
The Kings Restart

Enzo Kailus has been reborn into a new world filled with magic and plenty of other things he has never seen before. What will he do with this chance at a fresh start with the only thing to hold him back being his inability to remember anything from his past life? First time writing a novel, so please forgive grammar. Also it will be a slow start as I intend to follow Enzo’s life closely.

NastyPrezident · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Brand New Start

I can't remember what I was doing or where I was, but I know I was doing something important.

Where am I now?

It's like I'm floating but it's pitch black, I can't see a thing. But I feel so relaxed and comfortable, it's as if wherever I am it's designed to make me feel at peace, as if nothing else in the world matter's.

After a few moments of this I can feel my eyelids getting heavy and I just want to sleep and not think of anything.

Wait! Stop!

I can't fall asleep, something is telling me that I need to stay awake, That whatever I do I must not let myself go to sleep.

I don't know what will happen if I fall asleep I don't even know where I'm at. So I continue to fight the urge to fall asleep.

What kind of fowl magic is this!? I can barely think about anything without risking my body betraying me and going to sleep.

I try and move my arms or legs if I can move around it should make it a lot easier to stay awake

To my horror I can't move like whenever I try it's as if wherever I am something is making my arms and legs heavier and for some reason my body doesn't want to react how I'm telling it too.

I don't know how long I can stay awake like this.

Eventually a light appears.

Thank the gods, hopefully I can be free of this erotic feeling of peace.

Somehow I'm drifting toward the light, as it gets closer and closer it begins to blind me I try and cover my eyes but the best I can manage is to shut my eye lids.

Curse this place and whatever it's doing to my body!

All of a sudden I feel something latch onto my legs and body

"Fuck" I start kicking and screaming trying to fight whatever has a hold of me

"Fowl beast unhand me! Whenever I get free of your steel grip I'll make you rue this day!!"

Before I know it the beast has snatched me and all feeling of peace has vanished as if i had never felt it.

After a few moments my eyes adjust to the brightness of whatever room I'm in, and before I see what can only be described as a fancy cabin.

But sadly a cabin is a cabin no matter how fancy

It's spacious enough, decorated with rugs, a fireplace on the center of the wall opposite of the door, pelts on the walls, and what I will guess is plants hanging from the ceiling.

I look at the beast that has me and I'm shocked to find that it is no beast but a giant woman.

By the gods, how big can she be to hold a grown man like a baby!?

She starts to talk but to me it just sounds like gibberish, I try looking at the person she is talking to and as soon as I do something inside me clicks and everything makes sense.

Well not everything, but at least what's going on in this moment.

No, no way. This can't be happening! It's impossible.

I'm staring at what can only be called my mother!?

Their is no way I was just born again, I can't remember anything from before it's like it was locked away but I know I was an adult and was living my life or should I say past life now!?

My "mother" holds her arms out and the woman holding me places me in her arms and she pulls me in close to her and looks into my eyes

I try and pull away and say something but nothing seems to work right "what in the name of the gods is going on! How can I be here? How can any of this be happening!?

Sadly my futile attempts of escape fail and I'm left in my new mothers arms.

I have to say my mother would be considered a beautiful woman.

She has dark red hair leaning towards an auburn color with eyes the color of emeralds which is an odd combination. And a slim body that has plenty of curves.

As she holds me a man hugs us and leans his head against my mothers, meaning this must be my father.

He is tall and has muscles that are well defined by has skin tight shirt. As well as dark brown hair and green eyes but more of a forest green then an emerald.

As I'm wrapped up in this moment of what should be unconditional love a bright white light fills the room and we all look in the direction of the source

And another thing I can't believe happens right before me, the woman that helped my mother with giving birth to me has her hands held together with her eyes closed and she is saying something I can't understand.

But what's important is that her hands have started to glow brightly I can feel my mother tremble as the woman reaches out and puts one of her glowing hands on my stomach

What in the hell is this? Magic!? If so what is she doing trying to kill me? Here in front of my so called parents?

Wait, that can't be it. It wouldn't make any sense. I don't feel anything happening to me, so what is it?

And in that second of me panicking a warm sensation runs through my body. I try and keep track of it but it quickly covers my body as if it's meticulously searching every part of my body.

Once the warm feeling leaves I feel as if I just ran a mile. The woman starts to say something to my parents but as I'm trying to listen and figure out what language they are speaking my body finally betrays me and everything goes dark.