?"

Arriving at the river, they were stunned.

Everyone looked at the bamboo raft they had left moments ago. Where was Jack? Nowhere to be seen.

"Damn, that bastard must have ditched us. Left us here to be the python's meal," exclaimed Heckler, frantic at the thought of dying with so many beauties waiting to be claimed.

The mood sank, and they hadn't anticipated Jack's betrayal.

"What do we do now?" asked Greg with gravity.

"Quiet," Deputy Captain said, raising his hand.

Holding his knife, he guarded the darkness cautiously. It was eerily quiet.

This wasn't like a regular jungle night. A giant python had just appeared. Could another one be approaching? Did it mean they had no desire to attack when they were full?

"Tran, what's wrong?" Bill approached Tran, noting his unusually cautious stance. It was rare to see his lieutenant so on edge.

"I don't feel good. It's too quiet. If there's anything you need to do, you'd better do it quickly," Tran responded, a sense of urgency in his tone.

Bill cursed inwardly. If it weren't for Jack, they could all be on their way back by now.

"Sam, what do you think? I believe Jack is still around. The blood orchid is here, but he's taking a detour along the river."

He crouched and began drawing on the ground, looking up at the group. "We can reach here by going straight through and walking in a straight line. We can make it in time. We don't need the blood orchids, only the bamboo raft."

He drew a straight line on the map with his hand, but in their urgency, they overlooked a crucial detail—the giant python roaming the jungle. One misstep, and they could meet their end in its jaws. But what difference did it make?

The specter of death loomed on either side, and a hint of reluctance flashed in the eyes of Geer and Sam. Despite their outward composure, who would willingly choose such a perilous mission if given another option? Certainly not for the lure of money.

"Let's do it! We have no other choice. Maybe we can get out alive if we give it a try," Sam nodded vigorously, grabbed the backpack, and prepared to leave.

Deputy Captain Tran's eyes widened, drawing everyone's attention. To their dismay, a colossal python with a dark and gleaming hide fixated its gaze on them, its head raised high.


Bill shouted, and at that moment, survival instincts kicked in. Each person for themselves—no time to control others. Money might be the guide, but it hadn't materialized yet. Legs pulled and hearts racing, they fled.

Witnessing their actions, the giant python lunged, its gaping maw resembling an abyss of impending doom.

Hacker, seized by panic, found his feet unresponsive. His own legs seemed to betray him, immobilized, as the python's head drew ominously closer.

"Come on, we can't save him."

Bill, pulling Sam to safety, was halted by Geer. "Wait, what do you see there?"

In an instant, a flash of light splattered Little Hacker's face with blood, the python's head shattered, and its body convulsed. Bill pulled Sam behind him.

"Who's there?"

"What's wrong?"

"There are people there, definitely people," Bill clenched the machete, his military instincts on high alert. In the jungle, humans were often more terrifying than beasts.

"Can you be sure..." Before the words could finish, the jungle resonated with the sound of approaching footsteps.

"Who is there?"

A group dressed in black, armed with peculiar firearms, emerged. Bill, a former soldier, furrowed his brow. These individuals seemed like soldiers, confirming his suspicion.

"Collect the sample."

Sam watched S1's actions, forming a guess in her mind.

"Are you here for Blood Orchid too? Is there a boat? Can you take us out? We'll pay," she hurriedly inquired.

But she was ignored.

Pointing to the team's advanced weaponry, Bill asked, "What's this? I've never seen anything like it. Looks powerful. With these, maybe you'll get what you want."

Geer was momentarily stunned, unfamiliar with firearms. "No, do you mean you're going to continue searching for that cursed Blood Orchid? Don't you know what's in here?"

Before Varion could respond, she added, "Then count me in. Just give me a small share. I don't think it will hinder you, and I'll pay you."

Sam's eyes gleamed. "Okay, let's go together. Sir, we don't want much. We just need a way back, and maybe I can assist you. I've delved deeply into this thing," highlighting her expertise in Blood Orchid research.

In awe, Bill scratched his head. The duo had been terrified moments ago, yearning to return to civilization. Now, they eyed an opportunity and sought a piece of the pie. Wasn't that a swift change? Are they not afraid? Is money truly that potent?

Observing the newcomers armed to the teeth, it was clear their aura wasn't ordinary. Varion cast an amused glance at Geer and then turned his attention to Bill, still favorably impressed by the captain, albeit a bit inexperienced.

"What about you? Is that your stance too? This is an immense wealth outside."

"No, sir. We just want to get out now."

"Commander, the sample has been extracted."

"Okay, let's hit the road."


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