
The King of Heroes (MHA)

a boy born in the world of Heroes and Villains with the Powers and Treasury of the King of Heroes. What happens when the protagonist and his circumstances draws his attention to Japan. read to find out. (MC is neither reincarnated nor Gilgamesh from fate, he is an OC born in mha verse. he will still end up arrogant since that much power and wealth can do wonders on your personality)

Overlordfanboy · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


A/N: someone pointed out that it was Uruk not Urk, so my apologies I will be referring to him as Gilgamesh Uruk from now on. Because I am too lazy to go back and change his name everywhere.

It is 'Uruk Enterprises' as well, again apologies for the inconvenience)


The next day, the entire class had to do something new for their hero foundational studies as they found themselves boarding a bus and going somewhere within the large campus of UA,

"you have an amazing quirk" Midoriya flashed his signature smile at Kirishima to uplift the boy's gloomy spirit after witnessing the class battle trials, well maybe not that exactly but the show of flashy and eye-catching quirks did do a number to the red hair's self esteem.

Kirishima blushed at the praise as he showed off his quirk, and Midoriya started murmuring about its usage, pros and cons. While everyone discussed who could become the most popular hero, three names popped up immediately,

Bakugo, Todoroki, Uruk.

The heterochromatic teen took no interest in the topic and sat silently, busy in his world of thoughts.

Or so, everyone assumes since he had yet to say a word to them since he was forced to leave his cold soba at the cafeteria the other day.

Uruk on the other hand though, Everyone else was wearing their battle gear while the boy wore a white shirt with gold buttons and black pants with a scarf of pure white with gold linings in all of them.

Everyone noticed the clear violation of instructions since they had been told to wear their battle gear for the exercise today but none voiced their thoughts, not even Iida with his newly acquired position as the class president, since the indoor battle trial memory was still fresh in their minds.

Hence they all waited for Aizawa to arrive and tell him off.

But their expectations were quickly dashed when Aizawa didn't say anything.

Turns out, since his armor was a part of his quirk he made his favorite set of shirts and jeans his 'battle gear'.

Bakugo being the most popular hero was shot down immediately because of his attitude. Bakugo being Bakugo exploded when someone, Kaminari, labeled him as anything less than the best.

"Isn't Uruk the same," Sero laughed and then noticed how no buddy had joined him. Realizing what he had spoken in the heat of the moment, Sero sat still with sweet running all over his face.

A deathly silence took over the place.

Midoriya tensed up, and even Bakugo muttered how the tape boy was about to become a part of a history lesson on what happens when people don't keep their mouths shut.

Everyone, including Aizawa who was well aware of the boy's violent nature, glanced at the boy in question to see his reaction but found the boy sitting with his eyes closed not paying any attention to anything they were saying, and sighed in relief.


Both the blonde red-eyed teens have made their name as the class's most violent individuals. In Bakugo's case, the violence was more in line with a bully and could still be reasoned and handled. But the other one, He was downright brutal and unforgiving along with a sense of superiority that they had only seen in kings played in imperial-era-themed dramas.


"Get ready, we are about to arrive" Aizawa suddenly popped out of his sleeping bag to alert the students as they ended their conversation and looked outside the windows to see a giant white dome approaching.

"It looks like Universal Studio Japan, doesn't it"

"Now that you say it, yah it does"

The students discussed how familiar the giant dome looked and Mina recalled where she had seen such a building before.

The bus came to a stop and Iida quickly rushed forward stood behind Aizawa and started shouting Instructions on how to get off the bus,

"Calm down man," Rikido Sato came forward to calm Iida down who was taking his duties a little too seriously.

"get down quickly" Aizawa's order snuffed out anything Iida had to say and followed behind him down the bus. Beside Aizawa, in front of the large white dome, stood a person in an inflated astronaut suit.

"Welcome everyone to the Ultimate Space for Jams," said the person in the space suit.

''It really is the USJ'' Everyone thought together.

As the students climbed down the bus, they gathered around the two heroes present who were discussing Almight's absence in a hushed tone. At the end of the line, Gilgamesh quietly followed the students down the bus engrossed in his thoughts, not listening to the newly introduced hero's speech.

The hero in the grand scheme of things was entirely worthless to him, even lending his ear to her ramble about power and responsibility would kill him from sheer boredom,

hence he stood some distance from the group and kept his eyes elsewhere. At something far more interesting.

