

As Glyne was looking straight into the chimera's eyes it suddenly rushed towards him and tried attacking him using it's claws but Glyne easily dodge it and gain some distance to prepare a spell

"Flame beam"

Glyne casted a magic circle that shot the chimera with a beam of fire an when the chimera saw it, it wasn't able to dodge it in time hitting the chimera and making a small explosion at the same time causing a smoke that let the chimera hide

"Typhoon wave"

Glyne then casted another spell and this time the magic circle he made released a lot of strong wind that was able to cut some of the stones and blew the smokes that the chimera was hiding

when the smokes got blew away Glyne saw the chimera heavily injured from the flame beam and the typhoon wave

"You're still alive huh, i didn't think that you would survive two of my strong spells, i guess im being too cocky this time" Glyne sigh knowing that he should not overestimate himself

"Im gonna end this, Flame wall" Glyne casted a magic circle and this time a wall of flame was going towards the chimera and when it hit the chimera it finally died

<Task complete, congratulations you have completed the Task Chimera hunt rank D- please go back at performance building to approve completion of your task>

"Alright. Wait what's that?.." Glyne said looking into the corpse of the chimera where an orb was revealed at the body of the chimera

A orb? Wait can it be a Monster orb? That's rare, i should take it then i might use it in some time" Glyne went towards the chimera and took the orb at the chimera and went back at the performance building

When Glyne was about to enter the performance building someone suddenly called him from behind

"Hey what's your rank in here?"

Glyne turn around and saw that it was charlotte so he responded with politeness "My current rank is F rank"

"Here comes your politeness again didn't i told you to just treat me normally we're roommates after all" Charlotte said

"Im sorry"

"Alright then im gonna go back to training make sure you rank up because the eltrane academy have a rewarding system for the top students" Charlotte said before walking away

Glyne then went inside the performance building and presented that he have completed the task

"You have already completed the task? Students like you are rare" The receptionist said

The receptionist then takes the task paper to stamp it with a done. after that Glyne thanked the receptionist and when he was about to leave the receptionist stopped him

"Wait i almost forgot to tell you, your 50 performance points away at being D rank so keep up the good work"

Glyne nodded before he left. Glyne then went back to his room to sleep. And a few hours later he's suddenly hears a voice waking him up

"Hey Glyne wake up every students is being called to the central academy"

"Huh what the, who is waking me up?" Glyne thought in his mind

When he opened his eyes he was shocked that the person waking him up is Charlotte

"Charlotte? What is it?" Glyne asked

"Finally you woke up i have been trying to wake you up for a minute now, the principal is calling everyone to go to the central academy so suit up" Charlotte said before leaving Glyne's room


Glyne then stood up and cleaned his body with magic and after that he change his clothes into a proper one, when he left his room he saw Charlotte waiting for him in the door

"How long will it take you"

"You could've just go on your own"

"I can't people might suspect that we hate each other because that's what it's like here"

They then both went down to go into the Central academy. When they arrived at the academy there were already thousands of students seating into there seats

"Follow me, us high nobles have seats at the top for better view" Charlotte said to Glyne

Glyne then followed Charlotte towards the top and when they arrived there Glyne saw that there's numbers for each two seats

"There that's our seats" Charlotte pointed at the number 0007

Glyne and Charlotte walked towards there seats and when they were about to seat two person suddenly called to them

"Hello there princess Charlotte, you look so beautiful as ever" the person said

"That's right your face as always is beautiful that people are always falling in love by just the sight of you" the other person said but more exaggerated

Charlotte just ignored them making Glyne confused if this is how he acts in public

"Hmm who are you? The two asked Glyne with a distain attitude

Glyne easily noticed there attitude but he didn't lose his temper but inwardly he want to beat them up

"Im Glyne aslaharth" he said with a calm voice completely hiding his anger

"An aslaharth, what a joke how can a lowly aslaharth seat beside the princess of the jaldava empire!" one of the person said in his mind furiously

"I see then we'll go back at our seat" the person said before going back to his seat along side the other person

"You don't need to care about those two they're the two spoiled brat of the casverus royal family" Charlotte said

"Oh ok"

"So those two are princes of an empire" Glyne said in his thought

Soon after waiting the principal arrive at the central academy but before that other people also greeted Charlotte while Glyne was only greeted by a few people and some of them not knowing the aslaharth family

"Today i have called everyone for an announcement that will change the entire eltrane academy's ranking." The principal shouted with style almost like his trying to look cool

"If all of you are wondering how it's because the battle system will change, instead of just winning without a penalty, this time the winner will take the ranking of someone if it's higher than them"

Everyone was shocked by the new system even the high ranking nobles were surprise by the new system

"This can't be, with this new system high nobles that actually have little talent will now be exposed. I can't believe that the principal actually made this new system even if it's gonna lose some of the other high ranking nobles trust to the eltrane academy" Charlotte thought in his mind completely knowing the effects of the new system

"Well i guess student battles will happen a lot starting today" Glyne said

"Yeah you're right" Charlotte said

The murmuring of the students was heard across the central academy some talking about other nobles that pays others to help them increase there rank while some are talking about how they might get a higher rank because of the new system

"That's all for today i hope everyone will have a good day hopefully" The principal said before leaving

When the principal left the other students started leaving the central academy and some are running from fear of getting challenged by another student

"Let's go now" Charlotte said


Glyne and Charlotte then went down to get back to there dormitory and sleep. As they were walking Charlotte suddenly question Glyne

"How many performance points do you still need to rank up to D rank?"

"50 more"

"Really? That's great because if you rank up to D you can join me at doing tasks"

"Why need to wait for me to rank up to D though?" Glyne asked

"Well it's because the performance building rules for doing tasks and one of them is to be only allowed to have a party with someone that is one rank below you or above you" Charlotte explained

"Oh then im gonna try to rank up to D tomorrow so i can join"

Soon they arrive to there room and after entering there dormitory they went to sleep into there own room