
Chapter two

"Hot Chocolate?" Suggested Courtny.

"That's better than coffee." I agreed.

"So, the order is two hot chokies then." Said Courtney in a childish way.

"Alright. Your order will be coming up in just five minutes!" Promised the waitress joyfully and walked away.

"So, Jordan sat beside u?" Asked Courtney curiosly.

"Umm..yeah--so?" I replied normally.

"He hardly ever sits with a girl!" She exclaimed.

"Okay." I said.

"Argh." Courtney groaned, "you're so lucky and you are not able to understand that."

What the hell does she mean by I'm lucky? It's not like Jordan likes me...and even if he did... Ahh.. What am I even thinking. Wait, she said "he hardly sits with a girl. So does that mean? I wondered.

I frown, and kick my thoughts aside.

"well... are you trying to say he likes me? " I asked.

"Maybe." She said, "well you sat with him right? So...all I wanna know is, how was he?"

"He looked like a human to me." I said and smiled.

"Not funny...really...how was he?" she tried again.

"So,honestly he was hot, confusing.and hardcore." I whisperd.

"Hardcore." she repeated, "And what does that mean?"

"I kinda...feel like...I'm falling for him." I said shyly.

"Huh? Did you just suddenly change your thought right now? A few minutes ago...you were like...you don't care about Jordan and now." She said, "You're weird Sophia Johnson."

"I know." I replied as a smile spreaded across my lips at her teasing words.

The waiter placed two cups of hot chocolate in front of us. She was right on time. Right after five minutes as she promised.

"Well, I think I'm annoying you a lot with the Jordan topic. Let's just talk about something else." She suggested.

"Yeah you're right." I said.

So, that's how me and Courtney became friends. We talked about a lot of stuff and found a lot of similarities between each other. We talked about the books we liked, movies and a lot more.

* * *

"Bye" she said and walked away to the left road. I waited for the bus on the bus stop. The right side of the road was engaged with a traffic of cars.

* * *

"Hey, sweety!" Greeted my mom as I entered in by the door.

"Hi mom, good evening." I replied.

"What took you so long?" She asked worried.

"Found a new friend, Courtney." I informed, "We both went to have hot chocolate together."

"Okay." She said.

"Don't disturb me, I will be busy with my homework." I excused.

"Would you like some snacks?" Mom suggested.

"No, the hot chocolate was enough I guess." I replied.

I walk upstairs and enter in my room. The day was pretty tiring. I relaxed myself with a hot shower bath.

My room has always been a mess. My clothes thrown on the bed, beside my bed was my study table, above the study table was my library of books, book shelf, the walls were white, in front of the bed is a window, which gives me the view of my school which appeared miles ahead.

* * *

"So, how was school?" Asked dad as he played with his fork over the Bacon.

"I just made a new friend today. Her name's Courtney." I informed.

"What about the boys?" Dad asked curiously.

"No, I am not interested in them." I replied.

"Oh, come on you're 17 and you need one." He said.

"Nah, first studies and then relation shit." I said.

"Oh, look at your mom...I'm so lucky to have her." Said dad as he kissed her cheek.

"Oh, honey." She whispered.

Weird, I smirked. "Can I be excused?" I stood up and walked back to my room.
