
The Kingdom of Versimoil

Seventeen years old Anneliese consumed by books and adored by her parents & sister was living in her own world. She dreamt of a simple life surrounded by the people she loved but her whole world turned upside down when she was captured by royal soldiers and found herself in the Kingdom of Versimoil!!! Anneliese realised struggling or pleading is futile, the only way to go home is to escape from the royal palace. But all her plans were shattered when a cold pair of eyes laid on her which refused to leave her!! Vincenzo Thornburn, the lord of Versimoil Kingdom known for his selfishness is considered to be the most cunning immortal! When he encountered a brown haired mystery soul from Sicilian Empire, he couldn't help but to unfold the concealed layers hidden behind her crystal blue eyes! All it took is one drop of tear from her mystic eyes to turn his self centred world, revolve around her and he realised, he could burn the hell for her!

Dreamer_princy · Fantasy
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28 Chs

No where to run

Anneliese guessed by the look on the Envoy's face that this time he won't let her go easily. Before he get any more wrong ideas about her, she started to clarify, "I am a resident of Haselburg, that's why I am here! I went out for some work and when I got back, I couldn't find my family at home and started looking for them everywhere, hoping they would be safe and just gone out because of some urgency!"

"You went out when the Board has implemented curfew on this town and clearly ordered, No one is allowed to step out of their house!!" stated Envoy Egnatius

Ann momentarily closed her eyes and cursed at her luck, she glanced at all the people present there before her eyes again settled on the person in front of her. She can't confess where she went to or why she broke the curfew. She tried to think of something but nothing came to her mind.

"Gabriel!" Envoy Egnatius called for one of the subordinates

"Yes Sir" Gabriel came forward

"Check the girl's belonging" the Envoy ordered the subordinate.

Complying to the Envoy's order, Gabriel reached the girl and said, "Miss, bring you bag forward"

Anneliese who has forgotten about the book she has received earlier, placed her hand on the bag firmly before clenching it as if she does not want anyone to know about the book! She knew if the Head member saw a book of witchcraft in her bag, he will never believe anything that will leave her mouth!

Seeing the girl not making any efforts to cooperate with the order, Gabriel went to snatch the bag while Ann tried to hold it tightly but to her bad luck the book fell out of the bag and Anneliese's face paled further. Everyones eyes stared at the book and Gabriel went to pick it up.

Picking up the book, he read the name out loud for everyone to hear, "Grimoire!" and looked up at the Envoy and said, "It's a book for witchcraft Sir"

Envoy Egnatius ordered the subordinate, "Seize the book and Arrest the girl. Take her to the capital city in one carriage with you and lock her up in the dungeon. We will be there in few hours after investing this town."

Anneliese knew anything she will say right now won't help in this situation instead it will make things worst. She went to the carriage with the subordinate and set inside the carriage.

On the way to capital city, her mind went back to her family and her eyes started to burn with tears and she looked out from the carriage window. Her father's words rang in her mind, "Life will not be easy from now on!" and she put her head on the side wall of the carriage. She forgot to talk about her father to Mr. Enzo and now even if she want to talk to her father about what is happening with her or what does his words meant, she can't. Anneliese rested her hands on her lap and closed her eyes to think clearly what is she going to say or do now in the dungeon because the last hope she had was the cat but now even the cat wouldn't know where is she!

Anneliese felt something brush against her hands which made her open her eyes, she looked at her hands and then the person in front of her who has slightly leaned forward from his seat and brushing her hand with the back of his hands.

Narrowing her eyes, Anneliese swept away his hand and asked, "What do you think you are doing?"

"Don't act so innocent girl! Everybody knows you have something to do with the townsfolks disappearing and in no time you will be executed, So it's better to use the time left for you! Don't you think so?" said the subordinate, Gabriel.

Anneliese retorted, "No. I don't think so. After the trial everyone will know that I am innocent and I have nothing to do with anyone disappearing. So keep your hands to yourself if you don't wanna get executed!"

Gabriel laughed and said, "Are you really that naive or are you just faking it? According to what heard from the Envoy, You had the Book of Spells and you were at the crime scene as well. And today the whole town disappeared except you with the witchcraft in your bag! You really think, you are gonna get a trial?"

Anneliese didn't replied to the subordinate because she didn't know what to say. She thought to herself, "What if it's true and I won't be getting any trial!! And even if I get a chance, then what will say? I can't possibly tell them about me being the possessor of the Book of Spells!! Mr. Enzo said, No matter the circumstances, no one can know about this! Ohh god, What am I going to do now?"

Seeing the girl not responding to him, Gabriel greeted his teeth and said, "Do you think you escape from me? You are under my custody and after the Envoy will done interrogating you, I will have my way with you in the dungeon where there will be no way for you to run away!"

Giving Ann a vicious smile, he continued, "Anyways, it's not everyday we get such a pretty woman like yourself in the dungeon and you don't have to worry, I will make it worth your while!"

After another hour, the carriage came to halt. Stepping down from the carriage, the coachman opened the door for the subordinate and said, "We have reached the dungeon sir."