
The King of Gossip

His singing voice is addictive, his acting is enchanting, and his dance moves are absolutely electrifying. He is the KING of the entertainment world! However, this guy, with his god-like perfect looks and physique, is primarily known for his constant scandals, present everywhere and at all times. Reporter: You say it's just a rumor, but our people caught you spending a night at Avril's house? Man: I was just there to discuss some concert matters with her, and we ended up talking about life and dreams... Reporter: And what about the kiss with Emma Roberts? Man: Everyone knows I'm a great actor; I was just discussing with her how to perform a kissing scene. Reporter: But what about the Christmas Eve party with Scarlett Johansson, Taylor Swift, and seven other female celebrities... Man: Hey, buddy, I told you those are just rumors. We were just playing CS that night, 1V7, oh, NO, it was 4V4. Yes, all of that is just gossip!

OCTOBER456 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 33: Exposed

In the talent evaluation, the order of performance was not based on merit but followed the official competition sequence, from contestant number one to thirty-two. Wu Zhizheng, not in a rush to showcase, believed that a surprising performance by Chen Jin, despite his lower ranking, would make a lasting impression, especially if it came at a time when the audience was least expecting it.

Chen Jin felt that he and his five friends represented the cream of the thirty-two contestants. Although a few among the remaining twenty-six were decent, most lacked the foundational skills and natural talent to truly stand out.

The first five performers failed to impress, but Tang Baoru's vocal skills and technique garnered some praise from the judges. Then came Lian Junying, Li Guoxian, Xu Dong, and Chen Qiang, all of whom surprised the judges with their abilities. Except for Li Guoxian, whose ordinary appearance belied his talent, the others possessed both skills and appealing looks.

Chen Qiang, in particular, was a bundle of excitement on stage, which brought out his best performance, far exceeding his usual singing level.

Then it was Zhao Shaowen's turn. Though his singing was average, his dance skills were remarkably impressive, reminiscent of a budding Aaron Kwok, albeit with notable differences in appearance and skill level. At this time, Aaron Kwok was still trying to make his mark in Taiwan and was not yet widely recognized.

As Chen Jin had anticipated, their group was indeed the more talented bunch. After witnessing their performances, the judges sped through the evaluations of the less impressive contestants, occasionally offering brief comments before swiftly moving on.

The harsh reality of competition was evident – the judges, limited by time, focused their attention on promising talents, with little time to offer encouragement to every participant. It wasn't the moment to display approachability.

The subtle differences in skills and attitudes among the contestants were noticeable. Those with a poor mindset were disheartened, while others remained determined, understanding that each step, like the current cut from thirty-two to sixteen, was a test in itself.

Chen Jin observed the judges' and contestants' reactions, reminiscing about his own early days post-graduation, when he dreamt of boundless opportunities, only to be confronted by the harsh realities of a competitive industry.

Soon, it was his turn to perform. Clearing his mind and exuding a sharp aura, Chen Jin introduced himself, "Good day, judges. I'm contestant number thirty. I'll be performing a self-accompanied song by Leslie Cheung, 'A Chinese Ghost Story.'"

His mere presence was captivating enough, and Huang Zhan, known for his forthright manner, couldn't help but express his admiration, "Ah, young man, you're even more handsome than on TV and in newspapers!"

Chen Jin's appearance on television and the subsequent newspaper articles had caused quite a stir, with varying opinions about his elegance, charisma, or perceived arrogance. Yet, he remained a topic of intrigue.

Hearing Huang Zhan's remark, the other judges smiled, though Gu Jiahui maintained a more serious demeanor. As an old friend of Huang's and aware of the many eyes on them, Gu encouraged Chen Jin to perform, hoping for a pleasant surprise.

Chen Jin, confident in his skills, started playing the guitar with practiced ease, his improvements in singing technique and the subtle changes in his body due to his special abilities evident in his performance. His rendition showcased a breath control and rhythmic sense that surpassed many professionals, drawing comparisons to the likes of Mei Yanfang and Zhang Xueyou present there.

Mei Yanfang, always supportive of new talents and known for her affable nature, had seen Chen Jin perform thrice. Her impression of him had evolved from just another handsome face to a poised and promising young artist. His guitar and singing skills solidified her belief in his potential.

After his performance, applause broke out almost simultaneously from all eight judges, with Huang Zhan openly expressing his admiration, "Well done! With your current level, you could already release an album."

Zhang Xueyou, always light-hearted, complimented, "Really good, Jin. I wasn't even this good when I started. Keep it up, and you'll surely succeed."

Chen Jin humbly acknowledged the praises, impressing even the usually stern Gu Jiahui with his composure.

While others heaped praise, Mei Yanfang offered measured encouragement, "Ah KING, you've heard the seniors. They see potential in you, so you must strive harder." Turning to the other contestants, who looked on enviously, she added, "Many of you here are also very talented. Keep working hard, and success won't be far."

Her words were carefully chosen. Claiming that all contestants were equally talented would sound insincere, but by suggesting that some among them had potential, she motivated everyone without singling out anyone.

Gu Jiahui, appreciating Mei's approach, nodded in agreement, "Mei's right. Many of you have the potential to sign with a label. With the executives of Hua Xing Records observing, make the most of this opportunity."

Wen Zhaolun, Zhou Huimin, and the two executives from Hua Xing Records played a less active role, given their junior status among the judges and the need for discretion at this stage of the competition.

After Chen Jin's performance, the remaining two contestants, lacking in talent, quickly finished their turns. The judges, having no intention to dine with the contestants, left early, though they planned to return in the afternoon for further guidance.

Wu Zhizheng watched Chen Jin leave, visibly pleased with the unanimous approval from the judges, a promising sign for Chen Jin's future.

Chen Zi Chen, however, scoffed, "Don't celebrate too soon. Once that little fraud's true identity is revealed, we'll be in trouble. If someone uses this against us, let's see how you handle it."

Wu Zhizheng's expression faltered momentarily before he smiled slyly, "With Miss Chen here, I'm not worried about any problems."