Todoroki found the blonde's behavior odd as the entire ride there, Uruk spent sleeping.

Todoroki had no idea the teen was watching the latest movie screening in the nearby theatre through clairvoyance the entire ride there, because of which Sero was still in one piece.

Everyone was inside the large dome. The place was a gigantic set for different disasters recreated in a very accurate way to give the best experience to future heroes. The hero 13, was the last stretch of her speech. Todoroki followed Uruk's line of sight and found him staring at the fountain in the middle of the plaza.

Bakugo, Todoroki, and Aizawa noticed that Gilgamesh had suddenly changed into his armor.

Aizawa knew of the myriad of abilities that the boy had and his arrogance, so that begged the question, Why had the boy changed into his armor right now? Not when he didn't need to...

Aizawa followed where Uruk was looking just in time to see purple smoke emerging from thin air and expand into a large screen in the blink of an eye.

"Wow so cool! Is that part of the exercise as well?" Kirishima asked with excitement pouring out of him, while people wearing villain-like attire spilled out of the purple cloud.

"NO, Those are real villains. 13! protect the kids!" Aizawa quickly gave his commands as he jumped down the stairs into the pool of villains gathered at the plaza.

At the end of the crowd of villains, a blue-haired young man stood along with a Nomu and a man made of the same purple cloud they emerged from.

"Eraserhead and no.13, According to the curriculum Almight was supposed to be here" The purple cloud guy spoke, Confirming that yesterday's commotion was their doing.

"We went through all this trouble...and the symbol of peace isn't here..." The blue-haired guy said with a disappointed tone as he looked at the students gathered near the door.

"I wonder if he will show up... if we kill the kids"


Eraserhead landed at the start of the stairs and started taking out the villains one by one. This only annoyed the blue-eyed man and the students mesmerized by the pro-hero in action momentarily forgot about their current predicament.

"Everyone we have to evacuate! Quickly!" A distressed 13, screamed as every quickly made their toward the door.

Midoriya took one last look at Aizawa before joining the others,

"What are you doing Uruk?!?" Iida screamed as Midoriya looked at the boy in golden armor, standing with his arms crossed near the stairs looking at the villains. Bakugo and Todoroki noticed that he was looking particularly at the large bird-faced guy and the purple cloud guy.

Suddenly the purple guy disappeared,

"Apologizes, but I cannot let you escape" Purple cloud covered the retreating students,

""What!"" No.13 and some other students exclaimed when the villain appeared out of thin air.

"Since we have to kill the symbol of peace, help us tire him out first," the purple guy said as the purple clouds started covering the group,

The cloud-like guy moved back when a large slab of ice appeared in his place,

Without any warning, Bakugo and Kirishima jumped up on the guy and attacked,

"Get back you two!" No. 13 warned as it was completely drowned out by the tension and adrenaline they were experiencing,

The two attacks failed as they passed through the smokey bastard. While in mid-air both the teens were left defenseless, Bakugo clicked his tongue as he saw a large cloud covering him,

"dodge" He heard icy-hot as he looked in the direction of the voice to see another wave of ice incoming.

Kurogiri was once again forced to back away from the group otherwise he would only be trapping the ice, not the students. Bakugo along with Kirishima used the ice as a platform and jumped toward the ground near Todoroki,

"I don't need your help, Icy-Hot!" Bakugo shouted as Todoroki ignored his remark,

"What do we do?" Todoroki asked as Ice started gathering around him ready to attack,

Bakugo clicked his tongue in anger but calmed down quickly,

"He isn't the real problem" Bakugo added as Todoroki hmm-ed in response, Bakugo similar to Todoroki, reached the conclusion by looking at their top dog, Uruk, who since the start of this whole ordeal had not once taken his eye off the two in the back of the pool of villains, near the fountain.

That is how both teens noticed the purple guy moving and reacted quickly,

"Is everyone here?" Iida asked in panic as he looked around,

"I think so," Sero replied shaken up,

"Yah?" Uraraka replied unsure as she looked around counting everyone, Iida was there, and so were Deku and Bakugo and Mina and...

"We are all still here" Shoji quickly confirmed,

"Uruk!" Iida called out,

"...Speak" Gilgamesh spoke still staring at the Nomu,

"Please, escape from here and contact the school, you are the fastest here we will hold the villain so..."

