
Chapter one

"Hey, you are new aren't you?" Said a blonde haired- freckled face girl keeping her hand on my shoulder.

"Yes. I'm new." I said confidently.

"I see" she sat beside me and placed her bag on the floor as she removed it, "so, whats your name?"

"My name is Sophia--Sophia Johnson." I replied.

"Woah. Thats a new name in our class." She informed giving a warm smile.

"Glad to hear," I confessed, "How are people in this school?"

"People are complicated." she said.

"Complicated?" I repeat.

"Yep, but you will get used to it. Anyways, this is your first day so dont think a lot." She suggested.

I nodd and started doodling on a fresh page.

"So, how about we go for a cup of coffee after dispersal?" She asked.

"Sounds good." I accepted, "Hey! I didn't ask your name."

"Oh well! I'm Courtney." She said. She is pretty--she has the perfect long blonde hair, brown eyes, just a few freckles, but she would look prettier if she wouldn't have them.

A boy entered the classroom, and all the girls diverted their eyes towards him.

He was hot with his silky hair, fair glow over his face and his lips looked sweet even though I haven't tasted them.

"Jordan Hawk, our school football player. He is a photographer too." Courtney informed before I asked.

He sounds nice, I thought.

"So? What do u think?" Courtney asked with curiosity.

"Think about what exactly?" I asked.

"About him?" She said.

"He looks good...but I don't judge people on their looks, I'm not that kinda girl." I informed.

* * * *

The classroom was weird, there were circular tables, beside it people sat in groups, only five people were comfortable enough with one table.

I was a science student, I loved Biology! It has been one of my favorites. In Algebra class, Jordan sat beside me. And started staring at me. I ignored him for a moment then slightly turned my eyes towards him.

He was still staring at me. My heart started beating faster and fear grew in me. He did not romove his eyes off me. He kept staring, and staring and staring...

"Jordan? Do you have any problem?" Asked professor Davidson. He diverted his eyes towards him and stood up.

"No sir." He said, he has a heavy voice.

Okay, Sophia! He wants you to talk to him, come on give it a try, said my thoughts.

Jordan sat down. He looked towards the board this time.

"You must be Jordan." I said politely.

"Yes, gorgeous." He said. Gorgeous? Wow... I thought.

I smiled and looked down shyly.

"There is something interesting about you." He said, " And I don't know what it is."

I looked at him puzzled, "what?"

"Nothing." He said.

"How 'bout becoming friends?" I suggested.

"That would work." He accepted.

I frowned as I wasn't able to solve a equation. Jordan slid my notebook towards him and looked at the equation for a while, "845." He said and slid the notebook back to me. He stood up, "Mr. Davidson, can I be excused?"

"Okay Jordan." He agreed.

"See ya later." He said and walked out the class. After that I solved the equation and the answer was 845. How? I wondered, because the chapter was new and he solved it without even using the steps. Until then, the bell rang and everyone wore their bags and walked out the classroom. Even I did the same.