
The Kings Restart

Enzo Kailus has been reborn into a new world filled with magic and plenty of other things he has never seen before. What will he do with this chance at a fresh start with the only thing to hold him back being his inability to remember anything from his past life? First time writing a novel, so please forgive grammar. Also it will be a slow start as I intend to follow Enzo’s life closely.

NastyPrezident · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Life as a Baby - PT 1

I slowly start to wake up

I start by rolling over onto my stomach and trying to stretch out

"I had the worse dream but now that it's over I can get back to my life"

And in a matter of seconds the bliss of just waking up dissolves as I'm being picked up and I'm looking into my new mothers eyes

"Well shit"

She smiles brightly and tries to talk to me which has no effect except for the crashing of things in another room and a man speeding into the room like the wind itself until he arrives in front of me snatching me out of my mothers hands and meeting my eyes with a smile of his own followed by some words

"Hello, this is a terrible way to wake up"

He smiles at my attempt to speak but just as fast as he came into the room his smile disappears and he's placing me into my mothers arms who doesn't look very pleased at my fathers actions

Very quickly after I'm in her arms she's holding me tight and they have a short conversation which couldn't have been pleasant for him before he is walking back out of the room grumpily

That's right father, get out of here.

I take in the new place we are in as she walks around with me

It appears to be a big house much different from where I was born

I wonder why they gave birth to me someplace that isn't home? A question for another time.

This home is definitely bigger. The room we started out in has a huge bed taking up the most of the room making it the bedroom, then we move into what must be a living space with a couch and two chairs and a table in the center with a fine rug under it.

My mother sits on one of the chairs and with a flick of her wrist she shoots out a fireball from her hands into a fireplace then pulls out a book.

"Hold on woman, do that again! Show me again!"

I try pushing against her but I can barely move my arms so all I manage to do is wiggle my arms at her face

Which doesn't achieve anything near what I wanted, instead she just giggles at me

Giggles! Like dammit woman understand what I'm trying to say and show me more magic! I want to know how to do that!

After a few months of the same thing my mother just holding me and reading most of the day except when she cooks or cleans the house I've started to understand some of their language and with that I figured out my name is Enzo as my parents say it frequently when referring to me or talking to me.

Some other things I've realized are my father must be some sort of knight or adventurer as he comes home in the evening and takes some sort of leather armor and a sword off and tucks them into a room by the door then leaves early in the morning wearing it all. Also we live on the outskirts of some city as when my mother decides to walk around outside I can see the walls of a big city and the farm lands right in front of those walls.

Another thing is that my mother seems to only use fire magic as I've only seen her use magic to light the fireplace and when cooking, but I don't know yet if that's all she can do or just the only things she needs for now.

While she and my father sleep I have started to practice talking in their language.

I've discovered a small library in that room beside the door as when mother finishes a book she gets a new one from their and on the inside is a stand for fathers armor and a bookshelf filled with books.

I've only been able to catch glances of the inside. I wonder why I'm not allowed in that room I just need some way to get in their and get a book so I can learn to read then I need to learn how to walk. I'll be damned if I continue to be carried around.

Another month passes with nothing really changing. Except now when father gets home they will sit me on the ground and both watch me for a while taking turns trying to encourage me to crawl to them.

At first I found this silly as normally a baby wouldn't understand after only a few months old, but I'm getting tired of this everyday so I've decided that today is the day I'll make an attempt to crawl to my mother.

Everything goes like normal and when it comes to the time where they sit me down I wait a bit letting them feel a little disappointed that it won't happen today

Then right as they are about to give up for the day I crawl a little towards my mother about half the way from where I started to her and they are both shocked and just stare at me

Oh no, maybe I should have waited for another day.

But as that thought Finishes I'm being grabbed and picked up by my mother who is beaming with joy. She holds me tight and my father hugs the both of us.

And before I realize I'm smiling and feeling happy.

For another couple months I crawl to one of my parents which leads to a big family hug. I eventually started to walk which caused a roar between them.

After I started to walk my parents stopped carrying me around and I wondered the house under my mothers watch.

She is obviously using some sort of magic, because no matter what as soon as I reach the door to the study room or start to do anything that's remotely dangerous she appears and picks me up and escorts me to the bedroom where it's deemed safe.

So many times I catch myself about to say something in there language and have to stop myself. I know that it would be impossible for someone of my age to be speaking normally no matter what kind of world it is.

Today is my birthday, I don't know what day it is or anything like that. I just know that both of my parents have been saying it.

I am curious to see what today will bring as normally a birthday for a child is a big event.

After a hearty breakfast my mother Carry's me outside which wouldn't be out of the ordinary except father came as well and they are standing side by side looking towards the city.

After a few minutes goes by of nothing happening I'm bored of this.

What are we doing!? Why are we just standing here? I wish I could just ask, damn this child body.

My father kisses my mother then speaks "don't worry dear the priest is only coming to check how Enzo is doing and to see if he has any substantial talent"

At first my mother just nods "but what if the priest says he doesn't have any potential at all. That could make his life hard, why did your father have to do this? We could have waited."

Hmmm, a priest that comes and checks on little kids doesn't sound good for me.

Soon a horse drawn carriage could be seen getting closer until it's a few feet away and a slim man with short brown hair holding a thick book steps out of the carriage and walks up to us.

"Good morning kailus family, I see your boy is already on his feet that's wonderful. I'm sure you both are very proud. We all know why I am here so we can skip the small talk."

Immediately after that he kneels down in front of me then holds two fingers to his forehead and whispers some sort of chant which produces a dot of light on the tip of his finger which he then plants on my forehead.

After a few moments of silence I feel the warm sensation like back when I was born but this time it's not as fast the feeling lingers and searches longer.

After a few minutes the priest pulls his fingers back and looks me in the eyes for a moment too long before standing up and talking to my parents "well I didn't detect anything wrong with him so that's good, he should grow healthy and strong. But I did not detect anything that points to your son having any extraordinary talent he will most likely be good at anything he puts his mind to and maybe great if he works hard but that's about it from what I see today."

And with that the priest turns and leaves obviously he was to busy to bother with manners, or maybe he just sees himself as our better.

Once he's gone my mother sighs "I don't care what he says my son will be great at whatever he does."

Their we go mother, forget that asshole. But what my father says next Makes me think my parents aren't just some couple living outside of the city.

"Malinda, he's our son. Just be glad he wasn't marked as special otherwise my father would have taken him from us and we couldn't stop him."

She nods and ushers me inside.

The rest of the day goes very well, we have cake and my parents let me do anything I want which is great but the most important thing about today is my gift from my mother.

She gave me a book while saying "since you are always so interested when I'm reading." Which doesn't seem like a lot but it's very important for me to learn to read and not just read but more important then anything else it's important I find out as much information as I can about this world.