"Silence Mongrel," Gilgamesh silenced Iida as he stood stunned,

'Silence?' and anger flared up inside him,

"Lives are at stack here!! This is not the time for your..." Iida screamed at Uruk and he was once again interrupted by another enraged student, Yaoyorozu.

"You go, Iida, don't waste your time on him," Momo said as she made many flash bombs to cover him,

"Ha Ha Ha," Laughter reached their ears as the smoke guy started creating many screens similar to what the villains had popped out of,

"If I cannot send you all there, then I will simply bring them here"

As villains poured out of the portals,

"Get behind me!" No. 13 said as all the students jumped back, standing between No.13 and Uruk. 13 opened the lids on her fingers creating a wind that pulled all the villains towards her,

"Hey, Hey, Hey!!!" Kaminari, seeing a swarm of Villains getting pulled straight toward them, panicked and let out some of his electricity and electrocuted Mineta who was hugging him in fear.

"Shit! Sorry"

13, ignoring everything behind her, focused in front of her. The moment villains were airborne due to her pull, she dragged her hands over and used the momentum to throw them over the group and down the stairs.

"So Manly!" Kirishima exclaimed as he saw a sea of Villains being thrown down the stairs,

"Pro-heroes are truly a pain," Kurogiri quoted Shigaraki and quickly made his way to block 13 from throwing any more of their muscle down the stairs,

while the remaining villains started running at the kids,

"Guess we are fighting after all" Kirishima readied himself,

"Everyone cover your eyes!" Momo screamed as everyone closed their eyes just before a blinding flash of light covered the area,

"Go Iida!"

With the roar of his engine, Iida made a beeline straight towards the door.

"No, you don't" But Korugiri was faster as he materialized right in front of the door and started making a portal there,

If 13 used her quirk Iida would get trapped in it as well, everyone else was busy dealing with the villains or too far away to do anything, what should we do? Momo's mind raced as she tried to come up with something,


"Iida! Duck!" A shout from a familiar voice and Iida let himself fall to the ground, trusting his friend.

Midoriya had already made his way to the front of the group, his instincts taking over,


...and flicked his finger, creating a large and violent gust of wind that decimated everything in its path. Iida was shot forward by the wind like an arrow. While everything else that could not respond in time was hit with enough force to throw them away like dolls,

The wind blew away the gates along with Kurogiri in front of it who was taken by surprise, while Iida made his way outside at bullet speed.

"Yes!" Mina jumped up as Iida was no longer in their field of view.

The rescue will be there shortly. Kurogiri and the group of fledgling heroes thought the same thing with polar opposite intentions behind it. The two-bit villains were taken care of by the group of students and 13 was still going strong,

With the heroes supporting Almight, it will be impossible to kill him, hence Kurogiri disappears from the door once again and appears beside Shigaraki.

"KYAA!!!" But the celebration was short-lived.

Everyone turned away from the open doors towards the stairs to find Uruk at the same spot and position as before while Jirou with a terrified expression pointed towards the center of the plaza,

""" Aizawa!"""

The bloodied and broken figure of the pro-hero lifted off the ground by his head, dangling in the hand of the bird-monster-thing.

"Stay here!" 13 shouted as she ran down the stairs.

Seeing the horrifying sight, Some students backed away from the sight, closing their eyes unable to see the fate of their teacher. some ignored the commands of the hero and ran down behind her,

"What was that noise Kurogiri?" Shigaraki asked annoyed at the arrival of the guy and the kids over there were still alive,

"One of the students managed to escape" Kurogiri replied with shame,

"hmm...If you weren't our way out of here, I would have turned you to dust by now"

Kurogiri said nothing in response as Shigaraki scratched his neck even more in annoyance, and scratched again and again, Suddenly he stopped after seeing the other hero and kids making their way towards him,

and a wicked grin downed his face,

"Nomu" The large abomination dropped Aizawa,

"Kill of them"

Nomu roared in response as he disappeared from 13's sight, His target was the one closest to him,

A boy clad in golden armor,

A large fist stopped right before Gilgamesh's face, as chains coming out of golden portals bound the monster in the air, everything happened so fast that no one except the two noticed,

The boy was unharmed and the Nomu was bound by golden chains in the air,

Seeing the abomination up close, Gilgamesh's face contracted with disgust.

"Filthy creature"


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