
the king of storm in jujutsu kaisen

a ordinary man with a simple life is reincarnated into the world of jujutsu kaisen a world ruled by the strong and the place where being weakn is a sin will he able to survive in it will he be just ordinary like his previous self or will he become extraordinary come let's find out Disclaimer: I do not own jujutsu kaisen all it's copyright belong to their original owner

intrigued_spirit · Anime & Comics
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promotion test 1


I am 16 years old now handsome young man with black hair and black eyes a lean physice quite good looking if I may say so

One month from now on I will be joining the Tokyo jujutsu high to become an jujutsu sorcerer though before that I have decided to take the promotion test for grade 1 as I believe my power level has grown to such extent when I told this to my mother and father they had a condition for me they didn't directly refused me but said if I could beat them both combined they will ask Uncle yaga to give my name for rank promotion consideration and they themselves will back the claim with their testement even though they are retired they were still a semi first grade sorcerer their words still hold value

I go to the back lawn of my house my mother and father were already there ready to face me in this battle

My mother said "no matter what happens today Ray I am definitely going to defeat you I don't want you to go through rank promotion it is very dangerous you should still take your time relax and first finish jujutsu high then you should think for grade 1 promotion "

My dad though was silent he was already in his battle mode I could see he was hell bent on defeating me today I said to my dad

"Aren't you going to say some encouraging words to your one and only son "

My dad responded "through the past years you have grown in power no doubt but you still not powerful to defeat your dad boy "

Let me tell you my mother and father CT

Reflection - it was my mother's CT she could reflect thing she touched and also reflect attacks to some extent

Binding-it was my father's CT it depended on the strength of his opponent if his opponent was weaker than him he will be completely binded and not be able to move at all and if the opponent was stronger it could still bind it for some seconds depending on strength of the person

As I take my battle stance my mother and father also get ready I rush towards them very fast but my father in split second uses binding to stop me for an instance enough for my mother to rush towards me and deliver a punch to me as she was going for another punch I forcefully broke the binding and guarded her punch while delivering a punch imbuned with cursed energy sending her flying towards the wall but as she landed on the wall she reflecting the damage done by me to the wall causing it to form cracks

I am pretty sure I could pull of an attack powerful enough that could bypass her reflecting range but that would damage her and I didn't want to do that same with dad I can't use my lethal techniques to cause damage

There is only one way I could win this without harming them is by speed I focus my. Cursed energy on my legs and rush towards my father causing a small crater to be formed on the ground and in an instant I was in front of him seeing me made him startle letting his guard down for split second and getting a neck chop from me making him unconscious "one down one more to go till victory" after that I rush towards my mother seeing my father's state my mother was ready she tried to distance herself from me by trying to jump back from me which was her greatest mistake as when she was in air she cannot reflect the damage done by the attacks and so it was my chance I increased my speed even further and appeared at side of her and again delivered a neck chop making her unconscious

"Looks like I win " after some minute they started getting up my dad said to me

"as promised we will not stop you from taking the rank promotion exam but remember there is vast gap between a semi first grade and a first grade in power though you are stronger due to your hard through the past years and I am sure you will get even stronger as the time goes by but always remain vigilant " my mom said to me

"there no mother on planet who will want her son to go through tough times and be in danger but believe you will be able to put up with all the situation as you are my child "

"Yes mom dad I know what I have decided to do is dangerous but I plan to stick to it "

The next day uncle yaga called me "hello uncle yaga got any good news for me "

"Start calling me principle yaga brat and yes that rank up request was accepted and the sorcerer who is assigned to you is nanami kento he is one my past students so you can rest assured all your rank up process will go on smoothly "

After telling me that uncle yaga hanged up

"Hmm nanami one of the major character of the series and gojo's junior and superserious sorcerer of grade 1 I hope I am able to pass the rank up test "

Who i was kidding I was definitely going to pass it no doubt

man writing the fight scene between his parents and him was such a hassle I couldn't use any lethal attacks in this fight making it more difficult to express it

intrigued_spiritcreators' thoughts