
The King of Gossip

His singing voice is addictive, his acting is enchanting, and his dance moves are absolutely electrifying. He is the KING of the entertainment world! However, this guy, with his god-like perfect looks and physique, is primarily known for his constant scandals, present everywhere and at all times. Reporter: You say it's just a rumor, but our people caught you spending a night at Avril's house? Man: I was just there to discuss some concert matters with her, and we ended up talking about life and dreams... Reporter: And what about the kiss with Emma Roberts? Man: Everyone knows I'm a great actor; I was just discussing with her how to perform a kissing scene. Reporter: But what about the Christmas Eve party with Scarlett Johansson, Taylor Swift, and seven other female celebrities... Man: Hey, buddy, I told you those are just rumors. We were just playing CS that night, 1V7, oh, NO, it was 4V4. Yes, all of that is just gossip!

OCTOBER456 · Urban
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38 Chs

Chapter 32: Oh Women!

Walking wasn't far, but the journey was made lively when a car passed by Chen Jin. The passengers, amused by his recent prominence, whistled and made a commotion. For them, seeing Chen Jin's minor embarrassments was a source of entertainment, whether out of jest or malice.

Chen Jin chuckled lightly and, in a mischievous act, ran up to grab the teasing hand of Chen Qiang, who was waving at him. He dramatically pleaded, "Stay, my dear, please, don't leave me..."

The onlookers were stunned, then burst into laughter. Chen Qiang, playing along, responded, "Forgive me, my love, I am not the delicate one here; I seek a normal life."

The car slowed down intentionally, making the moment linger. Chen Jin, feigning sorrow, exclaimed, "What about our vows of eternal love last night? Was it all a lie, you heartbreaker?"

Chen Qiang, quick-witted, continued, "Truth be told, my dear, it was all a sacrifice for today's bus ticket home. I had planned to leave quietly at dawn, as I came, leaving you with only a memory. Alas, you woke..."

From the hotel to the TV city, Chen Jin and Chen Qiang kept everyone in stitches with their tragicomedy, drawing laughter all the way to the training center. Even Chen Zi Chen couldn't help but laugh, her charm captivating some onlookers.

Reaching the TV city without breaking a sweat, Chen Jin's panting was part of his act. After getting off the car, Tang Bao playfully scolded him, "You two shameless guys, utterly disgusting."

Then, wrapping an arm around Lian Junying's waist, she teased, "Junying, it turns out this guy is a big 'glass', you're in trouble now."

The others joined in, with Zhao Shaowen giving Chen Jin a thumbs-up, "Brilliant, brother, never knew you had it in you." Xu Dong, feigning seriousness, asked, "Ah KING, may I boldly ask, between you and Qiang, who is the lover and who is the beloved?" Then he ran off, prompting a chase, sending everyone into another round of laughter.

As they headed upstairs, Chen Zi Chen, seemingly in a good mood, gathered everyone to announce today's special guests for the competition. The list included notable figures like Huang Zhan, Gu Jiahui, Wang Zixin, Liao Yibing; special guests Mei Yanfang, Zhang Xueyou, Wen Zhaolun, and Zhou Huimin.

Hearing these names, everyone buzzed with excitement but managed to contain themselves, not wanting to risk being thrown out like Chen Jin's lucky escape.

Chen Zi Chen, avoiding Chen Jin's annoying grin, announced, "Let's head downstairs to show our sincerity." Chen Jin, suspecting her motives, couldn't help but admire her graceful figure as she turned away.

Chen Jin's gaze lingered on her, unnoticed by others. But Chen Zi Chen felt it, turning around indignantly. She couldn't openly accuse him; it would seem too deliberate. Biting her lip in frustration, she quickly descended the stairs.

Zhao Shaowen jokingly suggested that Chen Zi Chen might have a grudge against Chen Jin. Tang Bao was curious about their past. Chen Jin, still on Chen Qiang's shoulder, denied knowing her before. He then whispered a theory about internal company power struggles possibly affecting their interactions.

Everyone considered his explanation plausible. Xu Dong cautioned him about offending women but was silenced by a look from Tang Bao, lightening the mood again.

The guest judges arrived promptly, introducing themselves. Chen Jin and the others learned more about the judges' backgrounds, which hinted at potential opportunities for the contestants.

After the introductions, everyone headed to the dance studio, where the judges would assess the contestants' talents, providing guidance and insights.

This assessment was also a chance for the judges to get first-hand information about the contestants, aiding their decision-making in the evening's judgments.

Despite the apparent levity, the moment was crucial for the contestants, offering a rare chance to be evaluated by such esteemed judges. The session was concise, a relief for the contestants who feared a drawn-out ordeal.

The primary aim of this initial evaluation was to equip the judges with firsthand insights into the contestants' abilities, crucial for the upcoming judgments.

Amidst the palpable excitement and tension, the contestants were keenly aware of the judges' presence, adding both pressure and prestige to the competition.

Chen Zi Chen, while trying to avoid Chen Jin's gaze, couldn't help but feel unsettled by his attention. Among her many admirers, Chen Jin's manner of looking at her triggered unfamiliar and confusing emotions.

Noticing Chen Zi Chen's hasty departure, Zhao Shaowen commented in jest, "Seems like our housekeeper has a special eye for Ah KING, almost as if she's out to get him."

Chen Jin, half-jokingly, kicked Zhao and warned him about being careless with his words, especially around Chen Zi Chen. Tang Bao, curious, asked Chen Jin about any prior interactions with Chen Zi Chen, noting her evident distaste for him.

Before Chen Jin could answer, Chen Qiang humorously suggested, "Maybe she's smitten with you but resents you for having someone else." Chen Jin, responding in jest, playfully strangled Chen Qiang, commenting on his flair for drama.

Addressing Tang Bao and Lian Junying, Chen Jin clarified that he had no previous encounters with Chen Zi Chen and couldn't have offended her. He then shared a theory in a hushed tone, implying a power struggle within the company between Chen Zi Chen and another executive, potentially affecting his position.

This speculation seemed plausible to the group. Xu Dong, concurring, advised Chen Jin to be cautious, particularly around women. His advice, however, was abruptly halted by a stern look from Tang Bao, redirecting the conversation to the pleasant weather and the prospects of the day's competition.

Upon the judges' arrival, the contestants were introduced to their esteemed credentials, inspiring ambitions in some of the contestants who saw the judges as gateways to future opportunities.

Thankfully, the gathering was spared from overly elaborate welcome ceremonies. The judges casually greeted Chen Zi Chen and another executive before heading upstairs. Their nonchalance towards the contestants, including Chen Jin, was apparent, but their polite interactions with Chen Zi Chen underscored her considerable clout within the company.

Once upstairs, the contestants and judges gathered in the large dance studio, able to accommodate the nearly seventy people, including the judges' entourage.

The mandatory formalities were brief, much to the contestants' relief, as none of the judges were inclined towards long speeches.

The session then shifted to evaluating the contestants' talents, offering specific guidance and insights. The effectiveness of this session and the contestants' ability to assimilate the feedback would be pivotal for their performance in the evening's competition.

The day presented a critical opportunity for the contestants to showcase their talents and advance their careers. The presence of such influential judges added a layer of gravity and excitement, making it a day filled with anticipation and potential.

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