
the king of storm in jujutsu kaisen

a ordinary man with a simple life is reincarnated into the world of jujutsu kaisen a world ruled by the strong and the place where being weakn is a sin will he able to survive in it will he be just ordinary like his previous self or will he become extraordinary come let's find out Disclaimer: I do not own jujutsu kaisen all it's copyright belong to their original owner

intrigued_spirit · Anime & Comics
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promotion test 2

Next day me and my dad went to a private school in tokyo aka my evaluation centere

Well a curtain was already cast with two people dressed completely in black outside of it honestly they looked like agents from men in black from my piont of view atleast

Breaking my trail of stupid thoughts my dad said to me "feeling nervous rey "

I replied smiling "do i look nervous at all dad speaking honestly i am feeling prety exited about it i think it would be a fun experience"

" jujutsu sorcery is not something which one do for fun Mr Rey star and if that's the case for you then you should kick the thought of becoming a jujustu sorcerer out of your mind and live a normal life " said someone from behind us without even turning i knew who was the one who said those things i have heard his voice so many times across the television but today is the first time i was going to see him in reality as me and my dad turned back my dad greated nanami" Yo nanami how is life treating you my friend"

Well apparently it turned out my dad knew nanami from before the world of jujustu sorcerer is really small nanami answered my dad" hello kenji san i see you are in good health as for as my life it suck "

My dad burst out laughing "hahaha well expected of the famous 9 to 5 sorcerer .

Nanami meet my son Rey he is quite the prodegy i tell you "

"We will see how much of prodegy he is are you ready boy for your evaluation test "

"Heck yeah i am " when i said that i could literally see tick marks on his head hahaha

"Okay let me make the rules of this evaluation clear

1: i am only going to watch from sidelines and not going to help you in fighting and will only take action if your life is in danger

2:you will be evaluated a first grade sorcerer if you are able to defeat the semi special grade curse posseing this school

3:finally if you fail to defeat the cursed spirit then i will be judging your performance and giving you a rank accordingly and if you feel that my judging is not on piont then you can apply for reevaluation so am i clear"

Nanami said explanaing me the rules of the evaluation "yes it is clear to me " i answered

"So then the evaluation of Rey star for promotion to first grade begins "

Me and nanami went towards to the curtain my dad wished me luck i had my trusted world breaker by my side well looks like i liked to give my weapons some cool names

Coming back as we entered the the veil we entered in the unfinised domain of the semi special grade spirit

"we are now inside the semi domain of a semi special grade the cursed spirit has not completely manifested his domain so it does not contain its cursed technique but the cursed spirit has complete control over the building and can sense our presence from anywere and attack us " nanami said as to make me aware of the dangers "well before he finds me i will find him/her whatever it is "i said

Outside the curtain

"Yo Kenji San it's been a long time i hope you are doing well'

When Kenji heard the greeting he turned around and saw the strongest jujutsu sorcerer of current era gojo satoru

"What are you doing here gojo "

Gojo replied to Kenji saying "well I was interested in seeing my new student who has the guts to challenge the the A grade sorcerer evaluation exam even without entering into the jujutsu high you know I always like gutsy people

"What is yaga even thinking letting you teach the first year I am sure you will be worst teacher out there "

"Don't be so mean Kenji San after all I am the one who is going to teach your child"

"Well you may be the worst teacher out there but you are the strongest and Ray doesn't need guidance he needs a goal "

Inside the curtain

"Found it the cursed spirit is on the third floor nanami San I am going ahead"after saying that Ray broke out in a Sprint to the third floor and when he reached the third floor he saw a humanoid cursed spirit standing in the corridor with two swords in his hand as if sensing Ray it turn towards him and gave him a creepy smile

"Man I am definitely not a fan of your smile so how about I break that mouth of yours ha " Rey got ready to attack as he accelerated using cursed engery amplification and delivered a solid punch into it's sotamch sending it flying through a wall

"Well that felt really good "two sharp needles came flying at high speed one of which Ray dogged and second one which Ray deflected using his cursed technique"I see your cursed technique is producing sharp objects out your body well tell me if I am wrong though"the cursed spirit jumped out off the broken wall and pounced on Ray

"Looks like you are not interested in talking well time to get serious Air sphere" I created a air sphere and blasted into the stomach of the cursed spirit which send it flying through multiple walls and falling outside of the school building it's stomach was completely destroyed but was healing at a slow rate but before it could heal from the damage I jumped out of the building while in air I released four air slashes cutting off it's hands and feets so that it couldn't run and I landed a solid kick on its face which even cracked the concrete around 100 m and with this the cursed spirit turned into dust "sayonara "

I am not really good at writing fight secnes so sorry

intrigued_spiritcreators' thoughts